City of Mongolia Darkhan: photos, description, attractions

Each city of Mongolia is special, because in the vast expanses of this state there are so few settlements, and many dozens, even hundreds of kilometers, share them.

The second largest city in Mongolia - Darkhan, which is the administrative center of the Darkhan-Uulsky aimak (the administrative unit of the country), is also considered a special place.

A brief overview of the history of the city

The history of the city of Darkhan (Mongolia) begins in 1961. It was then laid down in the Selenginsky district of Mongolia, at the “Burkhantyn Handy” - a tiny railway station. Darkhan is interesting as an example of an industrial center typical of Mongolia. With the help of specialists from the USSR from 1970 to 1990, many enterprises were built in it.

Today, Darkhan is one of the most industrial cities of the Mongolian state. More than half (76%) of the aimak population of Darkhan-Uulsky live directly in Darkhan. As of the end of 2004, the population of the entire region was approximately 90400 people. Moreover, most of them are young people.

"City of friendship"

This is the second name for the relatively young city of Darkhan. It was built with the aim of creating an important industrial center aimed at the production of building structures and materials.

Erected by Mongolian and Russian workers in 1962, industrial enterprises quickly developed along with the city itself. Representatives of such socialist countries as Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia also came here.

Thanks to this, his second name arose, which still pays off. Darkhan still “makes friends” with foreign cities. International enterprises here have their representative offices and offices.

City panorama

The city of Mongolia Darkhan is especially noteworthy (photos are presented in the article) in that it is built up so loosely that it leaves the city spaces surprisingly endless. For example, a park with playgrounds extends for several kilometers.

It should be noted that Darkhan, in comparison with other settlements of the country, is a green city. And in the vicinity of it there are a wide variety of animals: deer, moose, sable and beavers, listed in the State Red Book.

Five-story city

Geography, nature and climate

Darkhan-Uulsky aimak used to be part of the Selenginsky. It is located by the Orkhon River and in the vast valleys of the Selenga, between the Khangai Highlands and the Khentii Mountains. Almost the entire territory of this region is located above sea level at an altitude of 700 meters.

Darkhan is rich in mineral and natural resources, vegetation and amazingly picturesque wildlife. The vast region of Mongolia Darkhan-Selenga is relatively well studied. It also has rich deposits of copper, iron ore, coal. Limestone, marble, sand and gravel are also mined here.

But they are not used to the full. For the economic expansion of Darkhan in the future, the resources of nature will be used on the basis of advanced technologies that are environmentally friendly.

The climate of Darhan is continental, with average temperatures. In summer, they reach up to +30 degrees, in winter - up to -30 degrees. In the area, the number of sunny days is 260.

Buddhist complex


Travelers who visit Darkhan in Mongolia on the way to the capital Ulan Bator or to Russia have the opportunity to take a short tour of it. From the observation deck between the old and new parts of the city you can admire the opening panorama. Around the same place is a Buddhist complex.

The city is famous for its clothing market, located on the left side of the road leading to Ulaanbaatar. There, purchase Chinese items at fairly low prices.

Darkhan Market

Due to the fact that the city was designed and built mainly by Soviet specialists, it is quite green. There are many trees planted by the Soviet military, builders and doctors.

Darkhan is also interesting for its architecture. Unlike the Mongolian capital, it is not piled chaotically with modern buildings. Although most of the districts are built up with "Soviet" five-story houses, the design here was carried out taking into account the peculiar Mongolian flavor.

For example, many balconies of five-story buildings are decorated in the local Mongolian style. In their forms they resemble a yurt. A huge statue of a seated Buddha is located between the old and new parts of the city, on a hill near the main road junction.

Buddha statue

Noteworthy in the city is a children's park, which occupies first place in terms of the area of ​​its territory in Mongolia.

In honor of the 15th anniversary of the metallurgical plant, a statue of a metallurgist was erected, made by welding from fittings, sewing machines, various gears, car spare parts and other details. This monument can be considered for some details for quite some time.

Old Darkhan

Mongolia is not deprived of interesting historical sights.

And in the old city there is a pilgrimage place for believing Buddhists - the Kharagin monastery, made of wood.

And the folk art museum keeps a good collection of ethnographic and archaeological artifacts that are dedicated to Mongolian history and culture. There are stuffed animals.

The city of Darkhan

About agriculture

The Darkhan-Selenginsky region is one of the few in the country where the Mongol nomads have been engaged in agriculture since ancient times. Darkhan Uul - aimak, which is the main agricultural producer of Mongolia. It has abundant resources for the development of agriculture.

This region has a warmer climate relative to the rest of the state. The territory of the Kharaa river basin has favorable conditions for growing vegetables (especially potatoes). Cereals are also produced here. In general, more than 90 cooperatives are engaged in the cultivation of fodder, grain and vegetables.

More than 71% of aimak is occupied by agricultural areas, and more than 22% by forests. But also many residents of the region are involved in animal husbandry.


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