The meaning of chamomile flower in feng shui and the language of flowers

Who did not admire the charming daisy fields in the summer ?! Simplicity, tenderness, airiness, fun characterize this flower. The small suns growing on the slopes and curbs greet passers-by joyfully and fervently. They are very romantic, because they are associated with an ancient fortune-telling on the groom. Many readers are interested in knowing the meaning of the daisy flower. After all, he is not only beautiful, but also has important healing properties. He owes his origin to the Astrov family, from where he borrowed a sharp, but pleasant aroma. Well, let's take a closer look at the meaning of the daisy flower, the origin of its name, legends about it and its use in fortune telling.

splendor of daisies

Most popular flower

All over the world we love daisy flower. Its value is known not only by healers, fortunetellers, but also by many young people in anticipation of a positive response from a loved one. It symbolizes the rebirth of spring. Despite its fragility, it is a strong flower and is found not only in Eurasia, but also in South and North America. A special type of medicinal chamomile is common in Siberia, Altai, and Crimea.

Many romantics stroll through the meadows with a flowering daisy, inhale its heady aroma. Others collect whole armfuls of these flowers and dry their houses for future use. The culmination of flowering plants occurs in June, thereby decorating the meadows and filling the world with amazing colors. Even a child recognizes a camomile without errors. Children often draw it or give bouquets to their mothers.

daisy wreath

origin of name

The ancient Latin name for chamomile is bellis, which means "beautiful," "graceful." It is explained by the fragility and simplicity of a flower.

The English call the flower daisy, which translates as "daytime eye." This is due to the fact that the full disclosure of flowers occurs only under the influence of sunlight. There is a yellow disk in the center of the flower, and white petals are located around it. All this resembles a little sun.

In England, there is another name - thunderflower. Translated, it means "thunderous flower." The fact is that chamomile blooms in the summer, when thunderstorms most often occur.

bouquet of daisies

The meaning of daisies in the language of flowers

Chamomile is considered the most encouraging flower. It symbolizes carelessness and contact with nature. Not for nothing that in ancient times, girls were led to collect them in the meadows, weave wreaths and garlands from them. The meaning of the daisy flower is first love, innocence, modesty, sincerity of romantic dreams. He is also considered a symbol of childhood. He is associated with truth, a reliable, sincere feeling.

The language of flowers says that chamomile is responsible for good intentions, innocence and purity. This persistent flower is also associated with restraint, endurance, and the ability to wait. Tender daisy portends good humble love. It is customary to give girls no less often than roses. Finding them is always easy.

Feng Shui Chamomile Flower Value

Ancient Chinese art endowed the daisy with the meaning of purity and innocence. Especially the flower is suitable for young girls, giving them attractiveness and seduction. According to Feng Shui, it is customary to consider the flower to be female, although it can be used by men. It is recommended as a decoction to all people, even children. Such a drink is able to cheer up and fill with joy and harmony.

Feng Shui insists that a picture with daisies is suitable for any interior. It can be hung in the bedroom, hallway, children's room, kitchen. With the help of such a decor, it is possible to harmoniously harmonize the space, fill it with love, kindness and warmth.

camomile glade

Use in folk rituals

Chamomile is used for folk fortune telling. The tradition insists that you need to tear off the flower petals in a circle and say: β€œHe loves, does not love?” At the end, there should be one petal, giving an answer to the question. This folk ritual can be encountered in literature. Margarita from Goethe's drama "Faust" asks the flower if her lover loves her.

Most often, when divining, the result is β€œloves”, because an odd number of petals is much more common. Therefore, many girls so boldly take up fortune telling and find out the meaning of the chamomile flower. It is also customary to lay these flowers at the monuments of the dead, symbolizing purity and youth.

chamomile tea

Chamomile Tea

Since ancient times, chamomile tea was popular. Every person in his life at least once and tried this fragrant drink. It has no contraindications, and it is recommended even for babies. Chamomile tea strengthens the immune system, prevents colds, reduces pain, relieves inflammation. It has a calming effect on the nervous system, improves mood. It is especially recommended for women to drink it. He will relieve pain during menstruation.

Beauticians also widely use chamomile extract. It is added to various creams, shampoos, face masks and hair rinses. Often the chamomile is combined in fees with other herbs, then the effect is even more pronounced. These wonderful properties and values ​​have a wonderful daisy flower!


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