DIY cinder block bath: features, technologies, steps and reviews

Today, a bathhouse is not just a place where you can wash and tidy yourself up. This is the cultural heritage of the whole people, a gathering place for friends and relatives, and most importantly, wellness procedures are carried out here. And some people even visit the bathhouse just because they like it. And if there is a bathhouse near the house, and even built with your own hands, then this increases the status of the owner.

Usually it is built of wood - both a beam and an unedged board are used. But the baths of cinder blocks have gained considerable popularity among the people. And there are a lot of reasons for this. In this small article we will consider the construction of the bath, starting with the foundation and finishing. There are almost no disadvantages of a cinder block bath, so this material is used very often in construction.

The advantages of cinder block

How to build a cinder block bath

If we consider only the advantages of the material, then we can distinguish the following:

  1. Construction work is not very complicated. The mass of the blocks is not very large, they have different sizes, so you can choose the most optimal one for yourself.
  2. Very high degree of thermal insulation of the material. This affects the finish - you need to hang less heat insulators on the walls.
  3. The cost is not very high - the purchase of cinder blocks does not hurt your pocket.
  4. The material is quite resistant to temperature changes.
  5. The cinder block resource is about 50 years, which is quite a lot.

Differences of cinder block buildings from wooden

And a few words about the pros and cons of a cinder block bath. If we compare them with wooden ones, then we can distinguish such advantages:

  1. High degree of fire resistance. And this is extremely important, since there is a high temperature and a furnace inside the building.
  2. Mold and fungus are not affected by the cinder block. And do not forget that the baths have high humidity.

Preparatory work

First of all, you need to make a project. You need to describe in detail all the rooms, calculate the amount of materials, make an estimate. Be sure to note which stages of the construction work entrust to professionals, and which do it yourself. If possible, then make cinder blocks of the size and shape that are needed. Reviews indicate that this will greatly facilitate the laying of walls. But if you yourself will make cinder blocks, then this is just perfect - as they say, you are the master yourself, do what the situation requires. So, if you have a cinder block bath project ready (you can peek in our article), then proceed with the construction.

Should I do in a steamy window?

Some builders are wondering if a window should be made in a double room? In the event that your bathhouse will exclusively perform the functions of a sauna, then you do not need to make a window. But if you want to build a real Russian bath, it is best to make a small window in the steam room. With its help, the room will be ventilated.

Cinder block sauna pros and cons

You can make it small if only steam comes out through it. But if you wish, you can install modern, but not deaf.

Building a foundation

Cinder block is a fairly light material, so there is no need to build a complex buried foundation. But consider what type of soil is at the construction site. If the rocky-sandy soil, then there is no need to make additional fortifications. But in the case of clay or peat, it is necessary to make fortifications. You also need to take into account the fact that the cinder block is a material that absorbs moisture perfectly, so the foundation must be raised at least 50 cm above the ground, then waterproofed. It is best done with bitumen or roofing material.

Column foundation

The ideal foundation option is pile or columnar. Their designs are somewhat similar. Wells are made at the corners of the structure, a layer of sand and gravel is poured onto the bottom, then formwork is put (it can be made of roofing material or asbestos-cement pipe, it is allowed to use plastic or metal). Inside the formwork, put reinforcement and fill the solution. Please note that the reinforcement should protrude by 20-25 cm. A foundation of this type will be better if you make a grillage. The foundation is ready, now let's see how to build a cinder block bath next - build a roof, make a finish, etc.

Roof construction

Cons baths from cinder blocks

So fast - from the foundation to the roof. But nothing, we’ll have time to talk about all the other elements of the structure. As for the roof, it can be:

  1. Gable - during the construction of such a structure, it becomes possible to make a small attic. It is useful in the household - on it you can store unnecessary things for the time being. In addition, there will be no problem cleaning the roof during snowfalls.
  2. Sling - the simplest design, it will take a little effort and money, but there are also disadvantages. Reviews warn that precipitation will go worse, as the slope of the ramp is much less than the previous design.

As for the choice of the type of roof, it is worth paying attention to your capabilities. If the budget is not very large, then give preference to a single-pitch design. You can do it yourself, without resorting to the services of assistants.

The stove is the heart of any bath

To choose the type of stove, you need to decide which bath you need. If the sauna (Finnish), then you need to warm the room to 100 degrees and above. But if you want to build an ordinary Russian bath, then the temperature of 70 degrees is enough. If possible, you can build a brick and stone stove. But if you decide to save, then you can buy a metal stove. The main thing is to choose the model correctly and mount the device on a small foundation indoors. Be sure to consider safety precautions.

Cinder block bath pluses

Today, on sale you can find a large number of models of stoves, some have heat exchangers, others do not. It is recommended that you select those types of stoves that will not only generate steam for the steam room, but will also be able to heat the entire room of the bathhouse.

It stands for warming

And now let's talk about how to insulate a bath from a cinder block with your own hands. Warming is one of the important stages in the construction of any structure. And you need to consider all types of insulation at the very first stage, when designing. There are two options:

  1. If the bath is used exclusively in the warm season, it is enough to make insulation of the floor, walls and ceiling.
  2. But if you plan to use the bathhouse for its intended purpose all year round, then you need to prepare it for this. Be sure to make insulation from the outside. To do this, install a crate on the outside of the walls and fix the heat-insulating material on it.

The quality of the work depends on how convenient it will be to use the bathhouse.

We make out

What can I say, cinder block is not a very attractive material, so it needs to be decorated with something. You should ensure that the building not only fulfills its functions, but also is as attractive as possible. It is not necessary to allow the bath to spoil the appearance of the site. To date, on sale you can find a large number of materials that are used for the exterior decoration of buildings.

Cons baths from cinder blocks

Ideal is brick, timber, siding, tile. By choosing the most attractive material, you can turn your bathhouse truly into a unique and cozy guest house.

Internal arrangement

It is very simple to work with cinder block, this material is affordable and cheap. Therefore, you can let your imagination run wild. After all, you will certainly use this building for meetings with friends and family. Who knows, maybe you will celebrate the holidays. Therefore, you need to make a spacious dressing room. If possible, then make it the size of a solid living room.

If you are building a Russian bath, then focus on national traditions. The design of the premises should be rustic, comfortable. It is allowed to use unpainted wood, chintz curtains, pottery, as well as various trinkets inherited from grandfathers and grandmothers in the interior. If you are hunting, then you can hang a trophy on the wall. Reviews note that the advantages of cinder block baths are that their walls are strong and you can put dowel nails inside that can be held securely.

Baths from cinder blocks

Please note that the steam room should only be treated with materials that can withstand high humidity and temperature. Hardwood is recommended. The use of plastic is not allowed. You can also use the stone - the heat does not affect it. Natural materials will fit into any interior.

A few words about security

DIY cinder block bath

Keep in mind that a bathhouse is a place where danger can lurk at every step. Therefore, you need to adhere to such simple recommendations:

  1. Do not make sharp corners in the steam room. All wooden elements should not have splinter and knots, carefully polish them.
  2. Do electrical wiring considering elevated temperature and humidity. In the steam room it is recommended to make lighting from 12 V.
  3. Try to protect all hot surfaces.

Particular attention should be paid to fire safety. Be sure to have sand and a fire extinguisher in the bathhouse. Only in this case, a self-made cinder block bath will serve you for many years faithfully.

Judging by the reviews, such structures are not much inferior to wooden ones. The most important thing is to build buildings from cinder blocks much easier than from timber. And there’s practically no shrinkage.


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