WoW Raids - Description, Walkthrough and Features

The classic MMO World of Warcraft was released a very long time ago. During its existence, the game has undergone many changes. Each addon brought something new. The players successfully defeated the Lich King, defeated Deathwing, scattered the Pandaria Mists, and did much more. And now they are waiting for the legions of demons in the eponymous addon "Legion". Naturally, new WoW raids were added in both normal and heroic modes. New raids abound with cool bosses and rich loot. However, getting the latter is not so easy. Have to sweat. On the one hand, the game has become more casual and simplified (in terms of character development). But on the other - more complex and rich (in terms of dungeons and raids). So a general assessment of the "Legion" can not be given.

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A bit about the plot of the "Legion"

After the events of Draenor, the tomb of Sagreras was discovered. Everything would be fine, but this tomb turned out to be a door, behind which an entire legion of demons was waiting in the wings. These creatures broke free and now threaten the whole world of Warcraft. The threat is so serious that even irreconcilable enemies (Horde and Alliance) are united to confront the new enemy. However, on the battlefields there are brawls between old enemies. Nowhere without it. This is the main plot of the WoW Legion. Raids have become more difficult. If only because now you need to carefully study the tactics before you go on this or that boss. It’s good that the Legion add-on was released a long time ago, and the “pioneers” already told everything and even showed instructional videos. However, our task is not to talk about tactics, but to list new raids in the Legion and briefly talk about them. Let's get started.

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Halls of Valor

These are the classic Legion WoW raids. They are intended for leveling the character. The Halls of Valor are the habitat of the Valkyrs and Vrykul. A sort of Valhalla of the Scourge. There are several cool bosses to which special tactics should be applied. Himmdall is the first raid boss. It is relatively simple. It is only necessary not to fall under mass attacks. It is they who select the largest number of HP. The next is Hirya. She is a Valkyr, which means she will fly and fight. Especially good against it are the long-range DDs (Khanty, mages, warlocks and others). However, on the tank (even if it is a recreation center), it keeps well. There is no particular difficulty.

The next is Fenrir. This comrade rules the vrykul and trains them. Ferir himself is a worg with all the ensuing consequences. Its feature is very fast attacks. It is impossible to run away from them. In the battle with Fenrir, heal should work most actively. Its task is to treat raid participants as quickly as possible. If the heal does not slow down, then killing this worg will not be difficult. The next is Skovald, the god king. Very healthy boss. It will not be easy to beat him, since he is a demigod. Here it is required to avoid (whenever possible) his attacks. He won’t really break through the tank, but DD will not be so good. It’s better to use ranged against him. The final boss is Odin. He is the creator of the Vrykul army and the guardian of the titans. You have to fight with him for a long time and hard. But if raiders are lucky, a very rich and interesting loot awaits.

wow legion raids

Amethyst Hold (Violet Hold)

Not to be confused with a dungeon of the same name for level 75 players. WoW dungeons and raids sometimes look alike like siblings. And this case is no exception. This raid differs from the level 75 dungeon only in the number and level of bosses. The first boss is the mind-eater Kaarge. There is nothing particularly complicated. It is only necessary to avoid frontal attacks whenever possible. Next is Milificent Manashtorm, a brilliant engineer. Loves all sorts of bombs, grenades and the like. Therefore, you have to run and jump a lot. Tukhlomord is probably the younger brother of the Rotface. This comrade loves to infect everyone with a plague of unknown origin. Frostmaw - Ice Dragon straight from Icecrown. A flying creature that sleeps and sees how to gobble up a couple of raiders. Fel Lord Betrug is the final boss. This is the ruthless warlord of the legion, who is constantly trying to break out of the trap and destroy the Kirin Tor from the inside. Fighting him is very difficult. Need to learn tactics.

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Eye of Azshara

WoW raids such as the Eye of Azshara are among the simplest in the Legion. They do not take too much time, and the bosses there are pretty simple. The first is Snakeix. It belongs to the naga class and has all the necessary features. This companion is poisonous and pretty quick. It is necessary to evade his attacks, if possible. Commander Parjes is a naga commander. He is quite healthy, but his attacks do not take up too much HP. There will be no problems with him.

The Lady of Hate Ring is a sea sorceress who makes extensive use of magic. Fighting her is simple: you just need not to fall under her spells. Her health is not very much, but there is no armor at all. She is dressed in rags. King Wavebeard is a huge (just gigantic) character who loves to float to the surface and break ships like matchboxes. Very dangerous. You need to learn the tactics before fighting it. The Wrath of Azshara is the final boss. Despite the fact that this boss is just a servant of Azshara, she has great power. Most raiders cannot get through it the first time. We study tactics and follow them exactly.

