Floor tiles for the kitchen and corridor: overview, manufacturers, rating

Today, floor tiles are used to decorate walls and floors in different rooms. It is a practical, beautiful and durable material. He is easy to care for. Therefore, tiles and porcelain tiles are used to decorate the bath, kitchen and corridor. In these rooms, various adverse factors act on the surface. How to choose floor tiles for the kitchen and the corridor, the rating and features of the popular manufacturers of this material will be discussed later.


Floor tiles for the kitchen and hallway should have a number of features. Therefore, when choosing, the characteristics of these materials must be taken into account. Most often, the floor and walls are finished with tiles or porcelain tiles. These are durable materials. They are not exposed to moisture and temperatures.

Dimensions of tiles for the kitchen and corridor

When choosing material for finishing floors and walls in the corridor or kitchen, it is required to determine the features of its operation. It is very important for the floor that the surface of the material is not subject to abrasion. This is especially true for rooms such as a corridor. Here the cross will be significant. High abrasion resistance should be different and tiles for finishing the floor in the kitchen.

It is also worth considering that in such rooms on the surface dirt will often accumulate. Therefore, cleaning should not be difficult. The corridor is often wet-cleaned. In the kitchen, sometimes to remove stains of fat, traces of fallen food you will need to use chemicals. They should not leave marks on the floor surface, scratch or lighten it.

One of the most important issues for buyers is the cost of materials. However, in the struggle for economy, one may not notice certain shortcomings. Cheap floor tiles for the kitchen and hallway may differ in the presence of uneven edges. Moreover, in one batch it may vary in size. This can cause a lot of difficulties when laying tiles or porcelain tiles.

It is also worth considering that cheap material may differ in a heterogeneous shade. Some plates in a batch may be lighter, while others darker. At the same time, expensive, high-quality tiles are much more resistant to shocks. Cheap varieties may not withstand overload during transportation. Having bought plates without defects, you can bring home material with cracks and chips. Therefore, you should not save on quality finishes.


Certain technical characteristics should be endowed with floor tiles for the kitchen and corridor. Porcelain tile and tile are made according to different technologies. They also differ in their appearance. These materials are made using different technologies. However, both of these finishes are environmentally friendly materials. They are created from natural components (clay, feldspar, sand, etc.). Such plates, regardless of the method of production, differ in a number of operational indicators. One of the main qualities that surfaces in the kitchen and in the corridor should have is wear resistance.

Outdoor tile

So that the buyer can determine what qualities a particular material has, certain markings are used. The wear resistance class is determined according to the European classification and is indicated by the letters REI. Tiles can belong to one of five classes. REI1 can only be used for walls that are not subject to stress. The most wear-resistant material is REI5. To finish the floor you need to use tiles of at least 4 classes. On the walls in the kitchen or corridor, you can apply material with a 3rd class of wear resistance.

The best floor tiles for the kitchen and the corridor must have a raised surface. Such materials are labeled R or R10. They have a low slip rate. This is extremely important for surfaces that may be exposed to water.

To be able to treat the surface of the plates with chemical cleaners, you need to purchase products of class A, AA or AB. Otherwise, the surface will quickly lose its former appearance due to the aggressive effects of chemistry. It is also worth paying attention to the indicator of the resistance of the material to ultraviolet. If not, tiles can only be used in a corridor without windows. If this icon is present on the packaging, the tile can be used in the kitchen.

Rating of global manufacturers

To make the right choice of floor tiles for the kitchen and the corridor, the rating of world manufacturers needs to be considered in detail. The quality of the tile is determined not only by the company and brand, but also by the country in which the material was manufactured.

Design floor tiles for the kitchen and corridor

The leaders in the field of tile production are Italy and Spain. They use the most advanced equipment and high quality materials to create their products. Thanks to this, the tile is distinguished by its ideal geometry. Each tile in the party is shifted with a special material that prevents even the slightest defect from appearing on the surface of the material.

The most popular manufacturers of Spain are Novogres, Ceramica, Pamesa, Aparisi. This country occupies the first positions in world ratings in terms of quality and variety of tile design. Floor tiles for the kitchen and corridor of Spain allow you to create a designer, luxury finish.

