What is epiphora? Examples of use

Translated from the Greek epiphora - it is "repetition, addition, pressure." The stylistic technique of repeating the same sounds at the ends of adjacent words in lines can be vividly demonstrated by a simple rhyme. This is a grammatical epiphora. Examples of it are often found in children's poems:

They lived together on the balcony

Poppy, daffodil. They were friends.

Sometimes, in order to emphasize the importance of a single word or phrase, it is repeated at the end of a stanza or lines, forming the so-called tautological rhyme. This is a lexical epiphora. Examples are verses:

To my son on the eighteenth birthday

Sweetest, beloved, dear,

My little bunny, Lapulka Ezhulka!

He’s funny, so funny -

My baby, my son!

Let the voice not already tender

And I haven’t been calling for a long time -

Head to the ceiling!

The whirlwind became son of Ezhische ...

Soon, adults will become quite ...

And will not say as before: "Mommy!"

But - come to visit, and I all

I will proudly introduce him: “Son!”

epiphora examples

Very often used rhetorical epiphora. Examples of this technique can be found in songs, especially often in Russian folk. A children's song about two geese perfectly demonstrates it with its unforgettable lines: “One is gray, the other is white, two funny geese”, as well as Yulia Drunina’s poems “You are nearby”.

Often in poetry they use the repetition of the first quatrain in prison. Sometimes they are slightly different, more often they are repeated verbatim. It is also a rhetorical epiphora. Examples - verses by the same Yu. Drunina “There is time to love.”

They begin with the words: “There is time to love, there is time to write about love,” and at the end these lines are repeated with a slight change: instead of the word “write”, the author uses the verb “read”.

Often in prose, authors want to emphasize the significance of a single moment, episode, or subject. Then the artist of the word uses the repetition of an episode or one phrase or passage. Examples of epiphora are presented in this miniature.

"Barcarole" by Tchaikovsky

What is Barkarola singing to her about? About the sea, about love, about hope, about grief ... She herself seems to dissolve in music, reliving everything anew ... For the umpteenth time ...

epiphora is

The growing noise of an approaching wave, a soft impact of water on the shore and a quiet rustling of the return run ... And now a new wave begins to gain strength, rolls onto the shore!

The sea is large, warm, affectionate. And on the shore they are together with Max - so dear, so beloved ... And the waves ... The waves ?! They warned of misfortune! They wanted to say that ... but they could not speak more clearly!

Return trip. Max is driving. Whistles a funny tune. So he pressed the brakes and lowered his head to his hands folded on the steering wheel. All…

She suddenly guessed that something irreparable happened, screamed, began to turn his face to her! Then she realized that was all.

epiphora examples
And at once for her all sounds disappeared, as if ears had been covered with cotton wool. She didn’t understand anything, only she heard everything again and again the growing noise of an approaching wave ... A soft blow of water to the shore ... A quiet rustling of the return run ...

She finished the game. She dropped her hands to her knees. I stood in front of a quiet, as if empty hall. Silently bowed to the void and silence. And suddenly…

The hall exploded with applause! And she stood in front of him, small, lost, with wet paths of tears on her cheeks. And I didn’t hear anything ...

And in my ears, the growing noise of the approaching wave, the quiet impact of water on the shore and the quiet rustling of the return run did not cease ... And on the shore they ... Together ... With Max ... So dear, so beloved!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F672/

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