What is kalym? Wise Eastern Traditions

Traditions and rituals of modern people are no longer taken so seriously. They are more likely historical or game character. But in the East, the long-standing rituals of the ancestors are as alive as they were centuries ago. These traditions are honored and passed down from generation to generation. And one of these rituals is kalym. This word has its roots in distant, prehistoric times, and it means ransom for the bride.

what is kalym

Centuries-old Oriental traditions

The East is a delicate matter, and no one will argue with this statement. It would seem that where everything can be solved very simply, Muslims will do everything complicated and ornate. But perhaps this is the whole charm of the eastern rites. And one of these traditions was the ransom of the bride. What is Kalym, every Muslim knows. Because, before thinking about marriage, a young man must take care of the ransom, which he will give for the bride. Why did such a tradition arise many centuries ago? Rather, all for economic reasons. Thus, the groom seemed to compensate for the loss caused by the fact that the family was deprived of working hands and dowry, which the bride took with her. Typically, the ransom consisted of gold, cattle, camels, sheep and goats. And the richer the father of the bride, the higher the requirements for the kalym.

oriental traditions and customs

Bride abduction

Wedding ritual in Muslim countries is a very interesting and vivid sight. And it begins with the abduction of the bride. Of course, by mutual agreement. For Muslims, forced marriage is considered invalid. And so that the newly made groom does not accidentally confuse his lover with another girl, he passes her a handkerchief through the messengers, which she ties on her hand. Then, at the appointed hour, he grabs the girl at full gallop and takes him to his house. They are already waiting for the bride. And before a young girl becomes a full wife, she needs to go through a series of tests. First, before entering the groom's house, she must jump over the ritual bonfire. It is believed that this way she is cleaned and appears in front of the family of her future husband completely updated. Then the young girl is examined by the mother of the groom, evaluating her youth, beauty and health. And if the choice of a son is approved, then everyone begins to prepare for the wedding. A little girl removes a ring from the bride’s finger, which means that she herself can soon become a bride, and a young kidnapped girl - a wife. Meanwhile, the future wife is planted behind a red screen, where she should be before the wedding. Thus, they check the girl’s endurance, as well as how much she honors the traditions of her ancestors. Meanwhile, matchmakers are sent to the bride’s house, who offer the father of the family a ransom for his daughter. And if the agreement is concluded, a wedding is played, for which many treats and gifts are prepared. Parents of young people give the newly made family everything they need for a future family life.

What is kalym today?

Today, the bride ransom ritual is also honored in eastern countries. What is kalym, every child knows. Perhaps this tradition has become a bit softer. And all the good that the groom is ready to give for the bride, now goes not to her father, but to future newlyweds. Now, before the wedding in the paternal house of the girl, the matchmakers and the groom's parents are gathering. With jokes-jokes, they praise their son, wish prosperity and health to the parents of the bride. Then there is a discussion of how they can help the young people to create a strong, financially prosperous young family. And after everything is agreed and settled, the girl’s father breaks off and eats a piece of cake. Everyone else also eats a piece of cake. This is a kind of signing of an agreement.

eastern traditions


Whatever you say, the eastern traditions and customs are very wise. Some sort of selection takes place - a lazy guy who does not aspire to prosperity is unlikely to be able to get married. Perhaps that is why Muslim countries have stronger and more secure marriages, because they know firsthand what kalym is and how difficult it is to get it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6815/

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