How to build a gazebo made of wood or brick: step-by-step instructions

A gazebo in the country or your own land is needed for relaxation, spending time with friends and family. Such a structure can be built independently. It is necessary to consider the technology of this process, to determine the type of materials. You can create a gazebo made of wood or brick. The choice depends on the preferences and skills of the wizard. How to build a gazebo will be discussed in detail below.

Process features

Almost everyone will be able to build a gazebo (photo designs are presented below). You need to show imagination by developing a beautiful and comfortable design. Initially, a place should be allocated for the construction of the structure. Here you need to free space from all that is superfluous. The site requires special training.

Build a treehouse

Before you begin, you need to prepare a drawing. All dimensions of the future structure are applied to it. There are many options for gazebos. They can have different shapes and dimensions. There are also open and closed buildings. If desired, the gazebo can be insulated. It will be possible to relax in the winter.

It is also worth saying that the gazebo can be built from different materials. The most popular options are wood and brick. The first option is easier to install. Wood is easier to process, cut different shapes for beams, beams. Brickwork will be stronger and more durable. However, special skills will be required to work with this material.

Regardless of the choice of material, the design must have a foundation. Therefore, it is important to consider in detail how to build a gazebo in the country. A frame will be erected on the foundation. You also need to select and mount the roof correctly.

You will need to supplement the gazebo with benches, a table. We need to consider whether they will be remote or whether the furniture should be fixed on the basis of the gazebo. If a brick gazebo is being built, you can install a barbecue in it. In wooden structures, the hearth is necessarily built at a distance from the gazebo. Otherwise, such a building will not comply with fire safety rules.

All the nuances need to be thought out in advance, indicating them on the plan. You can consider several options for buildings. This will allow you to choose the best option. The novice master needs to choose simple forms of arbors. It’s easier to build a square or rectangular structure. Complex forms will require a lot of time and effort.

Choosing a place of construction, creating a drawing

Almost every owner of their own home will be able to build a gazebo in the country. Projects of such constructions should be reviewed. This will allow you to choose the best option. Many homeowners doubt whether to build a gazebo out of wood or brick. In each case, there are advantages and disadvantages. Regardless of the type of structure, you need to properly position it on the site.

Build a gazebo in the country with a barbecue

Most often, a gazebo is equipped near the house. Here it will be possible to receive guests, arrange noisy gatherings. In this case, it will be easier to carry food and utensils from home. If the arbor is far away, in bad weather there may be difficulties in transferring all the necessary things here.

In some cases, the gazebo is built for relaxation, passive relaxation and solitude. Here you can admire the surrounding nature, to be alone with your thoughts. Such a gazebo needs to be built further from the house. It should go into the garden or allow to admire the natural landscapes that surround the site.

It is recommended to create a gazebo for a relaxing holiday near flower beds, decorative plantings. If you place the gazebo near an artificial reservoir with a fountain or a small waterfall, you can enjoy the murmur of water. The question of choosing a place for the gazebo needs to be approached responsibly. It must be solved before you build a gazebo. Projects of similar designs should be drawn on paper. In this case, it is advisable to take into account the plan of the entire site. On it should be indicated trees, flower beds, communications, etc.

It is also worth considering that the appearance of the gazebo must be harmoniously entered into the surrounding space. The design should match the style of landscape design. Otherwise, this structure will look inappropriate, spoil the view. The dimensions of the gazebo are selected in accordance with the space on the site, as well as the size of the house. The drawing is applied the exact size and type of structure. It will also be necessary to foresee the type of external and internal decoration of the building.

Pros and Cons of a Wooden Arbor

Each type of material from which the gazebo can be built has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, you need to consider their features before construction. If the master does not have basic building skills, but wants to build a gazebo cheaply and beautifully, it is better to choose a tree for construction.

Build a gazebo with barbecue

Natural material allows you to create beautiful buildings. In this case, you do not need to spend a lot of time and effort to build such a structure. For the construction of such a gazebo, timber, logs, boards, slats, etc. are used. Various decorative elements can be cut from wood. The type of arbor made of wood can be both modern and have an antique design. The choice of design depends on the style of design of the site.

Wood is a beautiful material that does not emit harmful substances into the environment. Being in such a building is nice. Every craftsman will be able to build a beautiful arbor from a tree. It will harmoniously fit into the natural landscape. However, this material has a number of disadvantages.

