Rudyard Kipling: biography and creativity

kipling biography
A truly talented person must be talented in everything. Confirmation of these words is Joseph Rudyard Kipling. The biography of this person, in particular, the fact of receiving the Nobel Prize at the age of forty-two is evidence of this. The writer, poet and writer loved people and nature, was interested in everything, read a lot. He was courageous, always holding a clear social and political position. He believed that there was a "noble fear" that should be shared by all people - for the fate of another person. As a British parent, he always considered India, whose language he knew, his second homeland.

What works glorified Kipling?

As you know, British poetry is one of the richest talents in the world: George Gordon Byron, William Shakespeare, Matthew Arnold, Charlotte Bronte. Therefore, the British public is indicative of the attempt by the well-known Air Force radio station to name their favorite poems. Superiority (and by a considerable margin!) Belonged to the Kipling's “Commandment”. However, no less he is still known as a prose writer. Kipling's work is multifaceted. The most significant among his works are the novel Kim and the storybook The Book of the Jungle.

kipling's stories
Picturesque lines of this writer. Indeed, the “Jungle Book” can rightfully be called prose in verse. So wrote our classics Turgenev and Gogol, but, of course, about Russia. The mosaic of 15 stories of the “Jungle Book” consists of a story about Mowgli, uniting 8 of them, and other stories about the animals of India endowed with human features : about the brave mongoose Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, about a cat that walks on its own. The story of the Kipling boy Mowgli, raised by a pack of wolves, about his opposition to the cruel tiger Sherkhan was repeatedly shown in cartoons and is familiar to all children.

Writer childhood

kipling biography short
Kipling became famous for the stories of India. His biography begins in Bombay, where he was born in 1936. In India, his childhood passed . He knew and loved this country. The strongest, most vivid childhood impressions of the son of the rector of the Bombay School of Arts are connected with the magical stories of the Indian nanny about animals (the boy understood and knew how to speak Hindi).

At the age of six he was sent to England, in a private boarding school - Kipling's biography testifies. For children, accustomed to a free colonial life, it was often difficult to get used to the boarding drill. He was not a favorite for the hostess of the guesthouse. He later presented memories of the injustice and cruelty that the writer encountered in his youth in the novel "The Black Sheep."


At first, his father believed that young Kipling should be the officer. The biography indicates that he was admitted to the Devon School as a thirteen-year-old youth (in fact, an analogue of our Suvorov), which is a kind of springboard for future officers who want to enter famous military academies. Boyish “graters”, bruises and “mini-battles” with badass classmates - all this had to go through in the men's team before receiving recognition of “their own”. Joseph fell in love with college and service. This period of his life is narrated by a collection of short stories "Stalki and Co." His talent as a writer was shown there. At the same time, poor eyesight did not leave hope for a military career. My father recalled a 17-year-old young man to India, where he found a position in the Civil and Military Newspaper.

Start writing

It is from the journalistic path that the stories of R. Kipling originate. His collection of departmental notes is a success. The novice writer is fluent in the Hindustani language, he is close to the Indian reader, he is understood and loved. The 34-year-old writer, already known in Britain, comes to London to "make a name for himself." Here, in collaboration with American Walcott Beylstirom, the publisher, Kipling is working on the story “Naulahka”. Biography, a brief chronology of his life during this period is most interesting. He found a true friend and also fell in love with his sister. However, their joint work did not last long. After the death of a partner from typhoid, he marries his sister Carolina. He writes his famous poems "Gunga Din" ("Gunga Din") and "Mandalas."

Vermont period of creativity

kipling biography for children
The young couple moved to Vermont, where the two-volume “The Jungle Book” and the collection of poems “Seven Seas” are published. Here, happy parents had two daughters, then a son. Kipling's best novel, Kim, is created about an Indian tattered boy who learned Buddhist wisdom and became a British intelligence agent. After a quarrel with his wife’s relatives, a thirty-three-year-old writer and his family move to New York. Here he and his daughter get pneumonia, after which the girl dies.

Relocation to Britain

kipling art
For several months he works for a South African newspaper, then buys a private house in England, in Sussex. He is actively involved in political life, supporting the conservatives. He receives recognition: the Nobel Prize, honorary degrees of British and European universities. But again the bereavement awaits the writer. At the front of World War I, his son dies. The writer and his wife spend all their time helping people in the Red Cross. He hardly writes, so great is grief. However, Kipling soon finds a friend who managed to “shake him” and awaken him to life. They became ... the English king George V. (Kipling was unusually friendly with this man until the end of his days.) The writer's biography testifies to how he immortalized the memory of his son, at the age of fifty-eight, writing the story “Irish Guards during the Great war. " The life of this writer was not easy; creative triumphs, unfortunately, were often accompanied by the loss of loved ones. Gastritis tormenting him grew into a peptic ulcer. He died of internal bleeding, buried in Westminster Abbey.


The creativity of Kipling is multifaceted. We know him thanks to the vivid and magical children's stories of The Jungle Book. However, his works have another side. Henry James called it the "English Balsak." The novel "Kim" is rightly considered the best work about India in English. Kipling was respected and respected by adults, especially in the period of World War I. Our classic Konstantin Simonov noted Kipling's “courageous style”, his “soldierly severity”, and “masculine principle”.

Indeed, could an unmanly person say that triumphs and failures should not “stop” and “penetrate the soul” of a man, that he must always treat them “detached”.


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