Which is better to buy a vacuum cleaner for home? Owner reviews

We have to clean the apartment almost daily. At the same time, any housewife wants an effective modern assistant at hand, which would allow to clean up without any hassle. Of course, we are talking about a vacuum cleaner. Today, this device has become so firmly entrenched in our lives that it becomes difficult to imagine a housewife cleaning an apartment with an ordinary broom. Which is better to buy a vacuum cleaner for home?

which is better to buy a vacuum cleaner for home reviews

The reviews of specialists and owners of these devices are so different that it is not easy to navigate those who purchase this unit for the first time. This article will help you choose a vacuum cleaner among the huge variety of models offered in the consumer market.

Appearance story

Laziness is said to be the engine of progress. The invention of a vacuum cleaner is no exception. This device appeared in the USA in 1860, as it is believed, due to laziness and unwillingness to sweep garbage. It was then that the American Daniel Hess was granted a patent for a mechanical device with rotating brushes and equipped with bellows that create air flow.

Further, the device was constantly improved. So, in 1869, the inventor from Chicago, Yves McCafe, proposed a new layout scheme, very similar to that which exists in modern tower-type vacuum cleaners, by the way, still popular in America.

In 1901, the Englishman Cecil Booth was successful in mechanizing vacuum cleaners. His brainchild had a gasoline engine and was transported along the city streets in a horse-drawn cart. And in 1907, an American version of the unit was invented by the American Murray Spengler.

The first household vacuum cleaner was released in 1912. It was designed by the Swedish team of engineers, which was organized by Axel Vener-Gren, who previously worked as a regular seller at Santo. He also became the creator of Electrolux, now known for its devices around the world.

Today, a cleaning device in the apartment has become an indispensable assistant for the housewives, saving them from manual cleaning, which requires a lot of time in addition to efforts. The popularity of such an aggregate is evidenced by statistics confirming that the vacuum cleaner is the first purchase of most newlyweds moving to a new home.

spare parts for vacuum cleaners
Choosing a reliable assistant for cleaning is not an easy task. And often the question arises before consumers is: β€œWhat is the best way to buy a vacuum cleaner for a home?”. Reviews about the various varieties of such devices are sometimes contradictory. Each model has its pros and cons, which the future owner should evaluate.

Types of Vacuum Cleaners

Household dust-cleaning devices differ by various criteria, which, in particular, is their device, as well as the principle of operation of the air cleaner. Only by studying the existing types of such units, it will be possible to answer the question of which is better to buy a vacuum cleaner for the home.

Customer reviews often recommend purchasing a classic version of the device with a dust bag. But here there are pros and cons. The bag in which litter and dust gets to be shaken out after each cleaning. There are disposable containers that are simply thrown away.

Fussing with bags can be avoided by buying a cyclone vacuum cleaner. Air entering the cleaner of such a device begins to rotate inside at high speed. In this case, the heaviest dust particles settle in a removable container. It’s easy to empty this container. Dust spills out of it in the form of large clots.

vacuum cleaner with container
There are also vacuum cleaners in which a water filter is installed. In these devices, air is sprayed into a container filled with liquid. In this case, all dust particles settle in the water.

Which is better to buy a vacuum cleaner for home? User reviews suggest that the most common type of cleaning for us is dry. In addition, such devices are more common on store shelves, they are easy to use. Manufacturers offer such vacuum cleaners inexpensively. But in addition to affordability, customers appreciate their small size. It is recommended to opt for such a unit also for those who do not like sophisticated equipment and fashionable novelties.

Ordinary vacuum cleaner

Many will like the option of a simple vacuum cleaner. It is also called balloon. Such a vacuum cleaner has several varieties:

- manual type for cleaning clothes, furniture and cars;
- compact, weighing up to 7 kg;
- full-sized, weighing up to 9 kg.

A good option for a home is a vacuum cleaner with a container. This device will save its owners from additional costs. A good choice will also be the unit, supplemented by numerous options.