Italy does not lag behind her either. This country has managed to gain world recognition. Collections of its manufacturers are stylish, spectacular. Italy is a trendsetter in tile decoration. The most famous manufacturers of this country are Valverde, Saloni and Tilegres. The cost of tiles of these manufacturers averages 3-3.5 thousand rubles / m².

Next in the ranking are manufacturers in France and Germany. They are of high quality. At the same time, the cost of products of such companies is much lower than that of Italian and Spanish brands. It ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 thousand rubles / m².

Russian manufacturers have also significantly improved the quality of their products in recent years. This is due to the re-equipment of production, the use of new technologies. At the same time, the cost of products of domestic companies ranges from 600 to 1000 rubles / m². Product quality and diverse design allows you to create different effects when finishing.

Popular manufacturers in our country

Floor tiles in Russia can be made by different manufacturers. Our country also has its own rating of manufacturers. Demanded products of both the elite and low-cost segment. The choice of materials is so great that the buyer can be confused. First of all, you need to evaluate your budget for repairs and the requests of the owners of the house. If they want to create an exclusive interior that will be very stylish and spectacular, they can give preference to manufacturers of an expensive segment. If the budget is limited, you can choose high-quality material among the proposals of the low-price segment. In this case, you can create a cozy interior that will delight the owners of the house for a long time.

Coloring tiles for the kitchen and corridor

One of the popular manufacturers of the high-end segment is Fap Ceramiche. This luxury floor tile for the kitchen and hallway is available in Italy. The interiors that are decorated with such material are original, stylish and very effective. Well-known world designers choose such a tile to create real masterpieces of art. The cost of the tile of this company is about 3-4 thousand rubles / m².

In the mid-price segment, high ranking lines are occupied by Russian companies. The most popular in our country are domestic manufacturers “Kerama Marazzi”, “Shakhtinsky tile”, “Cersanite”. Also, the products of the Belarusian brand Keramin are in demand. The cost of products averages from 600 to 1,500 rubles / m².

Among the inexpensive materials that customers in Russia choose today are products from Chinese brands. The quality of their products is acceptable. When choosing, you should carefully review each tile. Such products are sold at a price of 600-1000 rubles / m². Well-known manufacturers of this segment are Cimic, Hitom, Architeza.

Tile Fap Ceramiche

Floor tiles for the kitchen and corridor of Spain and Italy around the world are considered the best and most expensive. From it create real masterpieces of design art. In our country, the most popular in the elite segment is Fap Ceramiche. This company produces collections for the kitchen, corridor and bathrooms. Only about 30 collections of this manufacturer are on sale.

A feature of Italian floor tiles for the kitchen and corridor is the production of only one factory. It is located in Sassuolo. This allows you to strictly control the quality of products that come off the assembly line. This explains the high quality finish. The company pays great attention to the quality of the material. For the manufacture of tiles only natural components are used.

Italian tiles for the kitchen and corridor

Design solutions of the Italian manufacturer are also noteworthy. They are original and spectacular. The surface of the plates can imitate wood, stone, etc. This is one of the main directions of design decisions of the company. Particularly in great demand are collections that mimic natural marble or woods of noble breeds.

Among the positive qualities of Fap Ceramiche materials, it is worth noting the high resistance to mechanical damage. The tile does not lose its original appearance even in public areas with a high cross-country ability. Chips and scratches do not appear on it. This is a very important quality. Indeed, in the corridor on the surface they can walk in heels. In the kitchen, there are cases when dishes fall on the floor. Therefore, the tile must be resistant to such influences. These qualities distinguish products of the Italian brand.

The disadvantages of the tile Fap Ceramiche include a sufficiently large deviation in the size of the plates. In some cases, it is about 1 mm. This does not cause installation difficulties. However, the cost of tile is quite high. Therefore, the requirements of geometry (as well as other technical characteristics) put forward increased requirements. It is also worth saying that many buyers also consider the high cost to be the main drawback of the products of the presented brand.

Tile "Kerama Marazzi"

Kerama Marazzi floor tiles are one of the best-selling brands in the mid-price segment of our country. It is produced by a Russian company that is constantly working on improving its technology. Therefore, the quality of domestic products today is not inferior to many foreign products.

