What is the mystery of the Sphinx?

The grandiose structures from the Egyptian pyramids, as well as the statue lying near them with a human head and the body of a lion, still amaze the imagination and keep the answers to numerous questions. By whom, when and why were they built? How did you manage to erect such monumental masterpieces? What mystery of the sphinx is hidden in this ancient architectural monument? Nevertheless, nobody managed to get accurate information from these stone sculptures, only legends and assumptions calm inquiring minds, and the guardians remain silent, without revealing to anyone the secrets of the distant past.

riddle of the sphinx
Speaking specifically about the Sphinx, it will be useful to note that for the first time it is mentioned in the myths of Egypt. He seemed like a monster eating passers-by, and looked like a lion with a man’s head. In Greece, he was seen as a creature with the face of a woman and the wings of a bird, which sat on a mountain and asked people different questions. For example, the Sphinx riddle could sound like this: “Who walks on four legs in the morning, on two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?” Failed to give the correct answer, she killed. The only one who could answer correctly was Oedipus, but after that the mysterious woman threw herself off a cliff and no one else saw her.

There are many different legends about this statue. According to one of them, the riddle of the Sphinx
riddles of the sphinx
lies in the fact that he is the keeper of the pyramids and protects them day and night. With his "third eye" he observes the rotation of the planets and the Sun, while feeding on cosmic force. But, besides this, he demanded victims for his work. Another version says that the mysterious beast guards the “philosopher's stone” and the “elixir of immortality” that were hidden within its walls by Hermes Trismegistus, the son of the Egyptian god Thoth, who built one of the first pyramids on the banks of the Nile and built the Sphinx near it.

Esoteric teachings and many magicians also tried to solve the mysteries of the Sphinx. They noticed that four elements were shown in his figure: the wings symbolized the air, the body of the animal - the earth, the chest - water, and the paws of a lion - fire. According to magicians, the foundations of universal science were laid in it, the meaning of which corresponded to the secret of life and the choice to obey others or control them. And if a person could solve this charade, he would be able to control the forces of nature, life, death, and other phenomena.

Mystery of the sphinx
An interesting fact is that this construction is not discussed in ancient texts, philosophers do not talk about it. Much has been written about the construction of the pyramids. Construction estimates with all expenses have been preserved, but no documents about the statue by archaeologists have been found. What is the mystery of the Sphinx? The answer is described in the works of a Roman scientist, where he talks about the fact that the sands of the desert repeatedly swept the statue to the top, so it had to be completely dug up. However, there is no definite answer about the time of its appearance, archaeologists cannot come to a common opinion, setting forth various hypotheses.

So, the mystery of the Sphinx remains unsolved. But nevertheless it is curious to know who solved the riddle: people from a highly developed civilization or aliens? What did they want to leave us? What to explain? It turns out that the deeper we dive into it, the more questions become, and no one has yet given answers to them.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6672/

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