How to pass the game "100 doors"? "100 Doors": computer games

The game "100 Doors: Escape" is the next, updated version of the well-known puzzle. In order to get out of the rooms, the user needs to correctly solve interesting problems. It is not forbidden to rotate, tilt, or flip all objects displayed on the phone screen! Not all users know how to complete the 100 Doors game. Its mathematical part is now replaced by a logical one. This article offers tips on how to complete the 100 Doors game effortlessly.

1-10 levels

The user needs to move the green arrow to the right , holding it with a finger. Of the 100 doors, the first will open. Next, weights should be lowered, located opposite the ovals. Close the lines by clicking on the circles. Enter the number 1020 (multiplied by 255 level number). At the fifth level, you should place round figures in the left urn, and rectangular (or square) in the right bucket. Next, you need to outline the red β€œlamps” located on the sides, a rhombus on the door. Click on the hammer in the bottom window, select it. Knock on the bells in the following order: 1 - at the very top, 2 - at the bottom, 3 - on the left, 4 - on the right, 5 is no longer worth talking about. After completing the task, the door will open. Then you should type 27510 in the left column, and 311128 in the right column, starting from the top (numbers greater than 12 are not selected). Next, add one weight of 2 kilograms to the right, and all the others, 3 kg, to the left. Then you need to dial the number 2015 on the β€œintercom”. This is the time shown by the clock.

how to get through the game 100 doors

11-16 levels

Next, select the ball and put it in a round niche, then turn the phone over so that it falls into the aquarium. The game β€œ100 Doors” differs from standard puzzles in that it is necessary to use not a mathematical, but a logical method. Use it to arrange items. That is, you need to move the ball to the goal, the puck to the club, etc. Then you need to click on the images of objects, moving in turn from the largest to the smallest thing. Next, use the lever to change the numbers on the right so that the total amount is ten, press these numbers in turn. Select a hammer, click on the upper left picture and click on the right table 4 times. Perform the same action for subsequent images. Click on the table only 2 times. The resulting number 4257 should be entered into the "intercom". Select the torch, set on the right, then move the ball to the left. Click on the torch so that the beam hits the ball and is reflected in the bucket. The key that appears in it is highlighted and the door opened.

100 door game

17-20 levels

Move the bear close to the tree, turn the phone over so that the hive collapses directly into the animal's paws. On the number 1, click on the upper left column and the lower right. On 2 - the middle left column and the middle right. On the 3rd digit, select the upper left row and the lower right. On the 4th - the left and right upper and lower columns. Next, select the stick and put it in the window. Turn the gear on the right only clockwise. Dial 4343074. Next, go to level 21 in the "100 Doors" puzzle. The game on Android-tablets and smartphones is undemanding to resources, so the user does not have to wait long for the next stage to load.

100 door escape game

21-28 levels

We need to lower the weight, then the TV, and behind it the stove. Next, click on the tap and hold the button until the water begins to pour. Put the box in the middle and press again, while holding the button, on the tap. Take the gears on the right and install them on the wall, starting from the bottom. Tilt the phone so that the ball falls down. Break the left picture with them, collect the fragments and insert them into the door. Move along the arrow to the right, then the same action, but in the reverse order, to do with the newly appeared symbol. Dial 24280. Move the circles so that on both sides it turns out, as in the figure. Type the word password. Click on the squares in the order shown in the figure.

29-30 levels

Next, you need to make sure that the right ball touches the bottom button, and the left one does not. To do this, lower them down. Then flip the mobile phone back and drive the right ball into the protrusion. Next, you need to shake the phone again and make the left circle touch the button on top. Lower this ball to a place above the elevator call button. Turn the smartphone so that the right circle rolls out of the niche, and put the device straight. Both balls will fall down, but the right one will touch the button. How to pass the game "100 Doors" at the next level? You need to click several times on the image of the saw blade, move it to the spears. Then you should remove the disk and press the green button.

game open 100 doors

31-36 levels

You need to turn on the light. Then you need to take the bottle and in the window click 2 times left and right. Turn off the light and enter the numbers 7539 that suddenly appear. Move the pillows so that all the eggs break. Take the Scream mask and click on the chicken images alternately as follows: 12332112 (here the numbers are from 1 to 3). Dial the numbers 74944. Take all the items. Select the proposed hammer and break 3 squares around the door. Then choose a bucket. Click on the mixer. Then alternately click on the small and large white bucket, click on the squares. Select a brush, dip it in a white bucket. Paint over the squares. Cut 2 green wiring and one blue. Turn on their red lights. Do not touch the blue wires, cut the rest. The light comes on. Then connect all the wiring. Turn on their light bulbs. Press the wheel while holding the button. Take the key with your right hand.

100 Doors Android Game

37-40 levels

The numbers on the gears are equal to the number of revolutions of the wheel. You should start with the first and finish with the fifth. Next, enter the number 999991. Take 3 bottles and fill each of them with water. Pour liquid into a white box, break the containers with a stone and pick up the key. Make alternately all the figures depicted, saving each by pressing the green button.

41-44 levels

You need to click on the 3 buttons below. You need to move from right to left. Next, turn the phone, click on the right and left buttons. The second time to change the position of the phone. It will be turned left again. Press the buttons in the same way as the previous time. Turn the phone in the opposite direction. Click on the left and right buttons on top. Click on the white triangles. Add the numbers so that the numbers 11, 19, 9, 15 are obtained. To do this, click on the numbers 5 and 6 in the indicated triangles. To get eighteen, you need to click on 5, 8, 5, nine - on the numbers 3, 6, fifteen - 7, 8.

Next, fix the shield with a screwdriver. It is necessary to leave the upper and middle lamps on and press the switch. Next, turn off the top lamp and leave the rest to burn. Click on the switch. Extinguish the middle lamp and leave the rest to burn. Click on the switch. Shake the phone. Choose a fallen knocker and knock on the door.

100 doors

45-50 levels

Click on the cubes in turn, moving from the smaller rectangle to the larger one. By clicking on Play, count the number of red balls, blue and green. The result is the number 431. Take the binoculars, look at the stone. Pick up the appeared lens and set fire to the hay. Find the key and open the upper left intercom. Take binoculars and look at a dark point above the door, where code 17539 is located. Next, you need to take money and buy gasoline. Pick up a saw, pour gasoline and cut out the door, moving from the lower right corner. Enter the number 5626. Dial 591521.

Finally, the user found out how to get through the β€œ100 Doors” game to the middle. After the 50th, there are other levels. This is not just a standard mobile puzzle, but a very original and exciting game. Opening 100 doors is not so simple, but only the player needs to understand the principle of how the final goal will be achieved.


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