Wood is subject to rotting processes. Bugs that can destroy the material can start in it. Also, the duration of operation of such a gazebo will be relatively short if you do not pay due attention to its processing. The first time antiseptic impregnation is applied to the surface of beams or boards during construction. Also, the material will need to be varnished. Wood is a combustible material. Therefore, the grill in such a gazebo can not be installed.

Before starting construction, the material will also need to be impregnated with a special solution that reduces the risk of fire. Otherwise, electricity cannot be brought here.

The pros and cons of a brick gazebo

If you need to build a gazebo with a barbecue or barbecue, you should consider brick building projects. This material has several advantages. On sale is a brick for masonry, as well as for decorative finishes. Therefore, the design will look aesthetically pleasing. Such a gazebo looks especially good near the house. Noisy feasts, meetings with friends and family will be held here.

Build a gazebo of brick

Brick is a durable material. The design of such blocks will be strong and reliable. She is not afraid of adverse weather conditions. Moreover, the masonry surface does not require additional finishing. This greatly simplifies the construction process.

It should be borne in mind that the brick also does not emit toxic chemicals into the environment. It does not ignite or rot. Masonry will not be able to destroy insects. It is a strong, durable material that is relatively easy to work with. However, the master should have some experience in carrying out construction work. To build a gazebo in the country with a barbecue, you should use only brick. In this case, it is necessary to choose a refractory type of material for the construction of the source and adjacent masonry.

The disadvantage of brick arbors is their high cost. You will need to purchase a special type of brick to create a barbecue, which is quite expensive. You should also purchase a special solution for screed.

Masonry should be carried out in accordance with all norms and rules of construction. If it is not smooth enough, the structure will not be stable. Therefore, it is necessary to control its vertical and horizontal position during operation. This will require a lot of effort and time. But the finished design will be beautiful, durable and functional.

Start of construction of a wooden gazebo

There is a certain instruction on how to build a gazebo from a tree. First you need to prepare the site. In accordance with the created drawing, the topsoil is removed. Next, they begin to create the foundation. For a wooden arbor, a columnar type of base is used. First you need to do the markup. With the help of columns, you need to indicate on the prepared site where the supports will be. They must be built in the corners of the structure, as well as every 2-3 m.

Build a beautiful gazebo

In the selected places you need to dig holes. They should be 10 cm wider than the size of the brick. The depth of the pit is 60 cm (the level of soil freezing in the area should be taken into account).

At the bottom you need to lay sand. It is tampered with quality. Next, pour crushed stone. Each layer should be 10 cm. A layer of waterproofing (roofing material) is laid on top. A layer of concrete of about 5 cm is poured into the pit. The waterproofing should adhere to the walls of the pit and come to the surface.

In the recess you need to build a brickwork. They are laid out in 2 pieces. A cement layer is applied on top. Then 2 more bricks, but they are already laid across. This is done until the columns are lined up with the desired length. The position of the bricks is checked during the laying process by the building level.

When considering how to build a wooden gazebo, foundation building technologies need to be given special attention. The strength and durability of the structure will depend on the correctness of its construction. Below the ventilation gap should remain between the gazebo floor and the soil layer. Support columns on top are also covered with two layers of roofing material. After this, you can proceed to the construction of the frame.

Floor, walls and roof

Considering how to build a gazebo yourself, you need to pay attention to creating a wood frame. First you should arrange the floor. First, the tie bar is fixed on the supporting posts. Also on top of it you need to lay lags. For this, a bar with a cross section of 10x10 cm is used. All materials are pre-treated with an antiseptic. When the lags are laid, boards are installed on them.

How to build a gazebo?

Then you can build walls. They must be open. If necessary, you can install sliding windows here. This will protect the interior from rain and wind in bad weather. Most often, the walls are made completely open. To do this, use edged boards, beams or other materials that were provided for by the plan.

The fastening of boards or timber is carried out using metal corners, nails. First fix the supports. This is done vertically. The boards that will be used in the process of finishing the arbor will be based on them. The evenness of their installation must be constantly monitored using a level.

The walls inside can also be upholstered with boards or wooden lining. You can use different decorative elements from wood. You can also decorate the interior after completion of construction with curtains. Flowers are often planted in the gazebo, pillows are laid on the seats, and the table is covered with a beautiful tablecloth.

On the supports you need to fix the roof. A strapping of timber is made at the top. A rafter system of beams is mounted on it. The slope of the roof should be selected based on the climatic features of the area. Its configuration may be different. It’s easier to build a gable roof. Finishing is carried out using slate, corrugated board, soft materials. If the gazebo is next to the house, it is advisable to use the same materials as on the roof of the house. This will allow you to build a beautiful gazebo that will harmoniously fit into the exterior of the cottage or cottage.

