Sales American Store - "divorce" or not?

We all face troubles in life. Everyone to himself with confidence thinks that this will never happen to him. Such people are quite common. They are completely confident in their exclusivity and infallibility.

Online fraud

There are many people who once fell for the financial tricks of scammers. Do you know what they say in this case? Yes, once they got into trouble. But now this will never happen to them again, because they have become more experienced and smarter.

It remains to not argue and agree. Although, in fact, the difference between the two types of people is not great. The Internet is a meeting place for sellers and customers. It runs a fair and dishonest business. Sometimes it’s very difficult to recognize the difference.

Say that this is not so? In fact, the Internet environment is legally very poorly controlled. This unties the hands of scammers who want to be closer to your money. They do it well. And so far there is no reception against scrap.

Sales American Store - initiative to create

For thousands of years, there has been supply and demand in the market of services and goods. The wheel does not need to be reinvented. Everything is already there. If there is a huge demand for any product or service on the market, then resourceful people will always find an offer.

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Want an exclusive iPhone 6? How about this gadget at prices well below official?

About Sales American Store - an online store - have heard many of those who seriously thought about buying a new iPhone 6. It worked successfully for a year, had a circle of its regular customers and credibility in the market.

The company sought to meet the demand of Apple's average consumer - to provide the gadget at a price below the market, in the shortest possible time and with questionable guarantees.

How it was?

Start. Sales american store

Sales American Store was founded in early 2014. At first, she did not make abrupt and negative movements in relation to her customers, she clearly fulfilled her obligations to buyers of products.

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By August 2014, the Sales American Store team had earned a reputation. The company works promptly, fulfills its obligations, opens its new offices and stores in Russian cities.

This has shaped customer loyalty to the brand. Moreover, the company offered to purchase a new iPhone 6 for a modest 19,990 rubles. It was a record. The price was 7,000 rubles below the market.

An advertisement was launched on social networks about the launch of sales of cheap and real iPhones for Russians. They need to fully pay 19,990 rubles for pre-order and receiving a phone.

Some said that the Sales American Store is a "divorce." But brand loyalty has already been earned.

Our first customers - the original iPhone

The first customers were not long in coming. Regular customers of the Sales American Store online store have become pioneers and pre-ordered by paying an amount of 20 thousand rubles.

There were no grounds for concern. Online store "VKontakte" had 150 thousand subscribers and an excellent reputation. The first customers got their gadgets in their hands and were very pleased that they managed to purchase the original “apple” for 7,000 rubles cheaper.

This information stirred social networks and aroused even greater interest in the company. Some insisted that the Sales American Store was a hoax that would reveal itself sooner or later. However, it was difficult to oppose something to the set of real successful transactions with the company and satisfied emotional clients.

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The first customers received a new iPhone at a low price. They won on this 7,000 rubles. Not bad, right? They recommended the store to others to their friends. Let's say that one person was able to attract 4 friends. The price of 7 thousand rubles is 4 new customers who will bring 80,000 rubles in advance for a new exclusive product.

Thus, the idea that the Sales American Store was a “divorce” was a volatility in itself. There were more and more customers.

Who is winning?

About Sales American Store reviews were top notch. It would seem that everyone benefits from cooperation with the online store: customers receive goods at a price lower than the market, and the seller - satisfied and regular customers.

However, the laws of the market are such that as a result of the interaction between the seller and the customer, the seller very often wins. Even if it seems to the client that he has "snatched" an efficient and worthwhile proposal, one must always be prepared for the worst.

Experts' opinions about the online store were divided into 2 camps: some were for, others were wary, but they could not provide arguments against. Increasingly, on social networks, one could hear warnings that the Sales American Store is a “divorce” that will sooner or later reveal its true face.

What did they say?

Expert opinion

According to market experts, there were immediately concerns about this action. How can this happen so that the company works for itself in a minus and only makes people around happy? If a person was 16, then one could believe in a fairy tale. But we all understand that this is impossible.

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The pyramid was built in such a way as to attract the maximum number of customers. They invest the full cost of the gadget in the form of an advance payment and expect their goods. Just do not wait.

To say that Sales American Store (online store) is a "divorce" means to say it correctly. For each satisfied first customer who purchased a new gadget 7,000 rubles cheaper, there are an average of three new attracted customers who brought 60,000 rubles to the company.

At the peak of popularity and orders, the company collapses, closes telephone and bank accounts. It becomes completely inaccessible to communicate with your customers.

From this moment the fairy tale ends and life begins.

Such an opinion is considered correct. The company did just that, and not otherwise, with its customers.

Case summary and detention

When it became apparent that there was fraud and a pyramid in the business, Sales American Store again received increased attention to itself. Only this time with a minus sign. Leading Russian television channels covered the topic on television.

A criminal case was initiated, part 4, art. 159 of the Criminal Code in relation to Sales American Store. The main suspect, Gennady Kalyadkin, was detained. At the time of his arrest, he served as CEO of Sales American Store and was involved in financial fraud.

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What is the fate of the rest of the company is unknown. They could not be detained. Currently, legal proceedings have been launched against the main defendant in the case of online fraud. The prosecutor's office promises to punish those responsible and return all the money to their rightful owners.

It’s hard to say what will come of it.

Sales American Store - scammers

In social networks, the front of opponents and dissatisfied customers of the Sales American Store unfolded. They demand the return of illegally taken money and punish the perpetrators. At the moment, the official group of dissatisfied customers "VKontakte" is about 3,000 thousand people. Each of these people lost 20,000 rubles. You can calculate and think how much the company has earned on this.

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How much now it is possible to punish the guilty - the court will show time.

Meanwhile, the real prices for iPhone 6 in the Russian market became known. According to company officials, about 32,000 rubles (16 GB) will need to be paid for a smartphone. The maximum volume - 128 GB - will cost fans of the brand 47 000 rubles. This is the real cost of smartphones of the American manufacturer.

These numbers tell the average layperson that Sales American Store is a "divorce." You can clearly see how much the cost of the smartphone was underestimated to make the offer as attractive as possible.

Despite everything, Sales American Store correctly positioned itself , reviews of company employees and satisfied customers were at the level, a scam took place.

You always need to think about where you invest your own money. No one wants to work in minus. Especially the one who offers you attractive services, relying on your naivety and credulity.


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