The best brands of children's shoes: manufacturers list, rating and photos

Every parent knows that a child is expensive. Not only in the material sense, but also in the moral. It is worth visiting a children's clothing store once to understand all the difficulties of choice. Showcases are simply full of brands of children's clothing, shoes, and developmental toys. How to make the right choice?

Difficulties in choosing children's shoes

beautiful shoes

As they say, keep your feet warm. Not only warmth, but also comfort should be the main selection criteria for parents. This is especially true for those whose children take their first steps. Discomfort, rubbed heels can cause improper development of the children's foot. Our market is full of all kinds of goods for children, including shoes. Bright colors, attractive design can not always guarantee that money is not wasted. That is why experienced parents prefer to buy children of famous brands with their children.

What is the first thing you should pay attention to when buying children's shoes? Of course, on the material from which they are made. The skin on the children's leg remains very sensitive for a long time. It is imperative that the material is breathable. And better - natural.

The younger the child, the freer his foot should feel. For the smallest we choose shoes with flexible soles. As the foot grows, the sole should harden.

Orthopedically correctly made shoes that have a solid backdrop. He does not allow the baby's leg to move to the side, which is why he may develop clubfoot and flat feet.

When choosing a size, you should choose shoes so that they are not too large. One centimeter for summer and one and a half for winter for growth is quite enough.

The presence of an orthopedic insole is desirable, but not necessary, if there is no special indication for this. In addition, the insole can be purchased separately, ordered specifically for your child.

To save in this case is not worth it, as this will affect the further development and health of the baby.

Verified Brands

fashion sneakers

Brands that have proven themselves for several years, and possibly decades, as excellent quality products are considered trusted. For example, in the Russian market there are domestic brands of children's shoes, which many mothers prefer to the most trusted foreign ones. First of all, these products are notable for their loyal prices and the opportunity to buy shoes for a child for not very wealthy families. At the same time, the quality remains decent, despite the difference in prices compared to foreign brands. In addition, manufacturers are trying to take into account local climatic conditions. According to the rating of several sites selling children's shoes, such factories as Kotofey and Skorohod are leading. Both of them have a long history of work in the domestic market.

At one time, the Skorokhod factory was considered the most worthy in terms of shoe quality. The use of natural materials and pads that are correct from an orthopedic point of view were considered the standard of Soviet children's shoes. The models did not differ in beauty, and the design rarely changed. However, at present, the quality of the shoes of the famous factory is considered very good deservedly. Even budget models of children's shoes are made to all quality standards. Their range is represented by a very wide range of shoes, not only for every taste, but also for every wallet. At the same time, shoes continue to be created in accordance with all the rules of GOST and orthopedic standards.

Kotofey is also considered one of the leaders in sales of children's shoes. Taking into account the problem of the rapid growth of children, this factory also produces good shoes made of artificial materials that meet all medical requirements. In addition, the kids are delighted with the colorful design.

Often mummies mention the Antelope Pro company. According to those who constantly bought shoes of this particular manufacturer for their children, they are the best, despite the rather low cost of their goods. A rich assortment and good quality do not suffer at all due to availability.

Market news

boots for boy

In addition to well-known Russian manufacturers, the market for children's shoes is saturated with foreign companies. Some years occupy a worthy place in the ranking of brands of children's shoes. Others came recently, but also managed to win the hearts of caring mothers.

Many sites selling children's shoes, voiced in the ranking among the best in the Russian market products of several companies. In comparison with other foreign companies, the Ekko company was the leader in sales of children's shoes in Russia. A wide range, modern design, constant updating of models according to fashion trends, the use of high-quality materials - all this, of course, can be attributed to the advantages of the products of this company. The downside may be the price, which sometimes exceeds the minimum cost of living in many regions. Given that children grow out of shoes and clothes very quickly, you can only admire it on the shelves of shoe stores.

Kuoma also quite often appears in the rankings among the best. The quality of the products of this company is not in doubt. Many note the decent quality of the sole, which has the properties of depreciation. Moreover, the price is more acceptable than the previous leader. And yet, many in our country, despite the noted decent quality, the price seems very high.

The Austrian Superfit has established itself as a worthy rival to the best manufacturers of children's shoes. High-quality materials used to create children's and teenage shoes give a guarantee that in winter weather the child will not freeze, and in case of a thaw, he will not come home with wet legs. Attractive design, orthopedically correctly made block can justify the price, which many call the main drawback of this shoe.

Orthopedic shoes

Many companies initially lay in the manufacture of shoes for children all orthopedic standards. This increases the quality of the product, and hence the demand. However, this shoe is intended for children without foot pathologies. If the doctor recommended the child special orthopedic shoes, you should consider options designed for children with deviations in the development of the foot. The main brands of children's orthopedic shoes in our market are represented by well-known companies. According to some mothers who thoroughly study all the indicators of orthopedic shoes, you can trust the following brands.