Vertical vacuum cleaners

In Russia, such devices could not be widely used. Household vertical vacuum cleaners are preferred by most consumers in Western Europe. They can be bought for those who regularly clean large rooms. The only drawback of this unit is the too high noise level.

vacuum cleaner suction power
But be that as it may, the characteristics of a vertical vacuum cleaner are superior to those of a conventional device. He is able to better clean the carpet from ticks and neutralize allergens. A vacuum cleaner with a container is designed, it is compact and convenient to operate. Vertical models will not take up much space in the house and will cope with cleaning efficiently and quickly.

Robot Vacuum Cleaners

For those who are used to keeping pace with progress, which is better to buy a vacuum cleaner for the home? User reviews enthusiastically describe an innovative invention, which is a robot vacuum cleaner. This device is intended for a city apartment, and, quite possibly, will soon shift all the cares of cleaning the house to itself. The unit is compact and wireless. He moves around the rooms without human intervention, using touch sensors. At the same time, its powerful filter absorbs all the rubbish that comes across in the way. Customers will also be pleased that this miracle of technology has a self-cleaning removable container.

Vacuum Cleaners

More recently, such units were a novelty in our market for household appliances, moreover, their price seemed simply fabulous. Today, few people can be surprised with washing devices that produce wet cleaning. However, it is impossible to buy such vacuum cleaners inexpensively now. With good models of this type, not only wet but also dry cleaning can be done. That is why those who are willing to incur significant financial costs should pay attention to this option. It is good because the filter integrated in the water container easily cleans not only surfaces, but also air. And he does this to the very last speck of dust. The advantage of this vacuum cleaner is that it can be used to clean not only floors, but also windows.

But it is worth remembering that this type of unit requires a careful attitude during operation, as well as thorough washing and drying of parts after use. It is also important to purchase a cleaning solution produced by the manufacturer of the device. This will allow for a long time to maintain the performance of the equipment.

Dimensions and appearance

The range of appliances intended for home cleaning is very extensive. Small and large, compact and impressive - the choice of units is not easy, and it is not difficult to get confused when buying. What is the most preferred option for home? Here it is necessary to determine for what purpose the vacuum cleaner is bought, and what surfaces they will need to be cleaned. If the floor in the apartment is ordinary, not having any coatings, then you can stop your choice on any type of device. But for carpets with a high pile, you can not buy a vacuum cleaner with a water filter. It is better to buy ordinary.

vacuum cleaners cheap

When choosing a vacuum cleaner in terms of dimensions, the space in which it is to be used plays an important role. So, if your meters are unlimited, then the model can be purchased in any configuration and company, including washing. For a large house, a vertical vacuum cleaner is a good option. Here we have to focus on the power of the device, because at high rates of this characteristic it can easily withstand long-term cleaning.

In the case when the apartment has a small area, you need to pay attention to compact models of cleaning units. They do not take up much space and can fit right in the hallway outside the door.

Device power

It is no secret that various models of household cleaning units differ in their technical characteristics. The main one is the power of a vacuum cleaner. Consider this parameter in two directions. So, the device is estimated by the engine power, as well as by the pollution absorption power.

The average of the first of these two indicators is 1500 watts. And this is with fluctuations in this value from 1000 to 2500 watts. It all depends on the manufacturer (company) of vacuum cleaners, as well as on the model of the device. The maximum values ​​of the engine power indicator indicate the efficiency of the device. The degree of energy consumption of the unit depends on this value. The higher it is, the more the network is loaded.

washing vacuum cleaner zelmer
An important factor is the suction power of the vacuum cleaner. The higher the value of this indicator, the better the device will cope with cleaning. The suction power of the vacuum cleaner in its minimum values ​​is within 250 watts, and in the maximum - 500 watts.

