How to make a drywall wall

Quite often, during repairs in the apartment, there is a need to transfer the walls with the aim of more functional differentiation of the living space. Previously, for the construction of new walls, it was necessary to make masonry from blocks or bricks, which is a process that requires not only time, but also very significant material costs. However, technological progress does not stand still, and new materials are constantly appearing on the construction market, greatly facilitating the work of not only professionals, but also home craftsmen.

One of such materials is gypsum plasterboard, thanks to which the process of constructing new walls can not only be significantly accelerated, but also made much cheaper. Drywall not only allows you to build a wall or build a partition in a fairly short period of time, but also guarantees a perfect end result. Therefore, even if there was a need for redevelopment of the apartment, it is best to think about how to make a wall from drywall. Moreover, this material, simple and easy to use, provides great opportunities for translating the most daring design ideas into reality, and the wall surface turns out to be smooth, ready for final finishing with any chosen material, up to ceramic tiles.

So, if the question of how to make a wall from drywall is not scary, you can proceed directly to the construction process.

To do this, you need to purchase the right amount of drywall sheets (in accordance with the plans), special guide profiles, fastenings to them, dowel nails and self-tapping screws. Materials must be purchased with a small margin.

Installation of drywall partitions and walls begins with the construction of the frame. Guide profiles made of metal are attached to the ceiling and walls with the help of special dowel nails. Fasteners must be made reliable, otherwise the whole structure will stagger or, even worse, it may even fall. Then, vertical racks from the same profile are mounted to the main guides along the entire future wall. The step width between them should correspond to the size of the drywall sheet.

In some instructions on how to make a wall from drywall, it is advised (in order to save) to replace metal guides with wooden blocks. This is not recommended, because wood is a material that can become deformed over time, and the shape of the wall will change along with the frame. Therefore, it is not worth saving on guides. It is better to save on the procedure and think about how to install drywall yourself, without resorting to the services of a construction team.

So, the reliable framework is ready. Now it is necessary to attach drywall sheets with self-tapping screws. First, only one side of the future wall closes. Then all useful communications are laid: telephone and television cables, electrical wiring, the Internet and other planned benefits of civilization. After that, a heater is placed in the niche - polystyrene foam, mineral wool or other selected material, and the wall itself is sewn up with drywall on the second side. Now the wall is not only almost completely ready, but also reliably protected from the penetration of extraneous sounds and loss of precious heat.

All. You can proceed to the final stage - finishing. First you need to treat the entire wall surface with a special primer. Then glue all the joints between the sheets with reinforcing tape and putty. If in the future the wall is planned to be painted or glued with wallpaper, then the entire surface must be carefully puttyed. If the wall was mounted with ceramic tiles, no additional work is required.

Perhaps the lesson on the topic "How to make a wall of drywall" on this can be finished. The time has come to put this knowledge into practice.


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