The phrase "Be simpler and people will reach for you!": Meaning, application and reviews

The phrase “Be simpler and people will reach for you” is a folk wisdom, like many other quotes. And this is not surprising! After all, who, if not the people themselves, needs to know how to behave so that other people are disposed to you. The folk origin of the phrase “Be simpler and people will reach for you” is due to the fact that those with whom we communicate all complicate everything too much. Let's see why this happens.


Can it be that simple? This is the kind of question people ask themselves when something comes easy to them. This suggests that we are absolutely not used to simplicity in life. But sometimes everything is very simple and primitive. We ourselves are used to complicating things, so let's figure out what it means to be simpler and people will reach for you.


This phrase has deep philosophical meaning. In principle, it is written in a clear language and at first glance is understandable. You need to be as simple and straightforward as possible for the people around you in order to get them to yourself. But there is one BUT, it is very important to understand in which particular cases you need to be simple and whether it is necessary at all.

the key to success is simplicity

The phrase suggests that you need to be simple in everyday life. And what does it mean to be simple? They say about a person that he is simple when they do not see lies, pride, prejudice, cunning and other negative qualities in him. Are there such people? Except with rare exceptions. Nevertheless, when we meet a person who has the above traits to a lesser extent, he disposes us to himself.

If a person does not have special ambitions and is ready to live “like everyone else”, then he can also be called simple. But is it right to live like this? Will society treat such a person with respect, or simply be disposed towards him?

What kind of people do we think are simple?

Most likely, when we say the phrase “Be simpler and people will reach for you”, we mean those people who, communicating, can convey information as clearly and simply as possible. After all, relationships, in fact, are built on communication. When the interlocutor does not try to speak smart phrases, prove theories and argue forever, insisting that he is right, it is much easier for us to perceive him. Also, we do not like to communicate with those who are too introverted, because such people seem to us too complex and incomprehensible.

Agree, we are very pleased to communicate with people who are themselves simple, and therefore understandable and simple. We are more disposed towards a person if we understand the course of his thoughts, and he is understandable if the interlocutor is easy to communicate.

communication leader

The phrase “Be simpler and people will reach for you” does not take into account the fact that all people are different (not all of them are simple), and, as a rule, we like to communicate with those who are like us. In this case, a person who is complex in nature will be much more interested in talking with the same complex person as he is. We figured out the meaning “Be simpler and people will reach for you”, however how to apply this phrase in life?


To improve any skills, practice is necessary. In order to apply the quote “Be simpler and people will reach for you” in life, you also need practice, because you need to learn how to behave in a way that makes it easy for people to perceive you.

Start by introducing yourself from the side. Imagine that you are the person who leads a dialogue with you. Evaluate how easy it is to accept what you say. Think about how simple you seem to your interlocutor. Then think about how you could make your self-image simpler and more accessible.

Control what you say during the conversation, reflect on how it will be perceived by another person, are you too difficult to perceive? Also follow other people how they communicate and how others perceive them.

ease of communication

Try to find the person you think is simple, and analyze what your opinion is based on. What features does this person have? How does he communicate? How do people around him relate to him?

Thus, it turns out that applying this phrase in life is not easy. Although, in fact, you just need to accustom yourself not to speak with complex sentences, not to load people with unnecessary information and be friendly.

Reviews Negative opinion

We often hear the phrase “Be simpler and people will reach for you”, someone agrees with her, and someone does not. How can one disagree with popular wisdom? It is possible if the facts prove otherwise.

For example, Alexander Gerasimenko in his blog did not hesitate to talk about why he does not agree with this phrase. A business coach says that simplicity is beautiful in its own way and has many advantages, but it has nothing to do with attracting people. He even dared to rephrase the phrase, writing: "Be content with life, and people will be drawn to you."

to be simple

What is causing interest?

But he is in a sense right. If we put two paintings in front of us, one of which will be Malevich's “Square”, and the other, even if unknown, but beautiful, with a variety of shapes and colors, then the second one will attract us. In fact, everyone in their life is looking for entertainment, some kind of adventure, emotions and impressions, that's just why simplicity will not attract, because it is boring. Based on these considerations, we can conclude that a simple person will not be interesting, because communication with him, most likely, will not bring new emotions. Think about it, because in fact ordinary people are not interesting to us, we just treat them well.

square picture

Have you ever wondered why celebrities are always guests at popular evening shows? It is logical that the creators of any program want to attract an audience in every possible way. Just celebrities are of great interest to the audience, they are attractive, but by no means simple.

Reviews Positive opinion

Yes, you can not agree with this phrase, if we consider it from the side of attracting people. However, if we talk about the location of people, then simplicity is not the last value.

When we meet a difficult person, then he can cause our interest, as it has a certain uniqueness. However, this same person may not attract us, that is, we will not be drawn to him. It is often difficult to communicate with complex people, since it is not easy to predict their train of thought and further actions. Such people are for others a “closed book” or “a book in another language.” It happens that when dealing with such people, we have a certain fear.

ease of communication

Even if we talk about smart people. Of course, they are interesting, but will we reach for them? After all, it may seem to others that they are not smart enough to maintain a dialogue with such an intelligent person. And because of the fear of looking stupid, they simply will not strive to communicate with such a person.

It is not about being simple in nature. A person, in principle, is formed quite complicatedly and has not been fully studied so far. The essence of the phrase is to be simple for the people with whom you communicate. People are drawn to simple interlocutors, because they understand them. Thus, the phrase “Be simpler and people will reach for you” was formed not just like that and really has the right to exist. Each person chooses what he wants to be and what he wants to appear. To be simple or to seem is also the choice of every person.

people like simple

Simplicity phrases

Oscar Wilde at one time said an interesting idea, which was that in life there is nothing complicated, except for people.

Bruce Lee argued that simplicity is the highest degree of art.

The following regularity was revealed from personal experience: if we don’t understand something, then it seems to us insanely difficult, but if you make an effort and understand this matter, then everything will turn out to be as simple as possible.

Albert Einstein generally decided to confuse everyone, saying what needs to be done is as simple as possible, but not easier than that.


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