Artistic image in literature and art

Any work of art created by a talented artist leaves a “deep mark” in the heart and mind of the viewer or reader. What makes such a strong impact, makes you deeply worry and empathize with what you see, read or heard? This is an artistic image in literature and art, created by the skill and personality of the creator, who was able to wonderfully rethink and transform reality, make it consonant and close to our own personal feelings.

What is an artistic image

An artistic image in literature and art is any phenomenon generalized and creatively recreated by an artist, composer or writer in an art subject. He is visual and sensual, i.e. clear and open to perception, and capable of causing deep emotional experiences. These features are inherent in the image because the artist does not just copy life's phenomena, but fills them with special meaning, colors them with the help of individual techniques, and makes them more capacious, integral and voluminous. Naturally, unlike scientific, artistic creativity is very subjective, and it attracts primarily the personality of the author, the degree of his imagination, fantasy, erudition and sense of humor. A vivid image in literature and art is also created due to the complete freedom of creativity, when the boundless distances of artistic fiction and the limitless ways of expressing it with the help of which he creates his work are revealed to the creator.

The originality of the artistic image

The artistic image in art and literature is characterized by amazing integrity, in contrast to scientific creation. He does not divide the phenomenon into its constituent parts, but considers everything in the indivisible integrity of the internal and external, personal and social. The originality and depth of the art world is manifested in the fact that the images in works of art are not only people, but also nature, inanimate objects, cities and countries, individual character traits and personality traits, which are often given the appearance of fantastic creatures or, conversely, very mundane everyday objects. Landscapes and still lifes depicted in the paintings of artists are also images of their creativity. Aivazovsky, drawing the sea at different times of the year and day, created a very capacious artistic image that, in the smallest nuances of color and light, conveyed not only the beauty of the sea landscape, the artist’s worldview, but also awakened the viewer's imagination, evoking purely personal sensations in him.

Image as a reflection of reality

The artistic image in literature and art can be very sensual and rational, very subjective and personal or factographic. But in any case, it is a reflection of real life (even in science fiction), since it is common for the creator and viewer to think in images and perceive the world as a chain of images.

Any artist is a creator. He not only reflects reality and tries to answer everyday questions, but also creates new meanings that are important for him and for the time in which he lives. Therefore, the artistic image in literature and art is very capacious and reflects not only the problems of the objective world, but also the subjective experiences and thoughts of the author who created it.

Art and literature as a reflection of the objective world grow and develop along with it. Times and epochs are changing, new directions and trends are emerging. Cross-cutting artistic images pass through time, transforming and changing, but at the same time new ones appear in response to the demands of the times, historical changes and personal changes, because art and literature are, first of all, a reflection of reality through a system of images that is constantly changing and proportionate to time.


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