Who is the travel agent and how to contact him?

In the XXI century, the tourism business, as never before, is popular. The level of demand for the product formed by the tour operator is growing, the number of travelers (tourists) is increasing daily, and along with this, the market for tourism services is expanding. There are new tour operators who form a package of services for a traveling person, and travel agents involved in the sale of such products. Many people do not see the difference between a tour operator and a travel agent, but they are. The travel agent works with a wide contingent, its goal is the buyer. The tour operator does not work directly, but collaborates with travel agents or other representatives of the travel industry.

Travel agent is

Differences between travel agent and tour operator

The above terms are determined by the form of activity of the subject. A tour operator, travel agent is an organization or private entrepreneur engaged in some form of activity. In simple words, a tour operator is one who shapes a product and creates an offer. A travel agent is one who sells offers from a tour operator to a client. In some cases, prescribed in the license for a travel agent’s activity, a travel agent may engage in the formation of local offers in his region and has the right to sell them. Such offers include sightseeing tours within the country or region of residence, weekend tours.

Travel Agent Tours

What is common between a travel agent and a tour operator?

The tour operator and travel agent solve similar problems, so it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between them. There are tourism companies on the market that act as both a tour operator and a travel agent at the same time. For example, a company is developing routes and at the same time selling them to other subjects of tourism, while at the same time acquiring their products from other companies as a travel agent and selling them.

Travel Agent Services

Features of the travel agent

A travel agent, like a tour operator, can have a private, state or joint-stock form of ownership.

The main difference between a travel agent and a tour operator is the principle of conducting tourism activities. A tour operator can only be a licensed person / company. To open a travel agency that functions as a travel agent, it is not necessary to buy a license, especially if you work exclusively with domestic destinations.

The activity of a travel agent is determined by the sale of tourist and excursion tours or service packages, which means that a person who wants to travel may not be involved in the selection of a hotel, restaurant, or variety of leisure activities, but should contact a travel agent who will offer affordable forms of recreation or service packages.

A travel agent is an implementer of a tourist product sold as a complex service, in other words, an "inclusive tour" or a free set of services - a custom tour, which is formed based on the individual wishes of the client.

Travel Agent Features

The main market function of the organizer of tourist trips is to connect the supplier and the client-tourist. In such a chain, a travel agent is a connecting link, without which organizing communication competently is unrealistic.

Choosing a service provider is very important. In the tourist market, scammers are often found. Buying one ticket, as a result, a novice tourist who does not know the intricacies of tourism can get a product that does not match his order.

The travel agent regulates the selection of service providers based on professional knowledge of the tourism products market, leverage and the characteristics of the tourism business.

Characteristics of the activities of a travel agent

One of the main directions of the travel agent's work is the promotion of the integrated package of services developed by the tour operator.

The profit of the travel agent as a retailer is formed by the system of fees for the sale of another's product, in this case the product formed by the travel agent. The latter has the ability to equip the tour selected by the client with an additional service, such as a transfer. Sometimes progressive travel agents receive bonuses and incentives from the tour operator.

Interesting! A product sold by a travel agent is sold at a price set by a tour operator or other service provider.

In addition to the sale, there are the following additional services of travel agents:

  • registration of insurance;
  • visa opening;
  • transfer organization;
  • Search for a suitable hotel.

Travel Agent Activities

The tour operator develops its product with a margin always in order to be able to provide the service requested by the travel agent when the customer expresses customer interest.

Travel agent liability concept

There is such a thing as travel agent liability. This means that he is responsible for the life and safety of his tourists, therefore, insurance is always included in the package of any tour, even a one-day trip.

Today, more and more travelers prefer not to go to rest "savages", but to buy tours. It is not difficult to find travel agents; each city has at least a dozen travel agencies involved in organizing leisure and leisure activities for tourists. This is especially true for settlements with a developed tourist infrastructure.

Travel Agent Responsibility

Remember that a travel agent is a person interested in your vacation. Therefore, travel agent services are in demand, and such organizations, realizing this, are constantly developing discounts and promotions. Everyone must have heard of hot tours. Making his service closer to the client, the company representative hopes to attract new customers and increase his competitiveness, otherwise could his business exist?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F679/

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