"The fate of man": the meaning of the title of the story Sholokhov (essay)

An interesting, fascinating and exciting work is "The Fate of Man." The meaning of the title of the story can be understood by every reader who carefully reads the work and penetrates the main character. This story will not leave indifferent any reader who has become acquainted with The Fate of a Man, because the author was able to convey in his work all the feelings, feelings and emotions of Andrei Sokolov, whose life was rather difficult and somewhat unhappy.

Meeting with Andrei Sokolov

In order to understand what is the meaning of the title of the story “The Fate of Man”, it is necessary to get acquainted with the summary of the work of Sholokhov.

At the very beginning of the work, it becomes clear that the narrator was heading to one of the Don villages, but he had to stay on the shore due to the spill of the river and wait for the boat. At that time, a certain man with a child approached him and mistook him for a driver, because there was a car next to the narrator. Andrei Sokolov really wanted to talk with his colleague. Previously, a man worked as a driver, but in a truck. The narrator decided not to upset the man and did not say that he was not his colleague.

The meaning of the title of the story “The Fate of Man” becomes clear to every reader already while reading the work. It is worth saying that the author chose probably the most accurate name that reflects the meaning of the whole story.

the fate of man the meaning of the title of the story

The image of Andrei Sokolov

The image of Sokolov is shown to the reader through the perception of the narrator. The man has strong, strained hands and sad eyes filled with mortal longing. It immediately becomes clear that the meaning of Sokolov’s life is his son, who is dressed much better and neater than his father. Andrei does not pay attention to himself at all, and cares only about his beloved little son.

Not a single reader will be impressed by the work “The Fate of Man”. The meaning of the title of the story becomes clear to everyone who is passionate about the main character and sympathetic to his difficult fate. It is worth saying that the meaning of the work lies precisely in its title.

the meaning of the title of the story is the fate of man

Honest and open driver

Further, the reader learns about the fate of Andrei Sokolov from his story about his past life to the storyteller. It is worth saying that the main character is quite frank and honest with his interlocutor. Most likely, such openness is due to the fact that Andrei mistook the narrator for "his" - a Russian man with a great soul.

The meaning of the title of Sholokhov’s short story “The Fate of Man” is interesting to everyone who is going to get acquainted with this work. It is worth noting that the reader will know the answer to this question already while reading the story. The author so well and clearly conveys all the emotions and experiences of the protagonist, that every reader will surely be imbued with him and his difficult fate.

The death of Sokolov’s parents

Andrei Sokolov shared that his life was very ordinary, but after times of famine, everything changed a lot. Then he decided to leave for the Kuban, where he later began to work for the kulaks. It was thanks to this that Sokolov managed to stay alive, unlike his family. Andrei became an orphan because his parents and little sister died of starvation.

It is precisely the “Fate of a Man” that causes a storm of emotions and feelings. The meaning of the title of the story will become clear to every reader, however, for this it is necessary to delve into each line and really feel everything that the protagonist of the work experienced.

the meaning of the name of the story Sholokhov fate of man

Wife and children of Sokolov

A few years later, after much grief, Andrei still managed not to break. He soon got married. He spoke only good things about his wife. Sokolov shared with the narrator that his wife was cheerful, compliant and smart. If the husband came home in a bad mood, she never rude to him in return. Soon, Andrei and Irina had a son, and then two daughters.

Sokolov shared with his interlocutor that in 1929 he began to be fascinated by cars, after which he became a truck driver. However, the war soon began, which became an obstacle to a good and happy life.

Go to the front

Soon, Andrei Sokolov was forced to go to the front, where he was escorted by a whole friendly family. It is worth noting that it seemed to Irina that this was the last time the husband and wife were together. Naturally, Andrei was very upset that the wife "buried her husband alive", in connection with which Sokolov went to the front in frustrated feelings.

Undoubtedly, every lover of literature on wartime will like the work “The Fate of Man”. The meaning of the title of the story will become clear when reading the work.

what is the meaning of the title of the story the fate of man

Chauffeur meeting with fascists

In May 1942, terrible events took place that Andrei could never forget. In the war, Sokolov was also a driver and volunteered to carry ammunition to his artillery battery. However, he could not bring them, as the shell fell right next to his car, which turned over from the blast wave. After that, Sokolov lost consciousness, after which he woke up already behind enemy lines. At first, Andrei decided to pretend to be dead, but he raised his head at the moment when several fascists with machine guns were walking directly towards him. It is worth saying that the man wanted to die with dignity and stood right in front of the enemy, but was not killed. One fascist was already thinking of shooting when his comrade prevented the assassination of Sokolov.