Sursil Ortho from Holland offers its shoes for children with problematic feet. Their shoes are beautiful and can be liked by any little fashionista. On the insole there is zoning to determine whether this model is suitable for a child. At the same time, shoes have an affordable price. Doctors advise to wear such shoes no more than 3-4 hours a day.

"Skorokhod" and in the line of orthopedic shoes is not losing ground. According to customer reviews, the shoes are comfortable for the child. Insoles made of breathable material. The products themselves are made of special water-repellent material. However, the assortment is very limited, and in many salons there is no specialized orthopedic line at all.

“Totto” is shoes that are much easier to find on store shelves, as it relates to shoes of low orthopedic complexity.

In most cases, specialized footwear represented by famous brands has a design of low orthopedic complexity. If the child has severe deviations, you will have to sew shoes to order, taking into account all the requirements.

Beauty and quality

autumn boots

Two main criteria by which people make a choice in favor of a particular brand are beauty and quality. This is if there are no budget restrictions. Famous brands of children's shoes are often represented by very high-quality products. Buyers have no complaints about manufacturers. But the design is much more complicated. Given that tastes are not argued, then it makes no sense to give any recommendations. Yes, and the material from which the children's boots will be made, each parent will select at their discretion. Someone prefers natural material. Another disgusts the idea that for the sake of beautiful shoes for a child, materials that were once living beings were used. Everyone must determine all these criteria for himself, so that the purchase does not become unfortunate.

It is worth noting that brands of children's Spanish shoes are gaining popularity in the Russian market. The most famous of them are Pabloski, Ely, Tinnie, Bayliluna, and Natural Word. All these brands are worthy of the attention of the parents of young and growing fashionistas. Prices are quite high, due to the quality of decent brands that have proven themselves in the domestic market.

Mimy, Minimen, M.E.G.A. Orthopedic, Orsetto, Panda, Perlina and Rabbit are familiar names for Turkish children's shoe brands . They have long won the hearts of parents who are worried about the health of their children, since most models of these brands have orthopedic insoles and backdrops. A very large assortment with truly oriental luxury will offer models for every most demanding taste. Shoe lovers from Turkey can talk about its virtues for a long time. Small legs feel comfortable in it! And what could be more expensive than a smile on your favorite face?

Best winter shoes

boots on a boy

Winter in our country can last almost six months. Therefore, it is worth considering all proposals ahead of time. The best brands of children's shoes fight for the attention of buyers. And again Skorokhod is leading, offering not only light and warm shoes with non-slip soles, but also an affordable price for good quality. Kotofey did not lag behind, presenting shoes for the winter, full of surprises. Outside, their shoes have water-repellent materials, inside - fur, natural or artificial, rubberized non-slip sole. And not cold, and not damp. Yes, and the budget does not hit hard.

Summer shoes

little fashion-girl

When the long-awaited summer comes, little fashionistas and younger charming women want to appear not only in new dresses, but also to flaunt in beautiful shoes. And again the power of tastes comes into play. Comfortable ballet shoes are to someone's taste. For others, it should be heeled shoes, like mom's. Still others require sandals with rhinestones. Boys like sneakers or sneakers. What to choose is up to the parents, of course. One has only to remember that in the pursuit of beauty you can miss quality or harm your health. Well-known brands of children's shoes offer products for every taste and at any price. Summer in this sense is more democratic than winter.

Online ordering

mom and daughter

Who did not order the popular children's brand shoes online? For someone, everything went well: it came on time, and everything came up, and the price settled. However, there are those who decided for themselves to never buy shoes again in absentia. Especially for a child. Perhaps this will be some kind of savings and the illusion of a wider choice. But the human factor of misunderstanding has not been canceled. And with the shipments so far in our country, not everything is safe. Therefore, it is better to choose from what is available than to buy a cat in a poke, even if eminent and beautiful.

Mom's note

Every mother wants only the best for her baby. But sometimes she is simply not able to give her beloved child what the soul desires. Used sites come to the rescue. Sometimes they can buy great shoes at a very reasonable price. However, be careful. Children wear shoes differently from adults. Their legs, still not sufficiently strengthened, can lead beautiful shoes on the outside to be unusable from the inside. Pads worn to one side will not help the baby, who later wears these shoes, correctly install the foot. Therefore, before you buy cheaper shoes for your child, think about how this savings will turn out. The same applies to sites offering cheap products. The materials and quality of such products can not only disappoint, but also harm. If you want to save money, follow the discounts for brands of children's shoes, the list of which is presented in this article, and recommended by experienced parents. These are time-tested companies and buyers, ready to offer their customers some bonuses.


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