How to choose a membrane jumpsuit for a child? Parent reviews

Most parents expect spring and winter to come with mixed feelings. In the spring you can plenty of exercise with your child on the street, but often the weather involves rains, slush and dirt, and in winter it is very beautiful, but the child needs to be warmly dressed. All this means only one thing - you will have to face the problems of choosing and washing children's clothes. Fortunately, there was an opportunity to rid ourselves of such problems. All you need to do is just pay attention to the membrane suit.

membrane jumpsuit for baby

What are membrane suits?

Surely many parents have already heard about such clothes, but this does not negate the fact that most still do not have enough information about the membrane. In fact, such material is unique. The peculiarity is that the material itself is thin, but at the same time it warms up in the cold season. The membrane suit seriously violates the logic of those people who are sure that the thicker the clothes, the warmer they are. In this case, it turns out that on the contrary, the thinner the clothes, the warmer and drier they are, which means that the probability of getting sick is significantly reduced.

It must be understood that the membrane is in no way a heater. Although most mothers continue to insist on this to this day. In fact, this is a special film that retains heat and does not allow moisture outside. These properties lead to the fact that the baby does not sweat, does not get wet, and therefore does not freeze. These costumes would not be so good if they did not possess the ability to repel dirt. This factor is one of many why such clothes are popular today, because children now and then manage to get dirty. Membrane costumes allow the baby to freely get acquainted with the outside world, well, and they save time and nerves for parents.

membrane suit

Rules for choosing a membrane overalls for a child

Choosing a membrane jumpsuit for a child is necessary depending on how old he is.

For a child who is not yet a year old, you should choose a jumpsuit with two zippers. This is ideal for children who still can not control their body. Be sure to make sure that there are ties on the hood to fit the size of the head. If they are large, the baby will constantly freeze even despite the presence of a hat. The membrane jumpsuit for the child should expand at the bottom so that you can easily put on a diaper.

If the baby is already moving independently, then the choice of membrane overalls should be approached even more responsibly. The fact is that the baby should be comfortable in these clothes, because he will be constantly in motion. We must not forget about the space for diapers. It is advisable to take a suit that protects the child in the fall.

As for children who are already more than a year and a half. You should buy overalls that can be adjusted using the straps. Be sure to consider the fact that kids at this age go on their own and love to find adventure. This means that you should seriously approach the choice so as not to miscalculate with the size. If the size is too large or small, the child will constantly run and stumble, or simply feel discomfort. Protection should also be remembered.

A general rule that applies to children of all ages. No need to buy clothes for growth. Of course, this saves money, but also harms the child. If parents do not want to see their pet in tears and sad, then you need to purchase a membrane jumpsuit for the child strictly in size.

winter jumpsuit for a boy

Features of winter membrane suits

Everyone knows that ordinary winter overalls are designed for temperatures from 0 to -10 degrees. If the street is colder or warmer, the baby will freeze or sweat a lot. These problems can be avoided by using winter membrane overalls for children.

In such clothes, a child can be outdoors at temperatures from +5 0 to +10 0 and from -10 0 to -20 0 .

Overalls with a membrane create a certain temperature regime under themselves. If a child from the cold sharply gets into the heat, then he will not sweat. If it leaves frost in a warm room, it will not freeze. The main feature that a membrane jumpsuit for a child has is a synthetic insulation of the latest generation. To get the maximum effect in winter, you should correctly put the child under overalls.

membrane overalls reviews

How to choose a winter jumpsuit for a boy

Some people are sure that there is not much difference between winter overalls for boys and for girls. Perhaps they will be upset, but there is a difference.

The most significant difference is color. Usually for girls, clothes are brighter, and for boys, vice versa. Another point: the boys absolutely do not need any straziks and the like things. The next difference is related to the structure of the body. Girl models have a deeper fit. And of course, the difference in size. Given these parameters, it is clear that in order to choose a winter jumpsuit for the boy, you should adhere to some rules.

  1. It is important to accurately measure the growth of the child, so as not to miscalculate with the size. This item is very important if the child is from a year to four. It is at this age that children grow very fast.
  2. Check the quality of all zippers. If it is bad, then cold air will fall under the overalls.
  3. It is desirable that there are protective inserts in the clothes, because the child in any case will fall somewhere. Be sure to check the quality of these inserts.
  4. Check that the hood is deep. This is necessary in order to put on a winter hat without any problems.
  5. If the child is at the age when he can choose clothes on his own, give him the opportunity to choose.

You may notice that the boy is not so easy to choose a suit. Even taking into account all the above factors, one should not forget that the jumpsuit should have a pleasant appearance.

winter membrane overalls for children

Dress the baby under membrane overalls

Membrane clothing suggests that under the overalls the child will be dressed in accordance with some requirements. How to dress a child under membrane overalls? Clothing from the first layer should be made of synthetics, you can wear a regular synthetic t-shirt. The second layer is responsible for creating the air cushion. Thing should not be too thick. A fleece patch is ideal. The third layer - this is the jumpsuit.

The most important thing is synthetics. In order for thermal protection to work one hundred percent, it is necessary to wear synthetic clothing. Basically, all thermoregulation depends on the first layer. This is how you need to dress the child in severe frost. If the street temperature is normal, then you can wear anything under a membrane suit. It is not recommended to wear woolen clothes and terry tights under the jumpsuit.

Membrane Jumpsuit Care

Care should be taken not as for ordinary clothes. Nevertheless, you should not be scared, because there is nothing complicated in caring for membrane overalls.

In no case should you use normal powders for washing, but rinse aid should be used. It is forbidden to dry on the battery. If you do not adhere to these recommendations, the suit will lose its protective properties. An important point is the frequency of washing. Too often it’s not necessary to wash winter membrane overalls for children, once a season is enough. Dirt is easily washed off with a damp cloth or sponge. Clothes should dry naturally, while being in a horizontal position. It is very important that drying takes place away from heating appliances.

how to dress a child under membrane overalls

Membrane overalls: reviews

There are not enough negative reviews about such clothes. Of course, if you want, you can find them, but for the most part, the parents of the kids speak exclusively "for". Many parents are stopped by the high cost of overalls.

According to a survey, 85% of parents agree to buy membrane overalls for children. Winter in this case will not be scary. A high percentage of parents indicates an extremely high quality product.

membrane overalls for children winter


If parents want the child to feel as comfortable as possible, not cold and not sweating, then the membrane jumpsuit will perfectly cope with this task. Today, the choice of goods is simply huge, because absolutely everyone can buy a suit.

Spending once on such clothes, parents receive a guarantee that the child will not get sick, and also save their money and nerves.


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