Necessary and useful things for survival in extreme conditions

Surviving in extreme conditions is a whole system of techniques and knowledge, the use of which allows a person who finds himself in a difficult situation, not to die, having only a minimal set of things and tools.

man in the forest

Such a skill may be needed by someone who has lost his way in the forest, found himself on an island where there is no civilization, is in the midst of a natural disaster, etc. Such knowledge will also be useful in many other situations that may arise quite unexpectedly in everyday life.

"Disturbing case"

Some people with extreme conditions are faced almost constantly. This is due to their profession or living in a particular area. They have to carry the necessary things for survival. For example, the military has an “alarm case”. It is a special backpack or bag, where there are household items and appliances that will be needed in the field. The "alarm case" the military always takes with them if they have to perform tasks in places far from civilization.

Almost every Japanese has a backpack with essentials. Moreover, he does not gather dust somewhere on the shelf, but is located next to the front door. In such a backpack lies a three-day supply of food, copies of basic documents transferred to electronic media, medicines, as well as a certain amount of money. This is due to the territorial location of Japan, because this country is located in an area characterized by increased seismic activity. That is why tsunamis and earthquakes are considered quite commonplace here. In the event of another alarm, residents of Japan immediately take already equipped backpacks and immediately run out into the street.

Rules for travelers

In the event of a situation in which a person has to fight for his survival, the presence or absence of the most, at first glance, simple objects, directly affects the final outcome. In order not to die, the traveler must always be ready for the adverse development of events, to keep with him the things necessary for survival. Their use will allow the winner to get out of the extreme situation.

But at the same time, any tourist will need to follow some rules. The first one is not to be overweight. After all, no one will put bricks or anything else worthless in their backpack.

The list of things for survival can be very different. For example, a tent may not always enter it. In a place where it will be completely inapplicable, it will be likened to the same bricks. Or, for example, it makes no sense to take an impressive amount of food with you if you can put dehydrated compact foods in your backpack. In other words, the traveler needs to take with him only those things that are really useful to him. The same thing that will simply pull back the backpack is best left at home.

Travel bag

A set of things for survival can be in a box. Her size should allow her to fit in a voluminous pocket of clothes. Such a box is called “travel bag”, which in translation into Russian means “essentials”, and it can, without a doubt, be considered the most useful part of baggage. After all, the one who has at hand there are simple objects, a list of which will be given below, will receive a much greater chance not to die in any climate zone and in any area.

Useful things for survival are inexpensive and simple. Moreover, it is not difficult to use them, and in size they can easily fit in a small tin box. It is advisable to carry such a travel bag everywhere and regularly check its contents so that it does not have an expired shelf life. This applies in particular to tablets and matches. It is recommended to shift the contents of the box with cotton. This will help protect essentials for survival from mechanical damage. Vata, when a traveler is away from civilization, is useful to him for kindling.

Travel bag contents

What things should a traveler carry with him? In the travel bag you must put:

  1. Matchbox. Better if they are hunting. Matches are useful in cases where other methods of making fire are not available.
  2. Candle-flat. This thing will be a source of light and heat.
  3. Flint with a chair. This item is necessary to make a fire. Flint with a chair is the simplest flint that can be used after the matches run out.
  4. Sewing supplies. They are useful for mending clothes, as well as for other purposes.
  5. Water purifying tablets. They are used in cases where the quality of the source of drinking is suspicious.
  6. Compass. This item is desirable to have with a liquid filler. The compass in the travel bag should be checked regularly for leaks.
  7. Mirror. This thing is necessary in order to use it to give signals.
  8. Safety pins. Several such items will come in handy if you need to fix the torn off items of clothing. Such things will also be necessary for survival on the island. Here, from pins, you can make an impromptu fishing rod.
  9. Fishing set. It includes several sinkers and hooks, as well as reels of fishing line (it can be taken more, then to make bird snares).
  10. File hauling. With the help of such an object, relatively thick trees can be tumbled down. It is advisable to store such a file by wrapping it in oiled paper.
  11. Large durable plastic bag. This item can be used instead of a bucket of water.
  12. Potassium permanganate. It is useful for disinfection, as well as for the prevention of intestinal disorders.
  13. A coil of copper wire. The traveler will need it for making snares on small animals.

Hiking bag

Very useful for the traveler will be the possession of a large travel bag. This is a box located in a small bag that a person could take with him on car trips and hiking. Like a small, large travel bag, it should always be at hand, and its contents should be regularly checked.

smoke bombs

Consider an approximate list of things for survival, which must certainly be in the traveler's bag. Among them:

  • pliers having wire cutters;
  • sewing kit;
  • jackknife;
  • waxed thread;
  • folding tent (“werewolf");
  • hauling saw;
  • a panel for signaling, preferably a bright orange color, the size of which should not be less than 1 m per 1 m;
  • fishing tackle (hooks and fishing lines, sinkers and floats);
  • at least three large safety pins;
  • nylon rope (50 m);
  • insurance hook;
  • multivitamins;
  • chocolate bar;
  • protein tablets;
  • powdered milk;
  • egg powder;
  • whetted;
  • file;
  • three sheets;
  • a mirror for signaling;
  • compass;
  • microphone with spare lens and battery;
  • candles-buns (4 pcs.);
  • hunting matches;
  • flint;
  • gas lighter with spare silicon;
  • fork and spoon;
  • fumigator;
  • ready-made snares (12 pieces);
  • wire;
  • plastic cup;
  • can-opener;
  • tablets designed to purify water;
  • whistle;
  • ammunition line thrower;
  • soap;
  • orange smoke bombs (2 pcs.);
  • nylon cord and twine (10 m each);
  • tin bowl;
  • work gloves (1 pair).

