How to register on the Gosuslug portal to a legal entity: instructions. Portal of public services of the Russian Federation

How can a legal entity register on the Gosuslug portal? We will try to find the answer to this question further. The thing is that ESIA in Russia is in great demand. This service greatly facilitates the lives of both citizens and government agencies. Only not everyone knows how to join him. Fortunately, this is a fairly simple task. And even a legal entity can, with timely preparation, achieve the desired result.

State portal of electronic services in the Russian Federation

Short description

What is a portal of public services of the Russian Federation? First you need to know the answer to this question. Especially if a citizen or legal entity wants to connect to the service.

ESIA is an e-government site. Using it you can:

  • pay utility bills;
  • check taxes and penalties, as well as extinguish them;
  • execute state and municipal services remotely;
  • register transport (and remove from it, too);
  • order documents without first visiting authorized bodies;
  • enroll in kindergartens, schools or to the doctor.

In any case, "State Services" is an extremely convenient and reliable service. But how can a legal entity get started here?

Required documents

The thing is that to achieve such a goal, a person will have to try pretty hard. One who is a legal entity must prepare a specific package of documents. Without them, you can forget about further actions. How to register on the Gosuslug portal to a legal entity?

At the moment, for successful registration at ESIA, you need to prepare:

  • legal entity registration documents;
  • passport of a citizen;
  • TIN;
  • SNILS.

Also, for the successful implementation of the relevant process, you will need a mobile phone and electronic signature. An electronic digital signature will also not be superfluous. Its presence greatly simplifies life.

Registration for ESIA

Stages of adding a legal entity

How can a legal entity register on the Gosuslug portal? To do this, you will have to adhere to a certain algorithm of actions. It can be conditionally divided into several key stages. We will get to know all of them later.

Registration of a company or individual entrepreneur includes the following steps:

  1. Adding a new account to the e-government website. A citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of majority must do this.
  2. Filling in user profiles.
  3. Profile activation on the mentioned service.
  4. Adding a legal entity account to the system, followed by filling out the appropriate form.

It doesn’t sound very clear, but actually it’s not so difficult. Even a novice PC user can achieve the desired goal. Especially if he follows the suggested tips and guides.

Quick registration

The procedure for registering a legal entity on the Gosuslug portal will be examined in stages. You will have to start from the institution profile to an individual. Only in this case will it be possible to add an organization or individual entrepreneur to the mentioned site.

First of all, you have to go through a quick registration. This will require:

  1. Go through the browser to the site.
  2. At the top of the window, click the "Login" button.
  3. Click on "Register".
  4. Indicate email or mobile phone to log in.
  5. Enter the user’s first and last name, as well as the password for entering.
  6. Confirm quick registration on the service using a special code or link. They will either send to your mobile or send a letter by e-mail.

The first stage is over. You can continue to think about how to register a legal entity on the Gosuslug portal. In general, this process takes about two to three weeks, if you act promptly.

Checking your mobile phone when registering for "State Services"

We fill in the questionnaire

The second stage of the upcoming process is filling out a user profile. Usually it opens immediately after confirmation of a quick registration on the e-government website. Nevertheless, the user can return to it at any convenient time.

The user profile is a small table with fields in which you need to enter information about the registered person. Usually prescribed here:

  • data from SNILS;
  • TIN of the citizen;
  • passport information;
  • place of registration of the registered person.

All the above information should be true. As soon as the user fills out the questionnaire, he will have to send it for processing. To do this, just save the information through a special button at the very bottom of the form.

Important: data verification can take from 15 minutes to several days.

Identity Verification Methods

Interested in Gosuslug portal for a legal entity? Entrance to the e-government system and registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are carried out only through an activated account of an individual. There is no way to avoid this. That is why it is easier for people previously registered at ESIA to add a legal entity to the service.

There are various ways to activate an account on the mentioned site. For instance:

  • by receiving a special code by mail;
  • personally contacting the Centers for Public Services;
  • by digital signature.

Below will be presented all existing ways to activate the profile. Only after that it will be possible to register a legal entity.

Registration stages on the Gosuslug portal

By mail

The portal of public services of the Russian Federation is a convenient service for remote access to public services. Here you can confirm your identity via mail.

In this case, you must:

  1. Log in to the portal and open "My Account".
  2. Go to the "Activation" section and indicate the item "By mail". It is located in the "How to activate ..." section.
  3. Write the home address and confirm the operation.

After that, it remains to wait for the letter with the account confirmation code. It will have to be registered in the LC at ESIA.

Personal visit

How to register a legal entity on the Gosuslug portal? First you have to deal with the profile of an individual. This is the longest and most difficult moment.

Do you want to personally go to a specialized Center for an identity verification procedure? Then you have to:

  1. Find a Community Service Center for Registration at ESIA. You can see the corresponding points on the "State services" in the LC, in the "Activation" section.
  2. To prepare an insurance certificate, a document on registration with the Federal Tax Service and an identifier.
  3. Write an application for confirmation of identity on ESIA, and then submit it to the authorized body.
  4. Get a code on hand to complete the procedure.
  5. Indicate the appropriate combination in the LC on "State services".

Fast, easy and very convenient. Nevertheless, if you want to create an office of a legal entity on the Gosuslug portal, it is better to use EDS. Without it, registering a legal entity will be problematic.

Signature Activation

Instructions for registering a legal entity on the State Services portal are presented to our attention. First of all, the user must activate the profile of an individual.

Registration of legal entities at ESIA

The best and fastest solution is to work with EDS. To carry out identity verification, a citizen will need to perform the following actions:

  1. Open your profile on ESIA.
  2. Connect the digital signature to the computer.
  3. Select in the LC in the activation methods "Through an digital signature."
  4. Follow the prompts on the monitor display.

Just a few minutes - and the job is done. Once this is done, it is possible to activate the organization’s Personal Account. But how to achieve it?

Legal entity profile

Interested in registering on the Moscow public services portal? Legal entities, as a rule, are interested in the ESIA "State Services" portal. You can register for it absolutely free, but you will have to spend a lot of time and effort.

How to start registration of an organization at ESIA

Suppose the steps listed above are completed. Now you can begin to directly open the personal account of the legal entity. To achieve the desired goal, a citizen needs:

  1. Log in to the website of the State Service under your name.
  2. Go to the "Organizations" tab.
  3. Select the option "Create ..." in the window that appears.
  4. Click on "Go to edit."
  5. Connect the digital signature to the computer, and then click the "Continue" button.
  6. Select a certificate if the user has several.
  7. Enter a PIN to gain access to the system through a signature.
  8. Enter the legal entity data using the keyboard. Skipping fields is prohibited.
  9. Click on "Continue."

If everything was done correctly, the user will be redirected to the data verification page. As soon as it is completed, it will be possible to enter LK as a legal entity.

How to log in

How to enter the Gosuslug portal for a legal entity? This can be done through the "Personal Account" of an individual. There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible in this.

After the user logs on to the e-government website as an ordinary citizen, in the "Personal Account" he will be able to choose how to log in. Fast, easy and very convenient!


Now it’s clear how to register a legal entity on the Gosuslug portal. This is a fairly simple operation, but it takes a lot of time and effort. Only users who have recently joined the government’s website and have not yet verified their accounts can have problems.

Otherwise, there should not be any problems. You can enter the "Public Services" portal at any time. The "personal account" of the legal entity will work around the clock. In the same way as an individual's account.

"Personal account" of a legal entity at "State services" - how to start

Important: in order to avoid problems, the registration of a legal entity should be carried out by the head of the organization.

In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. If you adhere to these tips, you can quickly register at ESIA, and then add a new legal entity there.


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