How to shine in World of Tanks: tactics and improvements

In online games, the team strategy and tactics of each member individually is very important. Only the correct performance of their role can lead a platoon to victory.

Why shine?

How to shine in World of Tanks

In battles, fireflies play one of the main roles, helping the team determine where the enemy is. Usually light and nimble tanks take on this task. How to shine, it is also very important to know. After all, the number of enemies found will affect not only the player’s results, but also in general the outcome of the battle.

Performance improvement

How to shine in tanks

Before shining in World of Tanks, you should understand all aspects of the task. Proper development of the machine will increase the effectiveness of the player on the battlefield. Improvements are preferably done depending on the chosen strategy. This can be the speed or range of the tank.

In addition to the machine, it is also necessary to upgrade the staff serving it. A well-pumped team can increase effectiveness in battle.

Having decided on active actions and constant movement, the player must improve the speed and ability of the machine to maneuver. A non-stop trip at the highest possible speed will increase the chance of survival and light up enemies.

Improving the equipment associated with signal transmission, camouflage and visibility is suitable for a more passive game. Secretive stay in one place can bear fruit.

Do not forget about consumables. A variety of items, giving a one-time bonus in some characteristics, sometimes tip the scales in favor of the player. Consumables differ in their actions. Some of them affect the command of the tank, while others affect the machine itself.

There are also items to service the car during the battle. They do not affect how to shine in tanks, but they will significantly increase the chance of survival.

For example, the use of a car repair kit will allow a damaged tank to continue the battle, and the use of a first-aid kit will remove the negative effects from command personnel. It is worth mentioning a fire extinguisher, which is very important for a firefly, which can be used in emergency situations.

Installation of additional equipment will also pay for itself. Some things significantly increase the percentage of the tank, and in the end the car gets a good passive bonus.

Active tactics

Tanks, how to shine

Movement is one of the methods to shine in World of Tanks. Active action is appropriate if the machine is well equipped and has a high rate of speed. However, in addition to speed, maneuverability is also needed. Only with such a set of qualities will the tank fulfill its duty in full.

The task of the scout as quickly as possible will go in a roundabout way to the enemy. Thus, the firefly allows the team to attack the goals they see.

The main thing in this tactic is to use the landscape of the map, all the tubercles and rocks as efficiently as possible, thereby hiding from enemy revenge.

The wrong decision, how to shine in World of tanks, will be a trip right into the clutches of the enemy. With this impulse, little can be achieved. But the ingenious use of bushes, rocks and inconspicuous transfers from one to another will be a very correct solution.

It is not necessary to completely leave the tank from behind the shelter; there will be enough protruding towers or direction finding devices. Using this method, the scout will become an incredibly difficult target.

Passive tactics

Where to shine on World of Tanks maps

An easier way would be to improve the systems of machine reviews and its secrecy. Having chosen this path, how to shine in the World of Tanks, the player will have to stay in one place for a long time, with rare moves.

At the beginning of the battle, the car should go to the most suitable place for downtime. Choosing bushes, the player needs to wait for the enemy to appear and just give the team visibility.

In the case of a passive method, the player is strongly discouraged from moving, much less attacking the enemy. Having spotlighted the enemy, one should wait for the allies to take advantage.

An ideal solution would be the development of stealth, the installation of additional equipment in the form of a camouflage net is possible. Being in the same place the car does not hurt and upgrade detecting functions.

The choice of where to shine on the cards depends solely on the player. World of Tanks is replete with locations for ambush and camouflage. However, it is quite difficult to choose the ideal point, you will have to spend some time in the search.


Each of the ways to shine in World of Tanks has its own advantages and disadvantages. Only after experiencing everything, you can choose the perfect style of play. It is only important that the actions of the scout benefit the entire team.


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