What are the benefits for a child? How to get paid per child

In Russia today they are trying by all means to increase the demographic situation. Statistics indicate a sharp decline in the country of women of childbearing age. This is due to the birth rate in the 90s. Therefore, in the Russian Federation, families with children are strongly supported. For example, each unit of society has payments for a child of a different type. It is with them that we have to get to know further. What state support is laid in this or that case? What determines the size of compensations issued? How and where can I ask for financial assistance? Every parent should understand all this. Then paperwork, coming after the birth of babies, will not cause any significant trouble. Or maybe the amount of compensation is so small that a specific person will simply refuse them? This also happens, but infrequently. Usually the population tries to take the maximum from the state.

Benefit Application

Influence factors

Payments per child vary. For example, state aid is allocated at the federal and regional levels. In the first case, the amount of compensation and the rules for their appointment are the same for all cities. Municipal support is provided only in a specific locality. The bulk of child allowances is of federal significance.

What affects the size of family funding? Typically, these are:

  • Recipient employment
  • the region in which the family lives;
  • number of children in the cell of society;
  • the salary that the applicant received during his work;
  • type of compensation.

As practice shows, the unemployed receive a "minimum wage" on the stipulated payments per child. In addition, they receive a little less help than working citizens. But we will talk about all this in more detail below. It is impossible to completely deprive state support of those who do not work.

About recipients

Who is eligible for childbirth payments? This is an important question, the answer to which many citizens are looking for.

Ideally, the recipient of financial assistance is a woman. That is, the mother of the child. It is her employment in this case that will affect the final payments.

Payments for babies

But in Russia it is now possible to draw up child benefits for a spouse. Such a scenario is completely legal. For example, if a woman has a good income, and the family does not want to receive it. Nevertheless, in Russia, drawing up allowances for fathers of children is not in special demand.

Also, any close relatives of the baby who will take care of him are entitled to the compensation studied. For example, grandparents. This situation is extremely rare. Rather, it occurs in the form of exceptions, when it is vital for both parents to work after replenishment in the family.

For unemployed

Now a few words about what this or that category of recipients has the right to in the global sense. Let's start with the unemployed. They are entitled to smaller payments for the child.

If a woman at the time of birth was fired or did not work / study, she can apply for:

  • childbirth allowance;
  • compensation for care up to 1.5 years;
  • payment for the supervision of a baby up to 3 years;
  • monetary compensation for treatment in the LCD in the early stages of pregnancy.

In addition, in many regions there are lump-sum payments for the birth of a baby of a municipal nature. They are issued to all without exception, regardless of employment and salary at work. This information is best clarified in the administration of a particular locality. Therefore, we will not focus on regional benefits.

Child and state support

Only working

Childcare benefits are also payable to all working women. Only in this case, the amount of compensation mainly depends on the average salary of the applicant for the last 2 years.

What is the right to work a previously newly made parent? Ideally, an employer may be required to:

  • maternity payments;
  • maternity allowance;
  • for caring for a newborn (up to 3 years of age);
  • for registration with an institution that observes pregnancy.

That is, everything that unemployed applicants + maternity compensation is entitled to. The difference, as we have already said, is in the procedure for calculating the final payments. Usually, 100% of the salary is issued for the decree, and 40% of the monthly earnings for caring for the baby.


Is the first child in the family? Payments for childbirth in this case will bother every member of the family. After all, one of the parents becomes disabled. And he loses in income. The state should support the population and help it in every way. Financially including.

Low-income cells of the company are entitled to payments up to 1.5 years. But this is not a care allowance. Studied payments for a child appeared in 2018. They are issued when the family income is less than the subsistence level per person.

You will have to submit an application 2 times - for the period from birth to one year and from year to one and a half years of a child. The amount of payment cannot be called unambiguous. It varies depending on the specific region of residence of the family. On average, in 2018, compensations for large families amount to about 11-12 thousand rubles. Gradually, the size of this state aid will increase.

The beneficiary can be either a working or an unemployed parent. The main thing is that someone in the family should work and earn income. In this case, as a rule, a new mother takes care of the child. But it happens and vice versa.

