10 tips for tourists. What medicines to take to Egypt?

Nowadays, many people have the opportunity to travel. Such a pastime was the best vacation after a hard working year. Tourists visit many countries, and one of the most popular of them in recent years has become Egypt. This delightful country is located on two seas - the Red and the Mediterranean, and its climate in most of the territory is tropical. When going on a trip, you need to take with you a lot of necessary things, among which a first-aid kit must certainly be present. In this article, you will get some tips for tourists, as well as what medicines to take to Egypt.

what medicines to take to egypt

Of course, when planning a trip, each person tries to think through everything to the smallest detail, but the problem is that it does not always work out, and then it turns out that the really necessary things somehow remained at home. And of course, you need to think about what medicines to take to Egypt. And now you have decided on the tour, bought tickets, issued all the documents and the long-awaited day of departure arrived. Now, it would seem, the case is small, but no. Here, too, there are many pitfalls. If you have never been abroad, then you need to remember the following tips for tourists in Egypt :

1. Visa processing takes place directly at the airport in Egypt. Its cost is about $ 20. After payment, a mark is placed in the passport, and from then on your vacation begins.

2. If you brought along video and audio equipment or jewelry, they must be registered in the customs declaration, otherwise they may be confiscated.

3. Only 1 liter of alcohol, 50 cigars or 200 cigarettes can be brought into the country.

4. It must be remembered that the laws of Egypt apply to tourists. You can’t take out local currency from the country (you need to change it at the exchange office before the county), items of historical value and, most importantly, it is strictly forbidden to take out corals, since if you find them, you will be fined up to $ 1,000, up to police custody plot.

5. When registering for departure from Egypt, all cutting and thrusting items must be checked in. This applies even to the manicure set, otherwise it may be confiscated.

6. There are shuttle buses and taxis on the coast. If the hotel is far from the sea, then public transport runs on schedule.

take medicine to egypt

7. All types of telephone communications are expensive, so if you want to call your family, it will be cheaper to do this by buying a telephone card that can be used in a special telephone machine.

8. Tipping in Egypt is usually given within 1 pound.

9. Medicines. It is recommended to take all the necessary preparations to Egypt, including antipyretic, painkillers and medicines for intestinal diseases, in addition, you need to purchase sun cream. All types of medical services in this country are paid, but there is an insurance system for all visiting tourists. Therefore, you should immediately decide which medicines to take to Egypt for you. It must be remembered that the climate there is significantly different from ours, and therefore, their hot weather will be much more difficult for us to endure. In this paradise you can not drink tap water without first sterilizing it. Therefore, you need to buy bottled liquid, which can be found in every store.

10. To be calm, keep valuables and money in a safe. If it is not provided for in the room, it can be rented for a nominal fee.

tips for tourists in egypt

Now you know a lot about the rules of this unique country, as well as what medicines to take to Egypt so that your vacation is not spoiled. Hope these tips help you. Have a nice rest!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6591/

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