"Kerama Marazzi" produces 12 collections of coatings for different types of rooms. In total, more than 2,000 products of this brand are on sale. A huge selection of materials will create an interesting, original interior. Having shown imagination, you can give the corridor or kitchen the desired, exclusive look.

A feature of the domestic brand tiles is the use of geographical themes. Each collection is associated with some city or country. Choosing the finish, you can select a point on the map where the owners of the house would like to go on a trip. So, collections in the English, Italian and French style are in demand. The decoration of the Indian, Scandinavian collection looks original. Designers took inspiration when creating the design of tiles in different parts of the world.

Floor tiles in Russia today are of high quality. The equipment on which the plates are made is not only the most modern, but also one of the most high-tech in the world. The manufacturer also pays great attention to service. So, for example, using a mobile application you can see not only all the collections, but also their panorama in 3D projection. The network of company stores and distribution is extensive. The company values ​​its reputation. Therefore, product quality is at its best.

The geometry of the Kerama Marazzi slabs is within acceptable limits. The material is resistant to mechanical stress. When mounting difficulties with the presented material does not arise. Therefore, the demand for these products in our country breaks all records.

Tile company Cersanit

Floor tiles for the kitchen and the corridor of the economy and mid-price segment are also presented by the Tserzanit company. This brand has been on the market for quite some time. The company is engaged in the production of not only materials for decoration, but also plumbing.

The product range includes more than 40 collections. The company's plants are located in different countries, including Russia. This production facility, which is located in the Moscow Region, produces both standard and original products. Both luxury and budget tiles go on sale. However, inexpensive collections are in greater demand than products of the high-price segment.

Beautiful flooring in the hallway

A feature of the products of this brand are the original dimensions of the plates. For example, they allow you to create an effective, unusual decor of a plate with a size of 20 Ă— 60 cm. The choice of textures, sizes and shades of design is huge. This brand represents one of the richest product ranges. You can choose among universal or original, exclusive finishes.

The products of this manufacturer are characterized by high abrasion resistance. Tiles do not lose color even after prolonged use. It is not exposed to ultraviolet radiation, so it is ideal for decorating the kitchen.

The production of floor tiles in Russia, which the brand introduced, allows us to produce quality products. However, it has a number of disadvantages. So, for example, the cost of the Tserzanit tile is higher than that of analogues in the mid- and low-price category. Moreover, in budget collections, the glaze is quite fragile. Size deviations are also determined. Wavy edges may be observed. The master, who lays such a tile, must have sufficient experience in carrying out such work.

Tile "Keramin"

The floor tiles of the Keramin company are completely undeservedly deprived of buyers' attention. It is produced by the Minsk brick factory. It is this fact that discourages buyers. However, it is worth noting that those who have already managed to purchase and install the flooring of the Belarusian brand are completely satisfied with the result.

Today Keramin is a modern company that has sufficient production potential for the manufacture of high-quality tiles. The plant is equipped with modern equipment. Moreover, quality control is carried out at each stage of production. This allows you to deliver to the market products that are distinguished by good geometry, as well as low cost.

The Belarusian brand produces over 80 collections. The choice of materials for decoration is huge. Some collections are presented in several shades at once. This greatly expands the possibilities in creating interior design. When developing the appearance of tiles, mainly geographical themes are used. The collection of Toledo floor tiles looks especially impressive. Historical and floral themes are also worth a look.

Floor tiles for the kitchen and corridor are also presented in universal collections. Such design options can be used both in the kitchen or in the corridor, and in the bathroom. The coating strength of the materials presented is high.

Experts note that in some collections of the presented manufacturer there are certain deviations in terms of geometry. However, they are small. Even in the expensive collections of Italian and Spanish manufacturers there are similar inconsistencies. The quality of Keramin was appreciated by experts. They claim that during installation no difficulties arise.

How to choose a color scheme?

Choosing a tile manufacturer, you must also consider the features of its design. A wide variety of shades, textures are on sale. Light floor tiles for the kitchen and the corridor are practically not used. This is due to its impracticality. To create a harmonious interior, you will need to make the floor darker than the walls. This requirement is mandatory when decorating small rooms.

Elite tiles for the kitchen and corridor

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6724/

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