The Forest: How to Find a Son, or the Eternal Question of the Game

The topic of today's review is The Forest project. The question "How to find a son?" quite often asked by many gamers who have already experienced in their own skin all the intricate plot of the game. Today we will talk with you what kind of toy this is and how you can answer the question about searches.

the forest how to find a son

Confusing plot

Before talking about The Forest project, how to find a son and where he is hiding, let's see what kind of game this is. The plot begins with the main character (let's call him Ben) flying in a half-empty airplane somewhere with his offspring. At the same time, he watches a horror movie on his laptop. Nonexistent movie. Suddenly the plane crashes. He is torn to pieces, but Ben and his son manage to escape. The protagonist sees how a native takes his child somewhere.

So begins the game The Forest. "Where to find a son?" - a question that arises, as we see, from the first minutes. If you look around, you can see that around the "our" wreckage of the aircraft are things of other passengers. In total, about 130 people with a crew were supposed to be on board. Ben realizes that he found himself on a "nearly" uninhabited island. He has to look for his child. So, the central idea becomes the main question of The Forest: "How to find a son, and what happened to him?" But in fact, not everything is so simple.


Now you have to explore the crash site and look for your child. True, there is still the task of finding all the survivors (the dead are also considered). Places that people have already visited are the so-called camps. Each time Ben finds them, you will have a "indicator" indicating the number of survivors.

the forest where to find a son

When you first appear in The Forest, where it will be very difficult to find a son, you will begin to find tennis balls that will accompany the player throughout the game. After wandering around a bit, you will be able to find a special card, thanks to which the secret of the balls will be revealed. In the young part of the island is the so-called place Tennis (they just took the boy out of the plane).

We continue to review the game The Forest. How to find a son? What needs to be done? With such questions, the main character rushes to the place of Tennis and discovers the clue of the balls found there. Namely, the mutilated bodies of their friends and fellow tennis players. Here it becomes clear that the whole team was on the plane, which was flying somewhere. For some fees. The plot begins to seem even stranger. Let's see what is happening here.

Where is the boy

Of course, The Forestโ€™s central question is โ€œWhere can I find a son?โ€ After Ben discovers the bodies of his comrades, the plot changes dramatically.

the forest find son

The fact is that the main character always wanted to have a family. Nevertheless, he devoted quite a lot of time to sports, and he had practically no time for family affairs. So, one day the coach called him to training camps and competitions. Ben fell asleep on the plane - here, presumably, our game begins. Thus, everything that happened before the crash is just a dream. There was no son named Timmy, and the illusions are confirmed by watching a non-existent horror movie. That is the answer to The Forest's question "How to find a son?" can be expressed in one word - "no way."

True, this option is just an assumption of some players. From the truth, itโ€™s only that Ben is a tennis player. The rest is hypotheses put forward by fans. The developers did not give any explanation. There is another assumption about what is happening here and how to find the boy.

The impossible is possible?

Now we only know that for the entire existence of the game no one has found the boy, nor has he seen the final credits. It turns out that all this time, players just wander around the world in search of adventure.

If you adhere to the second point of view about the plot, then Timmy can be found. True, for this it is necessary to complete a number of tasks. For example, track down all the passengers on an airliner. However, at the stage of alpha testing there is no such possibility yet - the card is too small.

the forest where is the son

Nevertheless, there are a number of assumptions about what to do after you have already searched the entire island. According to some players, all passengers must be found and killed, after which we find a son in The Forest, build a raft and fly away to hell away from the damned island. Thus, the opinions of the players are already divided.

In addition, one can meet such statements that state that the game does not and will not be any plot. Is that the main character grows old and dies. Well, or the whole point will be the most ordinary survival among the natives and unknown creatures. So the question is about The Forest: "Where is the son?" - still remains open.


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