Siberian iris: general description, growing conditions and application

Siberian iris is absolutely unpretentious, winter-hardy and resistant to various diseases. He fully transferred all these positive qualities to his offspring. Practical Americans appreciated this and immediately launched breeding activities of this species. As a result of the work done, a whole galaxy of beautiful varieties of this plant was obtained.

general description

Currently, flower growers all over the world are carried away by a new variety of irises. Siberian irises, the cultivation of which is possible in our conditions, are of great interest to fans today.

This is a perennial plant with a fairly powerful root system. The misconception is that Siberian iris belongs to bulbous cultures. The leaves of these flowers are thin, xiphoid, flat, with a waxy coating, usually collected in a bunch in the form of a fan. The roots are fibrous and filiform, have the ability to improve the structural composition of the soil.

Siberian iris blooms, depending on the variety, up to five days, from May to June. It has a large peduncle, which usually consists of six petals and is distinguished by its graceful shape and rich gamut of all kinds of shades. The outer and inner parts of the flower vary in size, color and shape. The fruits of the iris are long trihedral capsules, the seeds are quite large and ribbed, brown. Their number in one seed box is from 25 to 45 pieces.

Common varieties of irises

Bearded iris

This variety got its name due to the presence of external petals decorated at the base with strips of contrasting hairs that clearly stand out from the flower itself. Bearded irises can be tall, stunted, and mid-sized. The color of their flowers can be blue or purple with the original border.

Russian iris

This iris grows in low, fairly dense bushes. The flowers of this species are fragrant, medium in size, usually have a lilac or purple color. The advantage of these flowers is that they are suitable for stony soils.

Siberian iris

The height of representatives of this variety is about 1 meter. Siberian iris is quite hardy to temperature changes. Its leaves are narrow and green, preserved until the first frost. The flowers of this iris are mainly purple or blue. All varieties bred on the basis of Siberian iris are combined into the section of beardless irises Limniris.

Swamp iris

Swamp iris can reach heights of up to one meter. The flowers are yellow with brownish strokes. The flowering period of this variety is from May to June. He is quite thermophilic, prefers the sunny side or partial shade. This type of iris grows quite quickly. It is mainly used for decoration of reservoirs up to 40 cm deep. It tolerates salinization of water well.

Dwarf iris

This variety was imported from southern Europe. Its maximum height reaches 10 cm. Dwarf iris forms medium bushes when it grows. It blooms in May with small flowers that have a diverse color.

Japanese iris

A flower can be small, medium, large, or very large. The shape of the flower of Japanese iris can be simple, double or double. The height of this iris varies, it can be either very short or quite high. By flowering time, depending on the variety, early and very late species can be distinguished. Japanese iris flowers have a purple or purple hue. This variety is slightly winter resistant.

Growing conditions

Siberian iris prefers to grow on fertile soils. It does not tolerate an excess of moisture and strong shading. Nitrogen in large doses causes various diseases in this variety. Loamy soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction is suitable for intensive growth.


Since irises are very diverse and decorative, they are used quite widely. These flowers are planted off the coast of artificial ponds, planted on alpine hills, and miniature gardens are also created from them.

A very beautiful combination is obtained from irises with poppies, lupins, phloxes, peonies and saxifrage. It is necessary to take into account the fact that irises are not very competitive, so quickly growing perennials can easily suppress them.


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