Fire-resistant cable: types, brands, characteristics, purpose

Fire-resistant cable has been used in power supply for many years. Previously, it was made on the basis of basalt threads, fiberglass, mica, and other materials not subject to burning. Production was time consuming, and the design was quite complicated. Along with this, the high cost limited the scope: it could only be found at strategic sites.

fire resistant cable

Comparison with the standard option

When installing power supply systems, the fire safety of cable lines and wiring was always of particular importance. Overloading lines and their malfunction often lead to fires. An extensive network of communications is able to provide not only the ease of use of energy consumers, but also the spread of flame throughout the building.

Standard wiring during the combustion process is characterized by significant heat generation, and the value may increase depending on the mass and materials used for the shell and insulation. At the same time, asphyxiating gaseous products are released, as a result of which evacuation of people becomes more complicated and the risk of poisoning by toxic and corrosive substances increases.


Today , fire safety rules have become more stringent, among the innovations it is worth noting a prescription indicating the need to use fire-resistant wiring, such as FRLS, YnKY cable and other options, to equip fire protection mechanisms. The functioning of such elements remains the same even with the spread of fire throughout the building. Emergency lighting, warning systems should continue to operate for a long time to ensure the evacuation of victims.

Currently, materials have been created that have sufficient characteristics, among them Wacker brand silicones. Devices based on them remain operable even when exposed to temperatures above 1000 degrees. This is possible due to the insulating surface made of special rubber, which forms a dense ceramic layer at a certain temperature range. In addition to a high level of protection, a fire-resistant cable based on it has a relatively low cost.

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Why do I need special wiring

Fire wiring, short circuit in the network lead to the spread of fire and possible human casualties. These problems are not the only ones, maximum preservation of working capacity and, as a result, long-term functioning of ventilation devices and fire extinguishing systems should be given no less attention .

Due to the fact that the fire alarm cable remained an expensive element for a long time, which was difficult to install, it began to gain wide distribution recently, so today only a small fraction of buildings are equipped with such products. Products made on a silicone or glass-mica basis are laid in almost the same way as standard wiring. This is true not only for architects and electricians, but also for real estate companies, since the creation of such a network takes less financial investment.

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There are two main types that have certain advantages and disadvantages:

  1. The cable for fire alarms with fiberglass-based insulation has high fire resistance due to the use of special tapes that are resistant to temperature influences. The design consists of conductive elements wrapped in a protective barrier of glass tape containing mica. Production is fraught with some difficulties, manifested in the winding of cores with a small cross section and low speed of tape application.
  2. Fire-resistant power cables with protection in the form of silicone elastomer - thermoplastic rubber, forming a barrier to temperature and electrical insulation purposes. The material in the process of exposure to high temperature conditions creates a ceramic, reliable, dielectric layer on the surface of the products, which prevents damage to conductive conductors and preserves the functioning of the connected systems. Manufacturing is carried out in a short time and does not require complex technological steps, since the material is easily applied to the cores.

The FRLS cable has a sheath of polyvinyl chloride compositions that do not contain halogen components. Products based on special rubber are highly flexible, which provides an easy installation that has virtually no differences from the usual elements.

fire alarm cable

Fire resistant constructions

When the fire spreads, not only the wiring is affected, but also the reinforcing elements used for its installation, in particular, ducts, clamps and trays. That is why their resistance to fire must have an appropriate level and be checked in advance.

Fire prevention, alarm and evacuation control systems should be equipped with special devices that can maintain their long-term performance and increase the quality of all necessary measures. At the design stage of the building, the functioning of the lines and fire systems is calculated in accordance with the time interval allocated for evacuation. To prevent unforeseen situations, fireproof wiring should be used, for example, KPSEng-FRLS, which will increase the time of safe evacuation. The minimum value for high-rise buildings is 1.5 hours, for objects with an average number of floors - 1 hour, for small buildings - 30 minutes.

Area of โ€‹โ€‹use

The modern development of technologies has provided greater availability of non-combustible connecting elements, so that the scope of their use has become much wider. Fire-resistant cable has become widespread in the creation of such systems as:

  • emergency lighting;
  • fire alarm;
  • automatic extinguishing of local fires.

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Increased efficiency

The connection cable is fireproof, the price of which starts from 8 rubles per meter, the wire elements and cables in the fire alarm should be made with separate wires with cores based on copper. Electrical cables are most often performed by connected wiring, in some cases, control panels require the use of other types of cables.

If fire protection does not have automated control, dedicated communication lines may be used. At the same time, the elements connected to the system components must have resistance to temperature effects corresponding to the values โ€‹โ€‹of the minimum operating time at the specified location. An increase in fire resistance is possible by selecting more modern types of wiring and choosing the optimal location for laying.

Mounting Features

The performance of the SOUE should be provided by lines to which more stringent requirements are imposed. In accordance with the established rules, the connecting elements must be in the mounting channels and structures made of special materials that are not subject to burning. At the same time, the laying of fire-resistant cables can be carried out without the use of boxes with additional stability; they are presented in the Russian market in a sufficient assortment and are approved for use.

fire resistant power cables

Fire resistant cable: requirements

High requirements are imposed on the connecting elements, among them the main ones are the following:

  • the ability to create group branched networks;
  • a small amount of combustion products;
  • preventing the spread of flame, this function is provided by melting the wire and simultaneously extinguishing the arising sparks;
  • low toxicity of smoke.


The modern assortment of connecting and cable products available in stores is represented by a large number of elements with various functions and characteristics. There are both domestic manufacturers of such products as VVGNGD, VVGNG FRLS, and foreign brands that provide an extensive selection of different options, for example, halogen-free wiring FLAME-X 950, FLAME-X950, as well as N2XH and YnKY.

Products have an average price category, which contributes to the expansion of their use. Cables are able to ensure the reliability of both fire systems and other devices in ignition conditions.

The materials sold by FireKab are quite widespread, an extensive assortment is represented by high-quality elements, so that there are no difficulties when choosing.

Russian-made products are no less popular, among them the KPSVV line is the leader - it is notable for its acceptable cost and high quality that meets foreign standards.

fire resistant cable Price


Wiring KPSEng-FRLS was the first product among domestic products with organic silicon protection, which acquired serial production. Currently, this company produces large batches of products designed to ensure the functioning of fire systems. This series meets all established standards and is actively used in popular fire prevention systems, this was achieved by the formation of high-quality pairing and communication of existing components. The fire-resistant OPS cable has pair twisting, symmetry and is used to create a stationary branched network.

VVGNG-FRLS cables are a variety of products that are resistant to temperature influences, they are made from special plasticizers, characterized by the absence of halogen additives. They maintain a coherent structure in an open flame and high temperature range, it is also possible to use to provide power to electrical installations needed to eliminate fires. These products are installed in rooms with a high level of explosion hazard and in buildings for which compliance with high safety requirements is required. Various communications and systems using such cables are able to function for more than 3 hours.


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