What is ideology and is it needed at all ?!

The word "ideology" is a set of specific values, views and ideas, reflecting the interests of certain groups, people, organizations and entire countries.

So what is ideology? What functions can it perform?

what is ideology
In simple terms, ideology is a certain core of a specific person, certain groups of people, society and society. Ideology identifies, unites and makes it possible to understand oneself and one's place in society, allows one to evaluate one’s environment, to reveal one’s involvement in a particular organization or society. The ideology is based on a specific goal, an idea that encourages people to act, sets the motion vector, motivates to develop and strive for this idea. So now we understand what ideology is - this is what answers the questions about who I am, who we are, why and where we are going.

The current denial of any ideology at all is popular. You hear more often that young people have a developed unwillingness to take a specific public position, saying, "Do I need this more than anyone else ?!" Their blurred life guidelines show ideological disorientation, unwillingness to bother and powerless awareness of their "I" and their place in society. In this regard, it is important to understand that national ideology is a unifying national philosophy. Today it is a fact that consumer ideology prevails, where material wealth, prestige, status, life without effort and constant pleasure are the norm of life for certain circles of society.

national ideology
In Soviet times, society had a specific coordinate system in all spheres of life, from birth to its last days. Of course, the very question of the effectiveness of Soviet ideology is controversial, but, nevertheless, the Soviet people knew who they were fighting against and what they were striving for, which cannot be said about today's modern ideology. But the basic tenets that should be holy for each country are the ideology of protection from all types of modern weapons and the preservation of peace on Earth, no matter what the fierce struggle for resources is.

What is ideology within organizations and companies?

If we consider the ideology as an example of organization, then we can say that if there are no signs of ideology and a single system of values and ideas, then such a company is doomed. Passivity, indifference and indifference of employees is the norm. During working hours, they read books out of work, chat on the phone, visit porn sites and spend full time on social networks ... This is just a short list of problem areas for all managers.

corporate ideology
The concept of “corporate ideology” has long been relevant along with the development of the concept of “effective enterprise management”. A feature is the creation of a favorable psychological climate in the organization, aimed at obtaining long-term profit and success of the company in the market.

Everyone knows perfectly well that the basis of the company's success is not unique products and modern production technology, but the company's human resource. Corporate ideology serves to build and consolidate loyalty and commitment among both employees and customers to their company. Such a positive attitude can only be developed if there is a corporate culture , certain values ​​and ideas, and if they are not there, then it is necessary to create them, both goals, golden rules, and ideas, traditions and legends. This will give a mandatory impetus to the development of the company, employees will receive joy from the work process, apply a creative approach to work, strive for professional self-improvement, delight in cohesion and make their small contribution to the company's positioning in the market of your region.

So after all, what is ideology within the framework of corporate governance? Believe me, the organization of corporate events, such as company day, corporate uniform, corporate holidays, will cost you less than a constant staff turnover and unhealthy atmosphere in the team.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6563/

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