We choose a dry closet: the principle of operation, characteristics and types

What is a dry closet? The principle of operation of this device is not familiar to everyone. The first thing that comes to mind is a plastic bucket with a seat and a lid. If someone thinks that these varieties are limited, then this is a big mistake, so you need to update your knowledge and study the nuances of this device.

The first invention received a ticket to life in Canada in 1979, it was based on the principle of a vacuum toilet used in aircraft. Every year, improvements are introduced in this area, thanks to which it is possible to take into account the needs of a certain category of people.

dry closet working principle

How to choose a dry closet?

First of all, you should clearly determine where it is planned to be used. If you plan to travel or take long trips, then you need to choose a mobile lightweight dry closet, the principle of which is ideal for such conditions. It is compact in size and does not take up much space. And if a country house needs such a plumbing solution, then you can choose the option of a stationary device. It is a small building with a door intended for entry / exit.

Varieties of dry closets

Depending on the principle of their work, dry closets are divided into:

  • electric;
  • cassette
  • liquid or chemical;
  • peat.

stationary version of the dry closet

Cassette Dry closet

The principle of operation of this device is ideal for use at home. It lacks reservoirs that need periodic cleaning and subsequent washing. These containers are replaced by removable cartridges. After filling, they are removed, replaced with new ones.

The dimensions of such a dry closet are small, so finding a place to store it is not a problem. Also, which is very convenient, if necessary, this device can be installed in the bedroom, for example, a sick or elderly person.

Manufacturers have developed a number of models that are designed specifically for this category of people. There are cassette dry closets mounted in wheelchairs or made in the form of a chair with comfortable armrests.

cassette dry closet working principle

Electric dry closets

The name of the sanitary ware indicates the need for electricity to participate in its work. This type of dry closet consists of a two-chamber receiver tank and a seat with a lid. It is no coincidence that the lower tank is divided into two compartments, this allows you to drain liquid fractions and accumulate solid separately, which are then dried with a compressor and simply carried out into a compost or sewer pit.

The principle of the dry closet for the home implies the presence of electrical ventilation, which is very convenient for enclosed spaces. Therefore, he can take a place behind the plasterboard partition in the neighborhood of the kitchen. Pipes for the removal of unpleasant odors come with a dry closet.

Two points to pay attention to:

  1. The place of installation of the electric dry closet should be equipped with a drainage system for draining liquid into a pit or a special container. The accumulation of liquid waste is not provided for in it.
  2. Almost all such models are designed to be used only in a sitting position.

dry closet peat principle of operation

Advantages and disadvantages of the electric dry closet


  • When emptying the tray with dried fecal residues, a lot of physical strength is not required, since 70% of the total liquid evaporates during the drying process.
  • There is no need to use special reagents for the processing of waste products.
  • The presence of excellent ventilation, which is equipped with an electric dry closet. The principle of its operation is such that the smells of sewage in the room are completely absent.


  • Fairly high cost compared to other types of dry closets.
  • Stationary ventilation and fluid removal equipment.
  • Dependence on electricity.

Liquid or chemical dry closets

Such a dry closet is quite mobile. All models are equipped with wheels for easy transportation.

The design of a liquid dry closet is two containers connected together. The upper consists of a seat, under which there is a toilet bowl and a tank with a lid for water, the lower one is for a pump.

You should immediately pay attention to the special design that the chemical dry closet has. The principle of operation of this device is mainly built on one very important element. This is a flush pump. It can be piston, pump and electric.

  • The simplest system is a piston pump. Pumping the right amount of water for flushing is done manually. Replacing a failed part may well be done on its own.
  • The pump system is not too complicated. The accordion pump serves as a lever for flushing on almost all inexpensive versions of dry closets.
  • The electric pump provides a sufficiently strong head for flushing with a clearly dosed volume of drained water. The operation of such a pump is provided by ordinary finger batteries. Without their charge, the operation of such a pump is impossible.

After flushing, the feces enter the receiving tank. It contains a special tool for dry closets, the main task of which is the complete splitting of waste. Chemicals of this series are presented:

  • formaldehydes;
  • biological substances;
  • ammonium group.

All sanitary fluids are sold as concentrate. The chemical components of such drugs can decompose fecal matter and even dissolve toilet paper. A liter of sanitary fluid concentrate is consumed at about 10 toilets refueling.

The principle of operation of the dry closet for a summer residence

Advantages and disadvantages of a liquid dry closet


  • Lack of smell. Only the smell of a chemical reagent smells.
  • Simplicity and ease of movement.
  • The presence of the filling indicator of the receiver tank.


  • Constant dependence on a chemical reagent.
  • The need to clean the lower tank at least once every two to three days.
  • Sufficiently tight fit of the valve, which does not always allow older people to completely close the opening of the receiver tank.

Dry closet peat

The principle of operation of this dry closet in comparison with the above models is based on the use of peat without water. This substance is poured into the receiver tank, in which human waste is located. It turns out such layering due to the rotation of the handle of the dispenser. A fresh portion of the peat mixture enters the lower receiver tank from the upper one, in which water is in the usual version of the toilet. Anaerobic mineralization absorbs liquid waste and, with their participation, converts human feces into compost.

The design of the peat dry closet requires a stationary installation. The liquid entering the receiver tank during its use by humans should be partially diverted to the drainage through a hose or pipe.

The principle of operation of the dry closet for a summer residence has many advantages, but you need to remember that peat does not eliminate unpleasant odors, so it is necessary to equip stationary ventilation. The higher the odor pipe, the better the exhaust system will work. Its optimum height is 3-4 meters.

Peat filler is quite cheap and easy to use. Emptying the tank of this toilet is rather laborious, the moisture-saturated mixture swells and has a decent weight.

The principle of the dry closet for home

Advantages and disadvantages of peat dry closet


  • low cost of peat filler;
  • simplicity of design;
  • lack of dependence on electricity and water;
  • the ability to use recycled waste as a natural fertilizer.


  • the need for a good ventilation system;
  • mandatory removal of excess fluid into the sewer pit;
  • forces are needed to clean it - peat saturated with moisture is quite heavy.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6605/

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