Victor Creed, Sabretooth ("Marvel Comics"): photo, biography

Sabretooth (Marvel Comics) is a fictional supervillain created by Chris Clairmont and John Byrne. He is an implacable adversary of Wolverine and other X-Men. In our country, it is best known for a number of films (X-Men, X-Men: The Beginning. Wolverine) and animated series.


saber-toothed marvel

A character named Sabretooth “Marvel” was conceived as the main opponent for Iron Fist, in the role of which he appeared in the 14th edition of the comic book “Iron Fist” (1977). Then he turned into an episodic rival for various superheroes. Only in 1986, when Sabretooth was made an enemy of the X-Men, he gained fame.

In the first versions, Sabretooth was conceived as Wolverine's father, but later this idea was abandoned.

Sabretooth (Marvel): biography

The only thing that is reliably known about the origin of Sabretooth is his real name, Victor Creed. Sabretooth's memory has been changed many times by various military organizations, so even he himself does not know what really happened to him and what was just a fake.

Victor's earliest memories, which may also be fake, date back to his childhood years. Creed's father hated his son for his mutations, so quarrels broke out between them constantly. For a long time he kept his son in the basement on a chain, breaking his bones and waiting for them to grow together. Once Victor was lucky to free himself, and then he killed his father.

Mother treated her son well, and they often saw each other until she died. Then Creed went to a small Canadian town. After some time, all the inhabitants began to fear Victor, except for Wolverine, who also had the strength of a mutant. Creed was angry. To annoy Logan, he attacked Wolverine's girlfriend, raped and killed.

Logan attacked Creed, but he was stronger.

victor creed saber-toothed

Work for military organizations

From that moment, Sabretooth begins his career in the special services. “Marvel” very often gives its heroes and villains a military past. So, Creed enters the CIA, where he ends up in the secret department of Team X. Here he will work with Wolverine, David Noth, the Black-brown fox.

In the service, Creed often killed civilians, sometimes even CIA officers. In the team, he started an affair with Leni Sauber, who turned out to be a mutant Mystic. From this connection, a boy named Gereidon is born. He will later become the head of the anti-mutant organization.

Creed then agrees to join the Weapon X project. It is not known what happened to him then. But his memory was erased, and Sabretooth himself received protection from telepathic influences.

In 1968, Creed was sent as a hitman to Saigon to investigate the disappearance of local residents and soldiers. Victor finds out that the culprit is a man named White Devil. At the same time, Creed is searched for by the Hunter, who killed his employer. The hunter invites Victor to join the White Devil, and he agrees.

saber-toothed marvel photo


Victor Creed (Sabretooth) begins his career as a supervillain. He works with the Constrictor, and they try to defeat the Iron Fist, but fail. Later they fought with other heroes, but invariably lost. Creed begins to kill people for fun, for which he receives the nickname Butcher in the newspapers. As a result, Sabretooth left the alliance with the Constrictor and tried to kill him.

Sabretooth meets a mutant thief Gambit, who invites him to join his team of Marauders. Creed agrees. For a while he fights with them. But later, Sinister begins to clone all the team members, it turns out that it is impossible to clone Victor. After this, Sabretooth leaves the Marauders.

While still with the Marauders, Creed collides with the X-Men and Wolverine. From this moment begins their eternal confrontation.

saber-toothed marvel biography

Other adventures

From this moment, Victor Creed fights with many superheroes. Sabretooth encounters Daredevil, Thor, Black Cat, Spider-Man, Miss Marvel. At the same time, the ARM clan increases Sabretooth's strength.

Years passed, and Sabretooth again attacks Wolverine. During the battle, Logan recalls that while working at the CIA, Creed fought with the X-Men. From this moment, their struggle resumes.

The saber-toothed, suffering from a thirst for blood, hires a telepath to help control his aggression. At the same time, RUKA hires him to participate in the attack on the school of Xavier. But Psylocke stopped Sabretooth.

Later, Victor’s son kills a telepath that restrains Sabretooth’s aggression. From this moment, Victor begins to kill everyone in a row. X-Men are trying to stop him. Professor Xavier discovers that Creed's psychosis was artificially triggered by a CIA agent. X-Men are able to partially suppress his aggression.

After that, Victor often helped the X-Men fight against other villains.

X Factor

Falls into the hands of Dr. Cooper Sabretooth. Marvel often puts his heroes in a position where they are dominated by a more powerful villain. Cooper forces Creed to work for X-Factor. Victor occasionally participates in the sorties of the team. At the same time, under incomprehensible circumstances, Creed receives an adamant skeleton and claws.

After that change, Sabretooth abducts the Apocalypse, forcing him to fight Wolverine for the right to become the Horseman of the Apocalypse. Logan wins, so the Apocalypse draws all the adamantium from Victor.