Benefit Papers

Large and state assistance

That's not all. Large families are a separate category of recipients of state aid. This status can be obtained after the birth of the third child. Payments in this case will be supplemented depending on the status of the recipient parent.

There is a benefit for the poor up to 18 years. It is paid taking into account the cost of living for large families. This compensation is relatively new - it arose only in 2018. Therefore, few people know about her.

In addition, after the birth of the third baby, parents are entitled to a lump sum payment of the federal type. Regional authorities also often support financially the birth of large families. For example, by paying regional maternity capital.

Matkapital and help to parents

In Russia, for some time now, families with two children have the right to relatively high state support. We are talking about compensation called "maternity capital." It is issued to all families in which several children are raised, regardless of the employment of parents.

The amount of state aid does not depend on the number of minors in the cell of society. The amount issued as mother capital is set by the government annually. At the moment, this is about 450,000 rubles.

Since 2015, capital has not been indexed. It was frozen until approximately 2020. The exact amount of payment for the second child is 453,026 rubles.

Maternal capital to the family

As we have already said, in some regions there are municipal maternal capital. Their size varies from 10,000 to 200,000 rubles. They are often issued taking into account the number of children born in the cell of society.

What can I spend benefits on?

Does a person have a first child? The years of payment of the bulk of the studied compensations fall on the period until the child reaches 3 years. After this, the authorities consider the parent to be fully able-bodied. And therefore, additional funding often stops.

Many are interested in how it is allowed to spend children's money. Are there any rules on this?

Yes, but only with respect to maternal capital of federal significance. It is allowed to spend only in the following areas:

  • increasing mom's pension in the future;
  • improvement of living conditions (expansion of an apartment, purchase of housing, major repairs);
  • treatment and rehabilitation of children;
  • juvenile education.

That is, it is forbidden to spend money on the capital for yourself or for family life. The remaining payments per child are usually spent uncontrollably, at the discretion of the parents. Someone takes them for themselves, someone puts it off, someone buys diapers and other baby products. There are no restrictions in this regard.

For military wives

Payments for the second child and the next, we have already studied. It is worth paying attention to another category of recipients of state aid. It is about the wives of the military.

The thing is that this layer of the population receives all the same benefits that were presented to attention before. Only they receive child care payments in larger amounts than unemployed. At the moment, the corresponding compensation is about 12 thousand rubles.

Children's allowance table

In addition, the wife of a soldier or citizen undergoing military conscription service is entitled to receive survivor benefits. Its size depends on many factors. Find out more accurate information in a specific region.

Where to get

How to get childcare benefits? Where can I go with the appropriate package of documents?

Unemployed persons are advised to apply through:

  • multifunctional centers;
  • single window services;
  • social protection centers.

Working citizens without fail apply for state support to their employers. It is better for them to go to the organizations listed above only for regional compensations.

The exception is maternal capital. Payments for a child of this type are made to the FIU at the place of family registration. In some regions, a request can be sent through the MFC.

It is important not to delay the receipt of children's money. The bulk of benefits and payments for a child can be issued before the baby reaches 6-12 months. If you do not meet these deadlines, the right to state support with a particular newborn burns out. It cannot be restored.

Paper preparation

The third child appeared in the family? Payments, or rather the preparation of papers for benefits, will not cause any trouble. After all, parents are already familiar with the package of documents for the implementation of the task.

Baby Benefit Table

If you plan to pay for the second child or for the first, you can get a little confused in the documentation. For registration of the bulk of children's allowances from parents require:

  • birth certificates of all children;
  • passports (parents, children);
  • certificates of registration of minors;
  • employment records of parents;
  • an extract from the spouse's place of employment not receiving benefits;
  • income statements;
  • certificate of a large family (if any);
  • statement;
  • certificate from the registry office (issued upon registration of the child);
  • marriage / divorce certificate;
  • details on which it is necessary to transfer money to citizens;
  • discharge from the place of study (for students);
  • certificate of registration in the LCD in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • disability certificate (for employees).

When registering maternity capital, parents will additionally have to present to SNILS all participants in the operation, as well as documents on adoption, if any.

That's all. Now it’s clear what to count on when the first child appears. The payments presented to attention allow us to understand how the state helps modern families.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F66/

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