The washing Zelmer vacuum cleaners

In order to appreciate all the advantages of these units, you need to try them in practice at least once. Of course, for the wet cleaning of the apartment, the user will have to spend more time and effort, but the result of using the Zelmer device will pleasantly surprise everyone. This Polish company launched its first device back in 1953. At that time, the company's products were manufactured under the brands Gamma and Alpha. However, in 1969, the first Zelmar-03 unit came off the assembly line. Since then, the household appliances of this brand have been constantly improved, and today it is on the same level as the world's leading manufacturers of such devices.

The washing Zelmer vacuum cleaner, unlike products of other brands, is equipped with an aquafilter. This detail is the highlight of the device and, according to the manufacturer, its important part. All dust entering the vacuum cleaner accumulates in a container with water, and its residues are mixed with an air-water mixture. Such a system does not allow any, even the smallest particles to return to the air atmosphere of the room. But, nevertheless, for greater reliability, the Zelmer washing vacuum cleaner is equipped with an additional sponge filter. This part blocks the way out to the smallest particles of dust. Additionally, HELA filters are installed in Zelmer units.

What are the most commonly required spare parts for vacuum cleaners from a Polish manufacturer? User reviews note the low strength of plastic joints and the quick decommissioning of spray guns. The disadvantage of such devices is their impressive dimensions, which does not allow to purchase washing units for small apartments.

Vacuum cleaners Thomas

The washing units of this company are very popular in the Russian market. Firm "Thomas" takes a leading place in the list of manufacturers of such devices. Vacuum cleaner Thomas is usually equipped with an aquafilter. In addition, various modifications of these devices have:
- weight from 8 to 10 kilograms;
- additional turbo brushes (for some models they come in a complete set, and for others they should be purchased separately).

vacuum cleaner thomas
Vacuum cleaner Thomas most often has the function of collecting spilled liquids and is equipped with an indicator indicating the filling of the container.

Users note the highest quality of the vacuum cleaner, which brilliantly copes with its task. At first, the owners of such units do not even believe that the amount of dust that they find after cleaning the filters was in their seemingly clean apartment.

Vacuum cleaners Vitek

If you really want to buy a washing unit, but finances do not allow you to make such a purchase, then it is worth considering the option of acquiring good equipment at a budget price. Such a device is a Vitek vacuum cleaner equipped with an aquafilter. There are several modifications of these devices, which are distinguished by a relatively low price (from 150 cu). And this is an undoubted advantage of this miracle unit.

At its relatively low cost, the Vitek vacuum cleaner has normal technical characteristics. It has five stages of filtration, a good starting suction power, a large number of various nozzles and a modern design. In addition, these units are very compact. Spare parts for Vitek vacuum cleaners are easy to purchase, as they are manufactured in Chinese factories.

Among the minuses of such units are electrification, the volume of work, the inconvenience of cleaning the turbo brush and draining the water. However, for many users, these shortcomings are not significant.

Vacuum cleaners Fhilips

A well-known Dutch company produces units for cleaning apartments that meet all international quality standards. The most popular devices are those that belong to the series:

- PerformerPro (FC9180, 9182, 9184);
- PerformerLife (FC8451, 8452, 8455);
- Performer (FC9170, 9174, 9176);
- Jewel (FC 9071).

Any Philips FC vacuum cleaner has a lot of advantages over similar models from other manufacturers. However, the quality of the units costs customers more than one hundred dollars.

A feature of all the above models is the presence of a Tri-Active brush. It equally efficiently removes any coating from floor to carpet and perfectly removes dust from hard to reach places.

A distinctive feature of all popular models of Fhilips vacuum cleaners lies in the use of Airflow Max technology, which can significantly increase the suction power of the device. Some units have a built-in aromatization system, which allows you to make the air not only clean, but also fresh.

The most budget option is the PowerLife line of units. They are equipped with standard nozzles and ordinary plastic wheels. In addition, such vacuum cleaners have a small capacity.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6759/

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