Luminous ceiling: description, features, installation technology. Luminous stretch ceiling

The device of a stretch ceiling provides almost unlimited possibilities for decorative design. The most effective technology is considered to be the organization of luminous coatings. It is important to take into account the difference between this approach and the implementation of classical lighting, which includes incandescent lamps. High-quality luminous stretch ceiling makes the room more expressive and attractive from a design point of view. Previously, the ceiling surface remained at the edge of the interior, but thanks to the stretch canvas and the inclusion of decorative elements, the situation has fundamentally changed.

General information about luminous ceilings

glowing ceiling

The luminous ceiling surface can only be called conditionally, since this effect is achieved using special components. Typically, the decorative properties of tension structures are achieved through the use of photo printing. The method is considered traditional that allows you to install luminous stars on the ceiling in a particular format. The very design of the ceiling has nothing to do with the glow. Usually it is formed by a frame of steel or aluminum profiles, on which a wear-resistant web is subsequently applied. When organizing lighting, a variety of technologies can be used - including with the use of LED devices or optical fiber.

Technology features

luminous ceiling as main lighting

The arrangement of the ceiling with luminous elements is characterized in that the decorative components fit tightly into the design of the supporting frame and even make up a single system with a suspended base. In part, some configurations also affect the structure of the stretch web. Also, the features of such systems include control capabilities through electronic devices. Usually a light source is a disk with LED panels, which is connected to the mains. To make the luminous ceiling reproduce various effects, manufacturers use special controllers. Using the control panel, the user can adjust the operating modes of the lighting, changing the nature and intensity of the individual components of the module. In particular, the control system allows you to adjust the parameters of the blinking of stars and the motion of other celestial bodies.

Luminous stickers on the ceiling

glowing stretch ceiling

One simple way to create glowing effects on the ceiling is to apply stickers. On sale you can find special sets of phosphorus and neon products, which will also resemble meteorites, stars and other objects in shape. The principle of operation of such products is also interesting. In some variations, the luminous stars on the ceiling work on the basis of the principle of accumulation. That is, during the day, solar cells absorb the energy of natural or artificial lighting, and at night they give off this charge in the form of their own radiation. As users note, sometimes itโ€™s just enough for a few minutes to turn on the main light to charge such a sticker for hours of work.

Luminous paint

glowing stars on the ceiling

A rather pleasant and aesthetically attractive visual effect allows you to create fluorescent colorful coatings. But in this case, the master requires the ability to draw those same celestial objects. However, you can use ready-made templates that will accurately and accurately form an imitation of outer space. It should be borne in mind that the color scheme of such compositions is quite limited - only green, purple and blue shades can be found on the market. To obtain such paints, a 5 percent fluorescent pigment is used. Thanks to this filling, the luminous stretch ceiling will provide bright radiation for an average of 30 minutes, after which the intensity will decrease slightly and continue for another 4 hours.

The application of luminous wallpaper

glowing ceiling stickers

Those who do not want to suffer from paints and varnishes should offer luminous wallpapers, which are also glued to the ceiling surface. Three types of this material are available to customers today - fluorescent, phosphor and silver coatings. The most common materials are coated with acrylic paint and additives in the form of a phosphor. This is a classic solution for children's rooms, the implementation of which involves the use of ordinary wallpaper glue. If you need a more modern luminous ceiling, then you should resort to fluorescent coatings. Using such wallpapers, for example, create drawings with 3D images on a polyester basis. Silver wallpapers that use special glow elements are even more technologically advanced. While this development is not so widespread, but, according to experts, coatings with silver conductors can be controlled remotely.

Installation technology

The methods for providing luminous effects on the ceiling do not cause any particular difficulties. The simplest option in the form of stickers provides for the usual gluing like double-sided tape. As for photo wallpaper, such work should be trusted by specialists. It is not difficult to establish the glow elements themselves, however, the connection of the electrical filling and the control relay requires special knowledge. The paint is applied mainly according to the type of conventional water-based formulations. However, after processing the ceiling, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the working tool from the product. The answer to the question of how to make a luminous ceiling using wallpaper is also uncomplicated. As in the case of fixing such coatings on the walls, special glue should be used. Actually, the main difficulty in such an operation is that the work is done on a soft tension basis. Therefore, stick the strips with extreme care.

Organization of main lighting

glowing stars on the ceiling

Of course, first of all, the creation of such effects is calculated on the visual decorative design of the room. The practical function in some cases fades into the background, and sometimes is not provided at all. Suffice it to say that the stickers work only at night, without lighting the entire room. The maximum result in this regard is given by systems that simulate a starry sky, but they are also not recommended for use in lighting. Traditional LED devices are better at this task. By the way, the luminous ceiling as the main lighting can be used as part of Led-elements, which are also programmed for certain operating modes. The best option may be spot lighting made by recessed fixtures. At the same time, the functions of basic and decorative lighting should still be divided, otherwise equipment with different tasks will interfere with each other.

How much is the organization of a luminous ceiling

The most affordable technique of this kind is the application of luminous stickers. Ready-made sets with stars cost about 200-300 rubles. For the design of one children's room this is enough. The most expensive thing will be to provide electronic backlight that mimics the starry sky. Typically, the organization of this kind of visual effects is carried out at the stage of installation of the tension structure and increase the price tag of the estimate by 5-7 thousand rubles. A luminous ceiling is more attractive at cost, in the design of which paint or wallpaper is used. A room with an area of โ€‹โ€‹about 30-40 m 2 can be decorated in this style for 1.5-2 thousand rubles. Of course, this only applies to the purchase of material, but since the installation techniques are slightly different from the classic finish, it is quite possible to limit oneself to one's own efforts in painting and pasting.


how to make a glowing ceiling

The increasing complexity of cladding methods expands the range of decorative effects that an ordinary user can bring to their home. Along with simple types of external surface design, more technological means appear. One of these is the ceiling, glowing with stars and other celestial bodies, in the construction of which electronic control is used. Other ways of visual decoration of the ceiling are developing. Manufacturers of luminous paints and wallpapers, for example, also seek to complicate the operational properties of their products, but at the same time retain the basic traditional compositions and coatings. Such materials make it possible to draw the ceiling into a luminous coating without special expenses, which can please the eye not only at night, but also during the day, depending on the chosen composition.


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