March 11 is the day on which ...

Whatever the day is a holiday. You can find historical events, popular beliefs or just some fun traditions for almost any date, and March 11 is no exception. On this day, according to literary critics, Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet were engaged, the first Russian-language book was published and the first newspaper of Tajikistan was published - there are many incidents, and you canโ€™t forget about them.

This day in history

It is difficult to talk about the role of March 11 in history: the date is so controversial that it is not necessary to talk about exclusively positive or negative events on this day.

Back in 106, Chinese artisans first received paper, which, of course, is far from modern, but still. Its basis was recycled bamboo.

March 11th

On the same day in 1702, the first daily newspaper in English was published, and after a hundred-odd years (in 1835), Canadians printed the first banknotes.

XX century was no less rich in various events. On March 11, the Bible was banned in the USSR and diplomatic relations were established with Kuwait. On the same day in 1967, music critics announced that almost five hundred cover versions had been created for the famous composition Yesterday The Beatles, and in 1970 Pablo Picasso transferred a large number of his works to the museum in Barcelona. The century ended with the proclamation of the sovereign Republic of Lithuania, where now March 11 is a holiday of independence.

But in the XXI century, things did not go so smoothly: on this day, in 2011, the famous earthquake in Japan occurred, which provoked the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, which became the largest technological disaster since the time of Chernobyl.

March 11th holiday

Famous holidays

Workers of the drug control of Russia celebrate their professional holiday on March 11. True, some solemn events outside the walls of power structures are very rare: few people even know about this date. One cannot help but recall another holiday - the Day of a private security guard and a detective. By the way, this is a relatively young date, because the bodyguard was recognized as an official profession only in the early 90s of the last century.

March 11th birthday

Faraway Zambia celebrates Youth Day, and Tuvalu - Community Day. The latter is always accompanied by festivals and parades, since March 11 is a holiday not only of a small overseas state, but also of all countries of the Commonwealth of Nations, which number at least two dozen.

In the people and religion

The Orthodox calendar does not lag behind. In it, March 11 is the day of memory of St. Porfiry. The people said that if the birds had already returned from wintering that day, a good harvest should be expected. It was believed that if the birds begin to nest on the sunny part of the houses, then the summer will be very cold, and if you choose the north side, you should wait for warm and hot days.

dates March 11

Continuing the theme of religion, it is necessary to mention the name day. Additional holiday dates (March 11) can be added to your personal calendar by Anna, Ivana, Nikolai, Petra, Porfiry, Sevastyan and Sergey.

Born 11 march

Naturally, the holidays do not end there. March 11 is the birthday of such famous people as Urben Jean Joseph Leverrier (astronomer who discovered Neptune), Zino Davidoff (Swiss, whose eponymous company is still very popular), Vannevar Bush (one of the creators of the first atomic bomb), Piri football players (Real Madrid and Spain) and Didier Drogba (Chelsea and Ivory Coast), American actor Johnny Knoxville (who worked on the Eccentrics project) and many, many others. This is only a fraction of the famous names.

March 11th in history

The dead on March 11

The Egyptian pharaoh Thutmose died that day, expanding the borders of his state to unprecedented limits and creating a regular army of Egypt. In the XX century, on March 11, Pyotr Petrovich Semenov-Tyan-Shansky (the famous Russian geographer, botanist and public figure who made a huge contribution to the development of science), Alexander Fleming (British bacteriologist, Nobel Prize winner in physiology and medicine, inventor of penicillin) died, Boris Vasiliev (a writer who presented Soviet readers with such works as โ€œDawns Here Are Quiet,โ€ โ€œDidnโ€™t List On The List,โ€ โ€œDon't Shoot The White Swansโ€).


Judging one day in the context of history is very, very difficult. We can say that March 11 was not a very successful date for scientists: it was on this day that a huge number of researchers and testers from around the globe went to another world. This day was rich in innovative discoveries and amazing events (for example, in 1921 the wife of the British king George V became the first woman to receive a degree from the University of Oxford - an unheard of thing at that time!). Culture did not lag behind either: the publication of the Apostle by Ivan Fedorov, which laid the foundation for Russian book printing, the approval in the Russian Empire of the Regulation on Civil Uniforms and the Description of Ladies' Outfits for Commemorations on the High Court, documents strictly regulating the appearance of subjects of the court , premiere of Verdi's opera Rigoletto, transfer of some of Picasso's paintings to the museum in Barcelona. A lot of events can be listed, some of them seem more important, others went almost unnoticed by the world community, but none of them deserves to be forgotten.

By the way, there is another unusual birthday. It has already been mentioned that the first Tajik-language newspaper was published on March 11, so the country celebrates a print holiday that day, accompanied by various social events, in which people can learn more not only about the press in Tajikistan, but also about the state of the industry generally.


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