Terms of Use

Knowing how to build a gazebo in stages, you should consider a few more nuances. Such a structure must be properly operated. Theoretically, even in a wooden arbor, you can lay out a hearth of brick. This will require a series of work. The wood must be impregnated with flame retardants. Brazier installation requires the arrangement of a separate foundation.

How to build a gazebo yourself?

At the base of the gazebo, where it is planned to create a hearth, a depression is made. Next, you need to dig a recess of about 70 cm. Sand and gravel are poured on its bottom. Next, pour concrete. A layer of waterproofing is applied to it. The formwork is installed on top and the concrete base is poured. The base should be 5 cm larger on all sides. Further, after the concrete has hardened, it is possible to proceed to the masonry.

Refractory bricks are used for barbecue. The floor in the gazebo needs to be covered with a sheet of thermal insulation. In this case, there should be no wood behind the back wall of the outbreak. The space between it and the wood must be laid with mineral wool. Such construction is quite complicated and costly. It is easy for a beginner to make serious mistakes.

How to build a gazebo with barbecue? There are a number of strict rules. Violating them may cause a fire. Therefore, much more often create arbors with a hearth of brick. This is a safer way.

Boards and bars are impregnated with fire-fighting compounds to create wiring. It must be open. Retro wiring will look good. You can use modern lighting, such as diode lamps or ribbons.

Start of construction of a brick gazebo

You can also build a gazebo of brick yourself. To do this, you need to carefully work out the drawing. Most often, a strip foundation is used to create such an arbor. You need to do the markup. The foundation should also pass under the barbecue, if one is provided for in the gazebo.

Then dig a pit. It should be about 70 cm deep (below the level of soil freezing). A layer of sand is laid at the bottom. Tamped and stacked rubble. Each of these layers should be about 20 cm. The width of the trench should correspond to the size of the walls and may be about 45 cm.

A ruberoid is laid on top of the prepared sand-gravel pillow. It should be 15 cm higher than the edges of the pits. Next, using steel rods with a diameter of 2-3 cm, you need to create a reinforcement. They are laid along and across the trench. At the same time, they are fixed to each other using a wire.

Considering how to build a gazebo in the country, you need to pay great attention to the proper creation of the foundation. It must be constructed in accordance with building codes. After creating the reinforcement, it is necessary to lay the formwork from the boards inside the trench. Next, pour cement mortar inside. Its surface needs to be leveled and covered with a film. The design dries in about 4-5 weeks. Its surface needs to be moistened to avoid cracking.


When considering how to build a gazebo with or without barbecue, you need to pay attention to the masonry process. It can be made from any suitable type of brick, which is not afraid of the influence of moisture and weather conditions. The focus is created from refractory grades.

After drying, the foundation must be covered with two layers of roofing material. Next, proceed to the masonry. Her type is selected in accordance with the project. It is important to keep the walls level. Erect supports, walls. Also, a barbecue is separately built. The hearth can be simple and complex. The owners of the house choose the design individually.

Door and window openings are being equipped. Walls may be open. In this case, windows will not be installed here. It is better to do a laying in a brick or even a half brick. This is especially important if the gazebo will be used in the winter.

When considering how to build a gazebo from brick blocks, you need to consider the features of the first row of masonry. Here you need to leave space for the installation of wooden logs. They will be laid on the floor of the boards. You can also fill the base with a screed. In this case, holes for the lag are not required. It is necessary to pour a layer of expanded clay. Waterproofing is laid on it. A rough screed is poured onto it. If the gazebo will be used in the winter, you need to insulate the floor. On the first screed, polystyrene foam is lined. It must be covered with waterproofing and a layer of reinforcing mesh. Next, the final screed is poured. The floor can be finished with almost any material.

After the construction of the walls, the roof is equipped. The rafter system is created from a bar. The roof design is chosen in accordance with the type of arbor. On the rafters they lay the crate. Roofing can be made of any materials. It is best if they correspond to the materials that were used in the construction of the roof of the cottage or cottage.

Arrangement of a brick gazebo

Considering how to build a gazebo, you need to pay attention to the arrangement of its internal space. Here most often create a center. Its construction requires a separate consideration. First, a rough floor is equipped on the prepared foundation. It is created using a screed.

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