About how to bring fleas in cats

Fleas can be found in any pet. The disease is extremely unpleasant. The cat begins to itch and bite uninvited guests. Among other things, these parasites can infect your furry pet with some kind of disease. Therefore, the question of how to remove fleas in cats is considered very important.

how to get fleas in cats
Nowadays, this is not too difficult to do. The industry produces just a huge amount of a variety of drugs designed specifically for this purpose. You can buy them at pet stores or veterinary pharmacies. The owner of the animal has the opportunity to buy shampoo, spray, powder or drops. Of course, you need to make sure that the product was intended specifically for cats. Usually, quite qualified personnel work in pet stores. Therefore, it is worth asking about how to get fleas from cats, from the seller. He will certainly advise what will best suit your pet.

Well, of course, when you come home with a purchase, you should first read the instructions for use. Shampoos can be considered quite convenient to use. However, when bathing an animal, you must make sure that soapy water does not get into his eyes and ears. Usually, when using shampoo, the procedure needs to be repeated after about a week and a half.

flea leopard for cats
Sprays are also a fairly convenient answer to the question of how to remove fleas in cats. Using this tool, you will need to monitor the animal for some time. The cat should not be allowed to lick. After all, getting into the stomach, although weak, but still poison can not be useful.

If there is no time for this, it is better to use a spray only for processing bedding. For the animal itself, it is worth purchasing special drops. Currently, it is very popular, for example, the drug "Bars" from fleas for cats. This tool is applied in drops on the ridge of the animal and in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. When calculating the dosage, the weight of the cat is taken into account. The same company also produces a pretty good spray. After using the drops, you do not need to bathe your pet for the next three days. In addition, water procedures should not be carried out three days before the use of the product.

fleas in cats photo
If you sometimes let a cat out for a walk, you should take preventative measures. In this case, the same drops of Bars are applied once every two months. By the way, this tool also helps with ticks. Sometimes the question of how to remove fleas in cats does not arise before the owners, since the animal does not itch. However, insects may be present even in this case. Therefore, it is worth inspecting the coat from time to time. Sometimes fleas themselves may not be noticed. But if they are, the products of their vital activity - black spools - will necessarily be present on the skin of the animal. If something like this is found, of course, the cat will need to be treated.

Fleas in cats (you can see photos of infected animals on this page) can also be removed using folk remedies. Most suitable for this is ordinary wormwood. The leaves of this plant are dried and rubbed into the animal’s hair. In addition, you can put a bag with grass sprinkled in it next to the bedding. True, wormwood does not kill fleas, but simply scares them away. The disadvantage of this method is that the owners themselves may not like the smell of this plant. And this method cannot be called particularly effective.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F67/

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