Morning gymnastics complex in the preparatory group - vigor for the whole day

Simple exercises in the morning will give vitality, drive away a sleeping state. And if the morning gymnastics complex in the preparatory group is held regularly, this will prevent the occurrence of flat feet, make the posture even, and the muscles stronger. After charging, the children will no longer feel lethargic and broken, their mood will improve due to the activation of the nervous system.

Recommendations for

morning exercises complex in the preparatory group

  • Morning exercises in the preparatory group are most useful if you perform exercises outdoors (when it's warm). If it is cold outside, you should do exercises with the window open.
  • Ideal clothes for training: underpants and a T-shirt, you can shorts and a T-shirt.
  • A prerequisite for a healing effect is proper rhythmic breathing.
  • The morning gymnastics complex in the preparatory group should be performed in the form of a game, accompanied by rhymes or songs.
  • Pay attention to warming up the whole body: legs, arms, shoulders, back, neck. Follow the execution technique. What matters is not quantity, but quality.
  • Try to do exercises no more than 10 times so as not to overwork the body. The total time should not be more than 15 minutes.
  • You can use balls, jump ropes, light dumbbells for children, jumpers, use the Swedish wall.

morning gymnastics in the preparatory group

Who is contraindicated in gymnastics?

It is worth providing a gentle load or completely eliminating it if the child has poor health or weakness, a cold or cardiovascular disease, and motor functions are impaired.

An approximate complex of morning exercises in the preparatory group

1. Warm-up includes brisk walking or running on the spot, imitation of the gait of a fox, a bear, a sneaking cat.

2. "Sunrise" - raising straight arms up and down, which contributes to the correct formation of posture. You can invite the children to portray the wind. To do this, swing your arms to the sides.

3. Circular movements of the shoulders back and forth, as if we want to throw something from them.

4. Tilting the head back and forth, to the side, trying to draw the sun (circular rotation).

5. Exercises for the legs: squats (arms to the sides), incomplete squats (legs shoulder width apart), swings with the straight leg alternately forward and to the sides. Jump like bunnies or frogs, high-high.

6. Tilts left and right, body turns. To bend the back as a cat stretches, and as it bends when not in the mood. You can tilt with the ball.

Making classes more interesting

preparatory gymnastics

Gymnastics for the preparatory group will be even more fun if accompanied by games. This is the β€œTrickle”, when children stand in a column and roll a ball between their legs, and passing a dice over their heads, simple dances to children's songs. Use sticks, hoops, dice. If classes are performed on the street, you can do balance exercises: walk on the curb or chalk-drawn path. Organize outdoor games in the open air: catch-up, classics, snail - arrange competitions. The most important thing is that the morning gymnastics complex in the preparatory group will cheer up the children and give vitality, and not bore them with long repetitions of certain exercises.


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