The image of Taras Bulba in the story "Taras Bulba". Product Characteristic

The image of Taras Bulba embodied a large number of typical aspects of the Ukrainian Cossacks. In the story of the same name, he is revealed from all sides: both as a family man, and as a military leader, and as a person as a whole. Taras Bulba is a national hero, he does not tolerate a quiet home existence and lives a stormy life full of anxiety and danger.

Bulba as a family man

the image of Taras Bulba in the story Taras Bulba

The main character is a stern husband and father. Taras treats his wife with a certain indulgence. He considers her simply a “woman”, an infinitely insignificant creature who has no authority. Gogol's hero also teaches his sons to disobey the influence of his mother. The image of Taras Bulba in the story "Taras Bulba" at first seems a little cruel. He does not recognize the soft female soul, but on the contrary, sees in it a great danger to the real Cossack. He believes that it is impossible to succumb to the charms of female love, even if it is maternal love, as it is possible to “become obsessed”.

Bulba like a father

Taras is presented as severe as a father. In relation to his two sons, he does not allow a single drop of affection or gentleness, he immediately tries to become his senior comrade. Even when the sons return home, Bulba at the first meeting enters into a fight with one of them. In this way, he is trying to determine the strength and temperament of his son in order to find out what kind of fighting comrade he will become in the future.

Bulba as a military leader

feat of taras bulbs

The image of Taras Bulba in the story “Taras Bulba” reveals to the reader a tireless, energetic and enterprising personality. The main character does not know what fatigue and fear are. He knows his subordinates very well, knows how to influence them both in deed and in word. When necessary, it may be appropriate to joke or light the hearts of warriors by saying an inspired patriotic speech.

The protagonist is insightful and cunning, he cleverly controls the psychology of the Cossacks and can easily achieve the appointment of a cat chieftain. It is Taras that turns out to be the most far-sighted when a truce allegedly arises between the Poles and Cossacks.


The image of Taras Bulba in the story "Taras Bulba" is most revealed in relations with his military comrades. He treats them fraternally, it was here that Gogol showed all the tenderness of the protagonist, which only he was capable of. The spirit of the partnership of Taras Bulba is most widely demonstrated in the scene when he dies a painful death, but does not think about himself, but worries about his military comrades who can still be saved. In the last minutes of his life, he still finds the strength in himself to indicate the path of salvation to his Cossack brothers.

Taras Bulba - a national hero

characteristic story Taras Bulba

The protagonist of the story is the personification of all national features that the author represents in different characters of this work. The main character focuses on the stubbornness of the titan, heroic calm and severe humor. The image of Taras Bulba in the story “Taras Bulba” is like a figure poured from steel, but at the same time rebellious and passionate. He is adamant and proud, at one moment severe and cruel, and at another - magnanimous.

The feat of Taras Bulba

“I gave birth to you, I will kill you,” was Bulba’s last phrase at the time of reprisal against his youngest son for treason. Taras no longer considered Andria to be his child, since he betrayed not only his native land, but also all his relatives. The main character left the lifeless body of his son with a heavy heart.

Taras Bulba national hero

After the younger offspring died, Taras was more and more imbued with love for the eldest - Ostap. In one battle, Bulba could not save his son. Here the reader can already notice the suffering of the protagonist, when the soul of Taras is revealed from a completely different perspective. He tricked into Warsaw to find Ostap. And he finds him in the square, where he is subject to torture and bullying. With all his last strength, Ostap turns to his father with the question: “Where are you? Do you hear? ” At this moment, Taras is in great danger, but he forgets about it, responding to the call of his native blood: “I hear!”

This was the last feat of Taras Bulba. The enemies caught him, but he did not lose pride and honor and worthily met his death. When Taras was burned at the stake, he already felt the imminent death approaching, but at the same time he looked at his Cossacks, fleeing from the Poles, and shouted: “Boys, to the shore!”

About the story

“Taras Bulba” is a work that tells about the struggle of the Ukrainian people against the Polish gentry. In his work, the author shows the bonds of friendship that bind two fraternal peoples (Ukrainian and Russian). It is no coincidence that Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol mentions the “Russian power” of the Cossacks. For him, the Cossacks are the serfs who escaped from their masters, natives of the Russian principalities, who united to fight for their independence.

Taras Bulba product

The characterization of the story “Taras Bulba” is focused on the main character. The author did not try to idealize him; in the image of Taras Bulba, the small and the great are mixed up, rudeness and tenderness. Gogol tried to convey a heroic character, and he succeeded. Even after the death of Taras, his love for his native land and comrades, his will remained indestructible.

Thanks to such selfless and strong personalities, our country has survived and maintained its independence. This work still remains relevant today. The story "Taras Bulba" for many modern people is one of their favorites. Strong characters, heroic time - modern people have something to learn!


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