After reading the work immediately becomes clear the meaning of the title of the story "The fate of man." Writing an essay on this subject is not difficult, because the title of the work reflects what it is about.

the meaning of the title of the story m sholokhov the fate of man

The escape

After this incident, Andrei was sent barefoot to the west with a column of prisoners.

During the road to Poznan, Sokolov only thought about how to escape as soon as possible. I must say, the man was lucky, because when the prisoners were digging graves, the guards were distracted. It was then that Andrei managed to escape to the east. But not everything ended as Sokolov wanted. Already on the fourth day, the Germans with their shepherd dogs caught up with the fugitive. In punishment, Andrei was held in a punishment cell, after which he was sent straight to Germany.

Worthy rival

Soon Sokolov began working in a stone quarry near Dresden, where he managed to say a phrase that infuriated his superiors. Muller - the commandant of the camp - called the driver to himself and said that he would personally shoot him for such words. Sokolov answered him: "Your will."

The commandant thought about something, threw the gun away and suggested that Andrei drink a glass of vodka and have a bite of bread and a slice of fat for the victory of the “German weapon”. It is worth noting that Sokolov refused and answered Mueller that he was not a drinker. However, the commandant laughed and replied: “If you do not want to drink for our victory, drink for your doom!” Andrei drank a glass to the bottom and replied that after the first glass he did not bite. After drinking the second glass, the soldier answered the commandant the same. After the third, Andrey bit off some bread. Muller decided to keep Sokolov alive, because he respects worthy rivals, and gave the driver a loaf and a piece of lard, which Andrei shared equally between his comrades.

The fact that a simple Russian man is so strong in spirit that he was able to survive the most terrible events that can happen in life, lies the meaning of the name of Sholokhov’s story “The fate of man”. An essay on this topic can be written by absolutely anyone who is familiar with the work.

The death of the Sokolov family and the adoption of Vanya

In 1944, Sokolov became the driver of the German major engineer, who treated him more or less well, sometimes even sharing his food with him. Once Andrei stunned him, took his weapon and rushed straight to where the battle was going on. According to the driver, the Germans started shooting at him from behind, and his soldiers in front.

After this incident, Andrei was sent to the hospital, from where he wrote to his wife. Soon an answer came from a neighbor that a shell had hit his house, from which the children and the driver’s wife were killed. At that moment, his son was not at home, so he managed to survive. Sokolov volunteered for the front. After that, Andrei found his son, began to correspond with him, but fate ordered it very cruelly. On May 9, 1945, Anatoly died at the hands of a sniper.

The driver did not know where to go, and went to Uryupinsk to his friend, where he met a homeless boy Vanya. Then Andrei told the child that he was his father and adopted a boy who was very happy to meet with his “father”.

the meaning of the title of the story the fate of man

What is the meaning of the title of the story "The fate of man"?

It is worthwhile to find out what the meaning of the name of Sholokhov’s work is all the same, because many are interested in this very question.

The meaning of the title of Sholokhov’s short story “The Fate of a Man” is that a simple Russian man was able to survive a huge number of negative events, after which he managed to live on, not break down and forget about all the tragedies. Andrei Sokolov adopted a child and began to live for his sake, forgetting about all the failures and hardships that plagued him throughout the last years of his life. Despite the death of parents, wife and children, the main character managed to survive and live on.

the meaning of the title of the story Sholokhov the fate of man

The fact that the Russian man was able to defeat all failures and hardships, survive the loss of loved ones and live on, is the meaning of the title of the story of M. Sholokhov "The fate of man." The main character was so strong in spirit that he managed to forget about everything that had happened to him before and start a completely new life in which he is a happy person raising a beautiful child. The death of parents, wife and children did not break the spirit of the Russian man, who was able to forget about all the terrible events that took place during the last years of his life, and found the strength to start a new happy life. This is precisely the meaning of the work “The Fate of Man”.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6632/

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