When purchasing things for survival, you should not save on their quality. The product should not fail the traveler at a time when a person’s life will depend on it.


Consider a list of 10 things to survive, which should be enough so as not to die during heavy rains and terrible cold, as well as the threat of a wild animal attack. The main thing for a traveler is a backpack.

backpack for the tourist

Its reliability and durability will provide the necessary comfort on the road. What criteria must be followed in order to choose a good model for yourself? All the necessary things for survival in extreme conditions should be packed in a backpack with the following characteristics:

  1. Waterproof. When purchasing this item, you should make sure that it has a polyurethane or silicone coating. Some models have a built-in case to protect them from rain, which is also a big plus for a backpack. Using this model, all things inside will remain dry even in the event of heavy rain.
  2. With lots of side pockets and compartments. With their availability, sorting of things will be much easier and quick access will be provided to them.
  3. With a flexible built-in frame. Such a constructive solution will allow the backpack to repeat the bends of the back, as well as protect it from damage.
  4. With a hip belt. This is a very important detail that allows you to redistribute the load by moving it from the spine to the hips. In addition, such a belt will not allow the backpack to swing behind him during the fast movement of the traveler. There are backpacks and with an extra strap on the chest. Such a constructive solution allows to further improve the fixation of the product.
  5. With wide and soft thick webbing.
  6. With back ventilation system. Typically, such a part is a stretched mesh. It is adjacent to the back, leaving a small space between the backpack and the body.


This is one of the essential things for survival in the forest. The tent for the traveler is his home and fortress.

tent in the forest

They are of several types:

  1. Camping. These are comfortable large tents designed for family trips to the countryside.
  2. Tracking. Such tents are very convenient and light, but they do not provide for the presence of people during strong gusts of wind and heavy rains. Use such models only for those trips that are carried out in the immediate vicinity of hiking trails.
  3. Assault. These are ultra light and very reliable tents. They are designed for one person and are perfect for difficult trips.

The latter option is considered the best for those who find themselves in extreme conditions. In this case, it is advisable to choose a tent with a two-layer top. It will be a little heavier, but better protect against rain

Sleeping bag

These products are also on the list of things for survival, which will not die in extreme conditions. The best quality sleeping bags are those that are full of down. This is the best natural heat insulator. But it is worth keeping in mind that such products are easily wet. That is why for wet weather it will be better to use sleeping bags with artificial filling.


For an extreme situation, this thing is simply irreplaceable. The knife can be used in cooking and when cutting game, as well as for harvesting firewood. Surviving without it in extreme conditions is quite difficult.

knife in the ground

The knife of a traveler who finds himself face to face with wildlife should not be folding. For a hike, it is advisable to choose the simplest instance having a single blade of hardened steel, the length of which is 15-20 cm. The handle of the knife should be wooden.

Bowler hat

This item is required for boiling water and cooking. The pot must be made of tin.

cooking pot on fire

It is desirable to store it in a special bag. This will prevent soot from staining those things that besides it are in the backpack.

Matches or flint

In the wild, the traveler will need to make fire. To do this, he needs matches. It is better to choose hunting.

burning matches

Such products burn much longer and do not get wet. Instead of matches, it’s good to take a flint with you. This item is not afraid of water and can be used hundreds of times.

Dry fuel

Such tablets will become an easy and compact source of heat. With the help of dry fuel it is easy to light a fire in any weather, even the wettest. In addition, the shelf life of such tablets is not limited.

Fishing equipment

Of course, the traveler should not take a fishing rod with him on a trip. To catch fish in the wild, it is enough to grab a couple of floats, a skein of fishing line, as well as 10 hooks and sinkers. The need for several sets is due to the fact that in extreme conditions even an experienced fisherman has to lose half of his gear before the first catch is caught on his tackle.

First aid kit

A person who is left alone with nature will appreciate the presence of such things as a patch, a sterile bandage, activated carbon, disinfectants, antipyretic and painkillers, as well as allergy medications that are useful for insect bites.

Water tanks

Travelers can never know in advance where the next spring will meet on their way. That is why they will need a flask or a bottle. It will be very inconvenient to carry water in the pot. If there is nothing more to drink, but there is still no spring, then you should not despair. One way to collect water is to tie tissue around the ankles and calves. Having walked on grass wet from rain or dew, the material can be squeezed into a pot. It is advisable to drink the water collected in this way only after its disinfection with special tablets.


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