Solenoid valve of the washing machine for water supply: check, repair, replacement

The days of using boards with a ribbed surface have long sunk into oblivion. Today it is rarely possible to find an apartment in which there would be no washing machine. Instead of the hostess, modern automatic machines perform the entire cycle of work, starting from soaking and ending with spinning. But the breakdown of the assistant hostess can be a real disaster. Today we will consider the most frequent "sore" of such equipment - the failure of the valve of the washing machine to supply water.

The simplest valve for a washing machine

No water enters the drum: what to do

Often in such cases, the hostess panics - the machine is loaded with linen, the drum rotates, but there is no water. In fact, it is worth breathing out, not everything is so scary here, and you should not immediately call the service department. A home master can fix such a breakdown on his own. In this case, you may not even have to purchase a new part, but simply repair the one that failed. But first things first.

The most common valve problems of a washing machine for water supply are:

  • banal filter blockage;
  • failure of the electromagnet;
  • clogged membrane;
  • control unit failure.

The latter option does not apply to valve problems, but it cannot be ignored. It is worth examining in more detail each of the failures and how to fix them.

Clogged water strainer

This is the simplest thing that can happen to the valve for supplying water to the washing machine. A mesh is installed on its inlet neck to prevent small fractions that may be contained in the water supply from entering the membrane. It is located inside the device and opens by means of an electromagnet operating under the action of pulses supplied from the control unit.

The first thing to do if there is no water supply is to turn off the water supply tap to the machine, disconnect the hose from the device and pull out the net. This is pretty simple. After the filter is washed under running water. It is allowed to use the brush, provided that it is not rigid. After that, set everything in place. It remains to check the water supply valve of the washing machine by turning on normal washing.

You will have to pay for calling a specialist

Failure of the electromagnet winding: is there a way out

If the previous method did not solve the problem, you will have to open the top cover. It is not difficult, you just need to unscrew the two screws at the back, move it a little back and raise it. Access to the valve for supplying water to the washing machine will be free. It is necessary to disconnect the wires from the terminals and check for resistance between the nearest ones (they are arranged in pairs by the number of sections) using a multimeter. It should be between 2-4 kOhm. If the indicators do not match, then the winding has blown.

In this case, there is no question of repairing the water supply valve in the washing machine - only a replacement. The same applies to the clogging of the membrane - it will not be possible to clean it (this happens when an external filter mesh is broken). However, in this case, the situation will be the opposite - water will flow into the machine regardless of whether it works or is completely turned off.

Removing the top cover is quite simple.

Failure of the electronic control unit

This "sore" is the most unpleasant, and its "treatment" is possible only in the service center. Of course, if the home master is not a professional in the repair of electronics. Generally speaking, the absence of all the considered signs indicates precisely a malfunction of the electronic control unit.

But there is one detail that is often overlooked - the possibility of a break in the power wire of the valve of the washing machine for supplying water. Testing - again, a multimeter installed on a short circuit (signal when connecting the probes), and the "ringing" of the beginning and end of the core.

electronic control unit

Do-it-yourself water valve replacement in the washing machine

After all the checks are made and the home master is convinced of the failure of this particular unit, it will not be difficult to change it. Unscrewing the 2 fixing screws (this is done externally), the electrovalve can be dismantled without any problems (on some models it simply turns out, there are no bolts). It remains to go to a specialized store and purchase a part, and then install it in its original place. If you do all the work yourself, you can save at least 1,500 rubles, which is pretty good. In addition, the home master will gain experience, which is much more appreciated.

For those who have questions on this topic, a rather informative video is posted below.

Some useful tips

When repairing or replacing a solenoid valve for supplying water for a washing machine, some rules must be observed:

  1. All actions are performed only when the voltage is removed. With electricity, jokes are bad. The exception is only when verification is necessary.
  2. The floor must be dry. In the event of a leak (which is unavoidable in such work), water must be removed.
  3. If there is no experience in electronics, do not try to repair the control unit.
  4. When dismantling, it is better to mark the wires so as not to make a mistake in the connection.

Observing these simple rules, anyone can carry out such repairs, regardless of the availability of such experience.

sophisticated valve


Damage to household appliances is inevitable - it is a matter of time. So, you need to be prepared for such a situation and not panic, immediately calling the master. Such rash actions will lead to unnecessary financial costs. After all, even a banal and simple cleaning of the mesh filter is equivalent to repair, and this is at least 900 rubles. There is something to ponder. And the money saved in the family budget has not bothered anyone. Moreover, a special expenditure of physical strength is not required here (unless a little push the washing machine away from the wall).


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