Proteus Flower - African Rose

Proteus flower belongs to a huge family of protea , which has more than 1,400 species that grow in the tropics and subtropics. In its homeland, in South Africa, the protea is considered one of the most beautiful and beloved plants. It is no coincidence that one of its magnificent species, the royal protea, was chosen as the symbol of South Africa.

Flower meaning

The name of this extraordinary plant was given by Carl Linnaeus. Being enchanted by the variety of its shapes and colors, he called it "Proteus." The flower, the name of which the Swedish natural scientist associated with the name of the ancient Greek sea ​​god Proteus, which took on different forms and appeared in the form of outlandish birds and animals, sometimes in the form of water and fire, is striking in its beauty.

protea flower

After all, even in one copy of this plant you can find leaves that are different in color and configuration. Therefore, these exotic representatives of the flora, due to their leaves of yellow, pink, purple color, in shape similar to fancy bowls and starfish and hedgehogs, were associated with Linnaeus with the son of Poseidon.

Proteus Features

Since the natural environmental conditions in which the protea flower lives are quite severe - the monsoon climate, depleted soil and frequent droughts - this also affected the appearance of the plant. All protean, both small trees and shrubs, have leathery or needle-like leaves.

It is typical for them to form quite large groups. Thus, they are protected from strong winds, and the shadow allows the soil not to overheat, retaining moisture, because it is worth its weight in gold. That is why many species have special stem underground organs that can accumulate and contain moisture.

protea flower how to care

The main features of the protea are exotic, chic flowers, which are distinguished by the brightness of the colors, and the diameter of some of them reaches 30 cm.

Some types of Proteus

The protea flower, no matter what species it belongs to, always causes admiration. However, there are some species that truly amaze with their exotic beauty.

  • Protea artichoke is deservedly considered the most spectacular instance. Due to the very large inflorescences, dressed in bright wrappers of leaves, the locals call it “protea king”, and since the flowers are filled with sweet nectar, another name is attached to it - “honey pot”.
  • Protea large-headed differs in that the wrappers of its leaves form inflorescences similar to large bowls. Moreover, it is surprising that this type of protea is pollinated by the so-called sugar bird, which regales itself with flower nectar.
  • Protea "Blackbeard" has a very rare color, which is expressed in its name. The inflorescences of a white-pink shade are framed by a black-violet fringe, which looks like a real "beard".


In South Africa and Australia, proteas are successfully grown in gardens and decorated with parks.

But the climate of the Northern Hemisphere is not suitable for growing proteas in open ground. They can be found here only in greenhouses and botanical gardens. Nevertheless, now and with us lovers of exotic plants are engaged in these flowers.

african rose flower protea

It is difficult to grow proteas at home, since they must be provided with comfortable conditions, namely:

  • plenty of sunshine;
  • light on cloudy days;
  • well ventilated area;
  • air temperature in summer is not lower than + 25º (in winter + 5º is allowed).

The protea flower propagates by seeds, and stratification is recommended for good germination: the flowers are placed in wet sand and kept in the refrigerator for several weeks. Before sowing the seeds for a day are placed in warm water.

For planting, ready soil is suitable, which is used for azaleas. If you add sand and perlite to it, then this will only be beneficial for the proteus.

Pots should be chosen wide and not very deep. It is advisable to place expanded clay on the bottom, and pour soil on top. The seed planting depth should be 2 times their size. Planted seeds are poured with boiled water and covered with a film of polyethylene or glass. Shelter must be periodically removed for ventilation.


After about 5-7 weeks, the seeds will sprout, and when two small leaves appear, the shelter is removed and the pot is placed in a place where there is a lot of sunlight. Now that you have a protea flower sprouted, how to care for it?

protea flower meaning

The main thing is not to waterlog it, as this can lead to the death of immature shoots. Water should be used only if it is sedimented and slightly acidified. Proteus does not need fertilizers.

Now, having provided the flower with light and airing the room, we must wait until it grows up, and this happens rather slowly.

Growing a protea flower is a long and laborious process. But for those who show enough patience, this exotic African rose will ultimately give beautiful flowers. A protea flower grown from seeds at home will begin to bloom in 5–6 years.


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