Who is Aberfort Dumbledore? Its Importance in Harry Potter Books

Probably, everyone noticed that in every fairy tale there is a gray-haired sage who instructs and teaches young heroes to cope with all the difficulties in their path. As a rule, such sages have neither brothers nor sisters. But Albus Dumbledore from the Harry Potter books is an exception. And in this article we will tell you about who Aberfort Dumbledore is and what significance his character has in a fairy tale.

aberfort dumbledore

Some facts

Aberforth Dumbledore is the younger brother of Albus. It is distinguished by its quick-tempered character and craving for truth. Prefers to resolve all disputed issues in a duel. His younger sister suffered bullying by the Muggles in childhood, after which she could not conjure. His father, who tried to teach the boys a lesson, was punished and imprisoned in Azkaban until the end of his days. After this incident, the Dumbledore family moved to Godric's Hollow.

Death of mother

Although Aberforth Dumbledore seemed hot-tempered and aggressive, in fact he was kind. Sister Arianna loved him immensely and listened better than everyone else. Aberforth could reassure her. In addition, Arianna's attacks of uncontrolled magic were less common when Aberforth was nearby. But once, when the younger brother was not at home, sister Arianna accidentally killed her mother Kendra. Subsequently, Aberforth lamented about this, because he could prevent misfortune.

The death of a sister of Arianna

In order to keep an eye on his sister, Aberforth Dumbledore wanted to abandon his studies at Hogwarts as a young man. But his older brother Albus convinced him to continue his studies. Unfortunately, upon returning from school, Aberforth discovered that his older brother was more engaged in correspondence with the dark wizard Grindelwald than his own sister Arianna. Aberforth Dumbledore, whose photo you can see below, with his usual assertiveness and temper, told Albus everything he thinks about the promises made to him and his correspondence. In addition, Aberforth was opposed to the older brother, along with Grindelwald, taking his sick sister on his travels.

aberfort dumbledore actor

When the brothers sorted out their relations in the presence of Grindelwald and Arianna, who was visiting them, Gellert called Aberforth a stupid and worthless boy who stood in the way of his smart brother. In addition, he very imprudently said that Arianna is best hidden in a magical hospital, after which a duel took place between the two brothers and Grindelwald. During this fight, Arianna was killed. Who exactly killed the girl is unknown.

At the funeral of his sister, Aberfort broke his nose to Albus. But, of course, not for the murder of her sister, but because it was the actions of her older brother that led her to death. From this moment, the brothers practically did not communicate with each other.

In the fifth book

In previous Harry Potter books, Aberforth Dumbledore is referred to as the Boar's Head inhospitable innkeeper. However, only in the fifth book does Aberforth intervene in the course of events. Most likely, it was he who told the school principal that Harry and his friends had assembled a certain detachment in which they would teach children protection from the dark arts.

Aberforth Dumbledore Photos

How Albus's younger brother twice saved the life of Harry Potter and his friends

Aberfort Dumbledore (actor - Kiaran Hinds) played a key role in the last part about Harry Potter. Twice he saves the boy and his friends life. For the first time, Harry in panic contacts him through the shard of the mirror that Sirius gave him. Then the main character with his company was captured in the Malfoy estate. And most likely, they would all have died if Aberforth Dumbledore had not sent Dobby's house, who was then killed by Bellatrix, to them.

The second time, Aberforth Dumbledore saved the children from certain death when they entered the village of Hogsmeade to destroy the last of the Horcruxes. That night, Harry had to call his patronus to save himself from the Dementors, which he gave himself away from. By a lucky chance, they transgressed near the Boar's Head inn. Aberforth called them to him and hid them. And he convinced the death eaters that the newly called patronus appeared in the form of a goat, not a deer.

Aberforth Dumbledore in his youth

In addition, in the seventh book, Aberforth Dumbledore not only helps Harry and his friends. He rescues those students who were hiding from death eaters in the So-and-So room. He gave them absolutely free food and helped to contact their relatives, if necessary. It was through his inn that the children were evacuated before the battle for Hogwarts.

Aberforth Patronus

From childhood, the younger brother of Albus was fond of raising goats. He really loved these animals. Needless to say, even his patronus took the form of a goat or goat. Once he was charged with experimenting on his goats. It is possible that he experienced unforgivable spells on them. But, despite all the threats and even an article in the newspaper, he continued to work. Aberforth's patronus was so powerful that he was able to drive out more than a hundred dementors during the battle for school.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6712/

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