Modern love stories. The best modern love stories

What is love? No one knows the answer to this question. But we continue to ask him, look for answers in books, reading romance novels. Every day there are more and more authors writing stories about this mysterious feeling. How to choose among a huge number of books that which will affect the heart, captivate the plot and surprise the ending? In this article we will tell you which modern love novels are most popular.

"See you"

modern love stories

This is a book by author Jojo Moyes. The main character of the book is Lou Clark, a waitress from a small town in England. The girl never did any rash actions, did not leave her hometown, and the most desperate step for her is to put on bright, bee colors, tights. But life does not stand still and quite often presents us with unpleasant surprises. The owner of the cafe in which Lou works decides to close it.

The main character, Will Trainor, is a completely different character. He loves to live without refusing anything to himself, makes a brilliant career, travels around the world. But one day, when Will heads to his office, he falls under the wheels of a motorcycle. Now the man will forever remain in a wheelchair. Lou’s new job vacancy is Nurse’s job under Will.

It is worth noting that the best modern love novels are not a collection of miracles and magic. An inexperienced nurse will not be able to teach her embittered employer to move. However, these people are able to help each other change, look at the world differently and eventually fall in love.

"Girl in the Mirror"

best modern love novels

Posted by Cecilia Ahern. Nevertheless, the main components, without which modern foreign love novels are practically impossible, are love and a bit of magic. Meanwhile, in this book, magic has an ominous nature.

An old house can give its owner, writer, anything. A mirror just before the wedding abducts the bride, an inoperative old typewriter creates a new literary masterpiece itself, inspiration is given to the writer, it is exchanged for the most valuable things. However, all these magical objects cannot do anything with true feeling. It is a pity that not everyone is able to truly love.


modern russian love stories

Russian modern love novels have always stood apart in a series of love literature. It is in them that the most famous is the “incomprehensible Russian soul”. The author of this book, Evgeny Vodolazkin, conveyed on paper all the emotions that a person experiences when his soul changes. The novel describes precisely that very deep love, which is capable of developing from a feeling for a woman into something more - it helps to love people, God, etc.

The main character is Arseny. A young herbalist meets Ustina - and his life is completely changing. He considers love and Ustin as a single and indivisible whole. However, their feelings end tragically. Herbalist's love dies during childbirth. Arseny not only grieves for the loss, but also feels his guilt. It is these feelings that lead him to the monastery, where he receives advice from a wise old man - to devote his life to a departed beloved.

Modern love novels often talk about a feeling that is not only able to withstand the test of distance and time, but also to overcome them. The novel "Laurel" is about that.

"The road to two streets"

Many readers choose those Russian contemporary love novels that describe family relationships. The main character of the book by Maria Metlitskaya is Elena Lukonina. The story of her family life at first seems simple, but over time, "acquires" details, forks into many major and minor lines. Her complex “pattern” is gossip of bitter and happy moments, funny and sad events.

Modern love novels often identify this feeling with the feminine essence. After all, it is a woman, like no one else, who is able to sympathize, forgive and dissolve in the object of passion. So is Elena - she does not live her own life. The heroine completely gave herself to children, relatives, family. She tried to protect them from misfortune, to reconcile those who quarreled, to console those who were offended. Elena compares her life with a crossroads - you just need to make the right decision and choose the right direction.

"Women of Lazarus"

Russian modern love stories

As mentioned above, modern Russian love stories very often address the topic of family. Marina Stepnova wrote a real big saga about people who are capable of much for the sake of great feeling. The book tells about what actions lovers can do, and what it leads to.

The main characters of the novel are Lazar Lindt, who is a brilliant scientist, and three extraordinary women. The first is Maroussia, the wife of the mentor Lazarus, who has no children. The young hero has no feelings for the woman, but Maroussia can only give him maternal love. The second is Galochka, a young girl with whom the main character falls in love at a time when he is already recognized as the star of Soviet science. Lazarus decides to take his beloved from a closed city, give her a new, happy and vibrant life. However, the more he loves Checkmark, the more the girl hates him. The third is Lidochka, his granddaughter, left without parents. Lida is brilliant, like her grandfather. She sets off to look for her home she has lost.

The author believes that the modern Russian love affair should describe as many of the things that we used to consider ordinary. This is devotion, homeliness, family warmth. Only this can make any person, an idiot or a genius, truly happy.

"In the networks of deception"

modern russian love story

Very popular are modern short love affairs. One of them, written by an author named Lovell Marsha, tells of the fifteen-year-old Alice Godwin. The girl’s mother is seriously ill, and all the household chores are now on the shoulders of a fragile girl. Alice's older sister, Stella, is fond of writing and after a while becomes the winner of a literary contest. According to his terms, the scholarship holder is obliged to move to Auckland to complete the book. Only in this case, Stella can count on receiving scholarships and concluding a contract with the publisher. However, the elder sister Alice refuses to leave the city, but she does not want to lose benefits. Then she persuades the younger sister to leave for Auckland under the name Stella. But, as you know, everything does not end with a small lie. A tangle of lies is getting bigger.

"Stronger than fear"

modern short love stories

The lists, which indicate the best modern novels of love, are not complete without the works of Mark Levy. He possesses an unusual gift for a man - to write easily and naturally about the lightest feeling, intertwining romantic prose with magical realism in the plot.

The protagonist of this novel is Andrew Stillman, a successful journalist. An attempt was made on his life, and the man comes to himself heavily. His beloved left him, work that previously brought satisfaction, no longer pleases. Andrew finds solace in books. A familiar lady working in the library asks the journalist to help her in revealing the secrets contained in the history of one family. Andrew responds with consent and is drawn into a massive political game.

"My beautiful misfortune"

modern foreign love stories

Jamie McGwire's book tells the story of a single couple dating. Girl - Abby, freshman. Guy - Travis, the champion in fights without rules among students. They are very fond of telling friends about how they met. It all started with a bet. The guy boasted that he could overcome absolutely any opponent. Abby did not believe too much in Travis's invulnerability, and he said that he would win the fight and not miss a single hit, but on one condition. The girl was supposed to stay with him for a month.

Modern love stories do not always have a happy ending, however this student love story has a familiar happy ending.

Meanwhile, the book quickly became very popular, and McGwire decided to write another version of the story - "male", told on behalf of Travis. After that, the writer immediately released a novel, which describes the family life of students. And only after that she caught on and wrote another book, completely devoted to the wedding celebration of Abby and Travis.


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