How to make an iron block in Minecraft - instructions

In the world of Minecraft, there is a great variety of materials intended both for the construction and manufacture of objects, and for simple decoration of objects, coloring them in the right color and surroundings. It is such material that the iron block at Minecraft is.

What is necessary

Any gamer playing Minecraft understands that raw materials are needed to create blocks and items. Also with the question: "How to make an iron block in Minecraft?" In order to craft it, we need to get as much of the initial resource as possible. Namely, iron ore.

how to make an iron block in minecraft

To get it, you need to create a minimum stone pick, since a wooden one is not suitable for this process. Iron ore will be best sought at a depth of about 16 meters (blocks). Thus, you will not be flooded from above with water, and you will not fall into lava. You will be lucky if you meet any cave. It is very often possible to detect iron deposits in them.

Based on the foregoing, before making the iron block at Minecraft, stock up on stone picks and torches and go to mine as much ore as possible.


Of all the recipes in Minecraft, how to make an iron block is perhaps one of the easiest. After you stock up on ore, we go to our stove. There we need to melt all of it into bullion. Remember that while you sleep, the process of melting does not go. Thus, if you play in survival mode and want to create a house entirely of iron, you will need a lot of time for this venture.

minecraft how to make an iron block

So how to make an iron block in Minecraft? Very simple. Open the workbench interface. Before us there are nine free cells. We need to place one ingot in them. So you can see that it takes 9 ingots to create one iron block. Too much, but what to do.


Of course, consideration of the question: "How to make an iron block at Minecraft?" - It cannot be complete unless you talk about where they can be applied. After all, doing is one thing, and being able to apply is another.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the color of the block, light gray. And this despite the fact that the ore is initially brown. Therefore, if you were going to use iron in pixel art as a brown color, then you better forget it.

And now about where it is worth applying iron blocks in practice.

iron block in minecraft

  1. Construction. Iron blocks are much stronger than wooden ones. Thus, your home, made of this material, will be much more resistant to the explosions of the same creepers than wooden. Not bad, is it?
  2. Storage. Iron ore, being one of the most popular materials in the game, is also very common. You can craft iron blocks to save space in your inventory. After all, the block can be disassembled back into nine ingots.
  3. Golem. If you expose the iron blocks, as shown in the figure above, then your statue will come to life, and you will have at your disposal a real battle golem. It is only a pity that you cannot manage it directly, but it will protect the territory accessible to it from monsters, and if it is not fenced, it will lead you straight to the village with the inhabitants.


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