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City of Suramar (Suramar City)

The concept of "WoW loot raids" refers specifically to this instu. He has a vast territory and a minimum number of bosses. But these bosses are very dangerous and have an impressive amount of health. The first is Nazak Obsessed. This is a giant monster hiding in the depths of the tunnels. It feeds on the energy of stones and can be healed with its help. It's hard to beat him. Raiders do not have time to remove a decent amount of HP from the enemy, as he immediately replenishes his life resource. Especially dangerous are his massive attacks. Stay away from them. The second boss is Ana-Muz. She is the mother of all demons. In its arsenal is a huge number of attacks of various types. She also has increased health and excellent armor. Before the battle with this lady, it will be nice to study the tactics and watch the video. Without this, there is nothing to think about victory. But a good loot falls from these two comrades.

The Emerald Nightmare

WoW raids of this kind are unusually complex, even in normal mode. Emerald Komshar - one of the non-linear. In it you need to kill at least one boss in order to proceed to the next through the portal. Among the enemies are such characters as Ursoc, Nizendra, Dragons of Nightmare, Xavius, Ilginot, Eleret Wild Doe. They are all well known to those who played for the druid. These are the gods who developed druid skills and were once on the other side of the barricades. But with the advent of the Legion, they were enslaved and are now fighting against Azeroth. Defeating them without learning tactics will fail. The final boss is Cenarius. He is the supreme deity of the Druids. Once he patronized the druids of Azeroth, but now he fell a victim of the Legion. And it must be destroyed. Very difficult boss. The battle with him consists of several phases. You can read more in tactics.

wow legion raids

Suramar Palace

Here, the player has to confront ten bosses. Dungeons of this level are very complex WoW raids. How to get to the palace? Using the standard raid search button on the toolbar. The location offers players incredible beauty of the landscape. Raiders enter the city of the Royal Elves. Each of the ten bosses is the embodiment of horror and power. To win, you will need extreme concentration, knowledge of tactics and excellent reaction.

The final boss is the well-known Guldan. This is an orc that has absorbed the fel magic and has become almost immortal. But now his strength was exhausted, and he was hiding in the bowels of the city of the Royal Elves. This time he did not leave alive. It is worth noting that Guldan is practically the only character of VoB who has survived from the release of the classic version of the game right up to the release of Legion. It's nice that sometimes the guys from Blizzard remember the classics.

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Vault of the Wardens

It is from here that the Demon Hunters begin their game. WoW raids of this level are only available at level 110. Here you have to fight with ten bosses. Final - Illidan. The same comrade who opened the gates of the Legion and released all this demonic trash walking on Azeroth. Some players consider the Crypt of the Guardians to be the final raid of the Legion addon. Indeed, the killing of Illidan is exactly what the inhabitants of Azeroth are striving for. However, in reality, this is not entirely true. There are still many raids. Just not all of them are plot.

To kill Illidan, 25 Raiders will be required. In addition, this reptile is quite tricky. Not to mention the huge amount of exp and the most advanced armor. Therefore, without reading tactics and studying the video material, nothing will work. But the booty that fell from Illidan is very steep. These are not just epic things, but legendary ones. With them you can become an invincible warrior of Azeroth.

Addons for Raids

WoW add-ons for raids are necessary "stray", without which it is not possible to go through a raid. They are extensions for the game that can provide the player with comprehensive information about various things. So, for example, Skada gives accurate information about the damage caused by a member of the raid. MTLove is a great add-on for tanks that shows which raider the enemy is currently attacking. There are also irreplaceable radon add-ons that help them share loot with enemies according to the merits of each raider. Addons should be read on fan sites dedicated to Warcraft. You must first get the add-ons and only then start the search for WoW raids. Often they go to guilds. Then the cash flow is bigger and the loot is richer.


So, the WoW raids in the Legion are complex, multi-level dungeons that cannot be completed with Lyroe Jenkins's philosophy. Here you need to clearly know the tactics for bosses and follow the directions of the RL. Only then can success be achieved. It is worth noting that for the raid in the "Legion" will need special add-ons, because the standard interface "VoB" is not very informative. Do not forget about voice communication. It’s unlikely that you will be able to go on raids without contacting Diskord or RydKol. It is necessary to give commands very quickly and respond equally quickly to them. And the rest of the "Legion" offers a very interesting content. Why not conquer him?


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