Is aesthetic beautiful? The meaning of the word "aesthetic"

What is aesthetic? This word, as a rule, belongs to the category of evaluations of something beautiful, bringing moral satisfaction. Consider the expression in more detail.

Science of the beautiful

As you know, the science of beauty is called aesthetics. This scientific direction studies the objects of beauty in nature and the world of people. Translated from the ancient Greek language, this word means “reasonable feeling”, compatible with the perception of an object or phenomenon from the world around us.

In this case, the aesthetic is an object related to this science. As for the semantic meaning, it is connected with the sensory perception of the world, the definition of beauty in it.

This expression itself in this interpretation was first used in the works of German philosophers of the middle of the year before last.

aesthetic is

Categories of aesthetics

There are a fairly large number of categories of aesthetics. According to one of the classifications, these are categories such as tragic and comic, ugly and beautiful, and so on.

According to another classification, they include the categories of aesthetic value, subject, essence, experience.

Finally, there is such a thing as an aesthetic personality.

In this vein, we mean a person who has a developed aesthetic taste, the ability to experience the objects of beauty in life, knowledge in this area, a hierarchy of aesthetic values, as well as a desire for activity in the field of beauty.

Also aesthetic is also related to the field of art. Therefore, there is a whole branch of science that is associated with aesthetics, philosophy of culture and art. These directions are quite popular today.

In Russian philosophy, there is a perception that the aesthetic is a certain center of sensory awareness of the world, its experience and understanding.

esthetic person

Directions of aesthetic knowledge

Today, there are a large number of different areas of aesthetic knowledge.

There is, for example, a philosophy of art that examines the issues of ontological comprehension of beauty, there is a history of aesthetics that studies how the ideal of beauty has changed over the centuries, defining the essence of ancient aesthetics, aesthetics of the Middle Ages, and so on.

A direction such as the psychology of aesthetics has been developed, which seeks to understand the laws by which the human person strives for experiences of the beautiful.

Thus, the aesthetic is related to this science. It can be an ideal, and a subject, and an object, and so on.


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