How to make a temporary registration at the place of stay? Documents, deadlines. Advice

The concept of "temporary registration" is familiar to everyone, but the term "temporary registration of citizens at the place of stay" is unknown to many. These two names, in fact, mean the same thing.

how to make temporary registration at the place of stay

This article will discuss how to make temporary registration at the place of stay, which package of documents should be prepared for its execution. Particular attention will be paid to the registration of children and foreigners.

What does the concept of "place of stay" mean?

How to make a temporary registration at the place of stay? We will definitely deal with this issue, but first we will determine what the term β€œplace of stay” means.

Russian law clearly delineates those institutions and premises that may be the place of residence of a citizen.

Do I need a temporary registration

These include:

  • Hotels
  • boarding houses;
  • sanatoriums;
  • hostels;
  • holiday homes;
  • hospitals;
  • institutions of the penal system;
  • office premises;
  • house;
  • apartment;
  • room.

This concept is explained in the current Rules of registration and removal of citizens of the Russian Federation from registration at the place of stay and place of residence within the Russian Federation.

Is registration a right or an obligation?

Temporary registration (RF) is an obligation, so if a person leaves his place of permanent residence for a long time (more than 90 days), he must register at his place of residence. For foreigners, this period has been reduced to seven days. The legislation does not always blame such people on this procedure. If the object of the place of stay is a hotel, a holiday home, a hospital and other similar institutions, the registration obligation is assigned to these organizations and institutions.

The Federal Migration Service

It is important to remember that temporary registration cannot be a reason for deregistration in a permanent place of residence. The purpose of registration is to provide citizens with protection of their rights. In addition, the Federal Migration Service (FMS) tracks the movement of people across the territory of the Russian Federation. Why is it necessary to control the location of citizens? Such a measure is necessary for calculating rents, obtaining passports, PF certificates, obtaining loans, finding employment, and identifying children in schools and kindergartens.

Required documents

To arrange your stay properly, the FMS will require the following package of documents:

  • passport or birth certificate for minors;
  • application signed by the registrant and homeowner;
  • employment contract or social rent (if the housing is municipal);
  • certificate of ownership (if the property is owned).

If adult citizens live together with the landlord or landlord, they must obtain consent for registration. Here's how to make a temporary registration at the place of stay.

Where should I go and how long is the registration?

After collecting all the necessary documents, you should contact the territorial body of the FMS personally, send them by mail to the address of the structural unit or through the State Services Portal. In the last two cases, the applicant is also required to attach a statistical registration sheet and an address arrival sheet (temporary registration for a year).

Registration usually takes three days, but in some cases it can be increased by another five days. If a citizen does not want to submit a social security agreement or certificate of ownership to the migration service , the law allows this. It is in this case that the processing time increases and is about eight days (workers). During this time, employees verify the applicant information.

I must say that the service regulations stipulate the time that a person will spend in the department. If the applicant makes an appointment in advance, the wait in line will be 15 minutes. Paperwork will take 30 minutes.

Registration term

In each case, certain deadlines for obtaining temporary registration are set. So, with the mutual consent of the applicant and the owner (landlord), a residence permit can be issued for a year or even more. Russian law does not determine the term for temporary registration, so this period only depends on the agreement reached by all interested parties.


temporary registration for a year

The Federal Migration Service allows you to make temporary registration for a certain period, therefore, the application must indicate the start date and expiration date of registration. Simultaneously with the end of this period, the document expires. If a citizen wants to extend the registration period, he must again submit the same documents to the migration service as for the first time.

Is there any evidence in hand?

The end of registration is the receipt by the applicant of a special certificate. If some institution (hotel, hospital) acts as the responsible person, the document is issued to the employee of this organization. The certificate may be sent by mail to the address of the premises where the applicant is registered.

Temporary registration price

When registering, it is not required to pay a state fee. All necessary forms, as well as ready certificates should be provided completely free of charge.

But practice shows that often homeowners require a certain amount from the tenant. As their excuse, they put forward the version that the rent will increase immediately. Of course, this fact is justified only when the meters of consumption of consumed resources are not installed in the apartment. In this case, the indicators in receipts will grow in accordance with the number of residents.

It is for this reason that it is necessary to immediately clarify the issue when concluding a lease and registration. All controversial issues must be necessarily reflected in the document.

In addition, many fraudulent companies offer legal registration for a fee. A person who turns to dubious businessmen risks not only being left without a conditional amount of money, but may also become the owner of fake registration documents .

Responsibility for accommodation without registration

All citizens residing without a residence permit for more than three months, as well as owners or landlords of residential premises are subject to administrative punishment. In each subject of the Russian Federation certain amounts of fines can be established.

temporary registration price

For example, in the capital and St. Petersburg, applicants pay from three to five thousand rubles, and landlords / owners - a couple of thousand more, but for legal entities such a violation is fraught with sanctions in the amount of up to eight hundred thousand. I must say that in other regions, fines are slightly lower. They are: for citizens - 2-3 thousand thousand, for owners of residential premises - up to five thousand, and for organizations - up to 750 thousand rubles. Perhaps a similar difference in numbers between the main cities of the country and other regions is due to a higher standard of living in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Avoiding Responsibility

How to make temporary registration at the place of stay without problems? It would be a mistake to believe that in all cases, without exception, fines are imposed on citizens convicted of misconduct. The legislation defines all cases when administrative punishment does not follow:

  1. If a person lives without registration in the same subject of the Russian Federation in which he has permanent registration.
  2. If the applicant and the landlord are each other's relatives or spouses.

Registration of children

Do children need temporary registration? You can register the child at the address of the parent. If suddenly dad and mom have some contentious issues related to the whereabouts of the child, only the court can solve all the issues.

I must say that the adoption of the Law "On Education" has led to the fact that many parents temporarily register their own children in another territory. Of course, all this happens fictitiously, because in fact the children live together with mom and dad. Why do they do it? The meaning of such actions by parents is quite obvious. The fact is that each educational institution has a certain territory assigned to it, therefore they accept only those children who are registered there.

temporary registration of rf

For parents planning to send their child to a particular school, there is no other way out than temporarily changing their place of residence. But the advantage in admission is only those children who have a permanent residence permit. With temporary registration, you can only rely on places left after accepting the main stream of future students. For example, a particular educational institution is more popular, then the child has a temporary residence permit there is a risk of generally staying out of the list. In this case, parents will only have to apply to the school, which is located at the place of permanent registration.

Registration of foreigners and unregistered persons

For foreigners there is a special regulation for staying on the territory of the Russian Federation. All persons arriving from other states must come to the FMS within a week and receive a mark in the migration card on registration. Foreigners collect the same documents as Russian citizens, with only one difference: they must also present a residence permit or a temporary residence permit.

temporary registration of citizens

Migrants and refugees are required to provide a migration specialist with a referral to the settlement.

To summarize

In the end, you can summarize and draw the main conclusions:

  1. A place of stay is a room in which a person temporarily resides. If a citizen stays in it for more than three months, this serves as the basis for registration.
  2. It is necessary to collect a specific package of documents.
  3. Contact the FMS department in person, send a letter by mail or use the Public Services Portal.
  4. The deadline is three working days, in case of emergency - eight.
  5. A citizen receives a certificate of registration.
  6. If a person has ignored the requirement to issue a temporary residence permit, he can be held administratively liable with a fine.

Now you know how temporary registration is carried out, what documents are needed for this, so when you draw it up you will not have any unresolved issues. If you follow the tips presented in this article, it will be quite easy to register.


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