However, later Sabretooth again agreed to undergo the Weapon X program and again received an adamant skeleton. Then Victor joined the Brotherhood mutant team with which he attacked Xavier’s mansion. Logan defeated Sabretooth and claimed to have killed him, but Creed managed to recover.

saber-toothed marvel comic

Union with the X-Men

Wolverine and Sabretooth, eternal enemies, after helping Victor become allies. Therefore, when the group of mutants “Children” begins the hunt for Creed and deprives him of strength, Logan helps Sabretooth hide in Xavier’s school. The X-Men helped Creed defeat the Children, and for some time he was part of the mutant team.

However, the fact that Creed sided with the X-Men did not mean that he became a hero. Sabretooth had his own motives and goals. And as soon as Victor got what he wanted, he left the team. And later, more than once he was the enemy of the X-Men and Wolverines.


Sabretooth ("Marvel Comics") resumes the confrontation with Logan back in Xavier's school when he joined the X-Men. He often reminds Wolverine of his lover killed by him, which enrages him. As a result, Logan attacks Victor. The battle begins, the winner of which is Sabretooth. Having defeated Wolverine, he "knocks out" him. Logan comes to himself bound in chains on board the plane, at the helm of which Victor was sitting. Wolverine manages to free himself, and then he attacks Sabretooth and begins to strangle him. As a result, the plane loses control and crashes.

Crash does not stop the battle. But Storm appears, who was then the Queen of Wakanda, and divides the enemies with a lightning strike. Victor manages to capture him, they put him in a cage from vibranium and keep him in the Wakanda palace.

But the Dark Child frees him and gives him incredible powers and aggression. As a result, Sabretooth becomes rampant. Then Wolverine takes Muramasa’s sword, the wounds of which cannot be healed, and attacks Creed. As a result, Sabretooth dies.

saber-toothed character


Sabretooth ("Marvel"), whose photos are presented here, is in hell. Here he became the faithful dog of Satan, having lost even the ability to speak. He only growled and looked more like a beast than a man.

Later, through the fault of the Red Hand clan, Wolverine’s soul goes to hell. Here Logan meets with the transformed Victor. However, the goal of Wolverine is Satan himself, who eventually turns out to be defeated. When the Devil was already losing, Creed did not come to the aid of his master, but attacked him, helping to finish him off. After the death of Satan, the sword of Hell goes to Sabretooth, making him the ruler of the underworld. However, Wolverine managed to stop the old enemy.

Logan leaves hell, leaving Victor’s soul burning in the fire.


Sabretooth (Marvel) - a mutant that has superhuman abilities:

  • Healing factor. The saber-toothed is endowed with incredible speed of regeneration. In a few seconds, his body can heal bullet wounds, fractures, etc.
  • Immunity to poisons. None of the known poisons can harm Creed. The only exceptions are drugs specifically designed against mutants with a high metabolic rate.
  • Immunity to disease.
  • Weather adaptation. Creed's body easily adapts to high and low temperatures. He is able to survive where a simple person dies.
  • Longevity. Creed himself claims to live on earth longer than Wolverine. If you believe the dreams of Logan, then Sabretooth was born in the era of the Roman Empire.
  • Inhuman stamina. Victor is able to stay awake during the day without rest and food.
  • Inhuman power. Creed is capable of lifting things weighing up to 2 tons. But not more than a few seconds.
  • Incredible agility and reflexes. His ability to balance and evade can be compared only with animals.
  • Bestial flair. Sabretooth is more like a beast than a human. This also applies to his senses. He is able to smell a person at a distance of 60 meters. Creed sees almost complete darkness.
  • Fangs and claws. Most Creed’s teeth are sharp and much larger than ordinary people, and each finger ends with an animal claw.
  • Psi resistance. The saber-toothed has a unique brain structure that protects his mind from any psi-sounding.


wolverine and saber-toothed

The character Sabretooth has not only superpowers, but also some skills:

  • Combat experience. Creed went training in various military organizations. For example, at the CIA, Hydra, as part of the Weapon X project.
  • Ranger. Victor is considered an expert in hunting and tracking targets. In this, the capabilities of the mutant significantly help him. So, Creed is able to smell after two days.
  • First-class shooter. Creed has considerable experience in the use of firearms.
  • Intelligence. Despite its bestial appearance, Creed is able to crack secret computer bases. In addition, he thinks through his attacks on Logan, which always work.
  • Expert in covert operations. In this area, Creed, thanks to participation in the “Weapon X” program, has vast experience.


Often in his operations he uses special equipment Sabretooth. “Marvel” endowed this character with rich combat experience, so Creed was used to using military equipment and weapons.

Sabretooth does not have a special protective suit, but the body of this character was twice reinforced with indestructible metal adamantium. This change temporarily strengthened his skeleton, but later Creed lost this gift. The first time the adamantium took the Apocalypse. About who deprived this protection of Victor for the second time is unknown.

As for the death of Sabretooth and the journey to hell, some time passed, and Victor managed to return. How he was able to do this is unknown. But on his return, he immediately began to take revenge on Wolverine and the X-Men.


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