Rereading the classics: what circumstances made Vladimir Dubrovsky become a robber

Literary scholars call the work of A. S. Pushkin under the name Dubrovsky either a robber novel or a story. It was written in the 30s of the 19th century, but the author himself considered the plot incomplete. Pushkin did not complete his brainchild, intending to return to the story and continue to work on its content, to complete the study of the fate of the main characters. The idea of ​​the novel was drawn by the writer from the stories of his close friend Nashchokin about a certain Belarusian nobleman who was imprisoned after a cruel lawsuit with a rich neighbor.

Reality and reality

what circumstances made Vladimir Dubrovsky become a robber

As can be seen from the diary entries of Alexander Sergeyevich, he was extremely interested in the adventurous and romantic life story of the landowner Ostrovsky. It was in the events of his fate that the writer found storylines for his story. And the conflict that erupted between the prototypes of the work, explains to us what circumstances made Vladimir Dubrovsky become a robber. The petty nobleman Ostrovsky after the machinations of his noble and unprincipled neighbor was deprived of his estate, land and serfs. The same thing happened with both Dubrovsky - father and son. With a small handful of devoted peasants, Ostrovsky began to rob, taking revenge on the clerk for incorrect judicial decisions, and then to other landlords. This is what caused the rebellion of a real person. These are the circumstances that made Vladimir Dubrovsky become a robber after his father died. However, there is a significant difference between the heroes of this and fictional stories. Pushkin had to think a lot and generalize, because his hero is not just a cast from a specific human destiny, but also an artistic image, typified and containing many characters. And the story itself is a vivid example of Pushkin's realism, showing the formation and development of the method in his work.

The origins of the conflict

what made Vladimir Dubrovsky become a robber
To understand what circumstances made Vladimir Dubrovsky become a robber, it is necessary to carefully study the beginning of the story. Its first lines are devoted to Kirill Petrovich Troekurov, a wealthy landowner kindly treated by the authorities. Pushkin calls Troekurov short and precise - tyrant. Indeed, the whole district suffers from his frenzied indomitable temper and cruel tricks. Kirill Petrovich does not need to ridicule, humiliate, offend everyone in a rampage. And with complete impunity. The serf gentleman is as arrogant and unprincipled as their master. Only one person keeps equal with Troekurov - old Dubrovsky, his old friend. This friendship is not clear to any of the neighbors, as well as why only with Andrei Gavrilovich, extremely independent and proud, Kirill Petrovich behaves respectfully and complacently. But an accident accident destroyed the idyll, and yesterday's good comrades became irreconcilable enemies. It is this event that sheds light on what circumstances made Vladimir Dubrovsky become a robber.

Humiliated and offended

Vladimir Dubrovsky become a robber
Kirill Petrovich conceived in his own way to put Andrei Gavrilovich in his place and punish him approximately so that everyone in the province could not think of disobeying at least something Troekurov from now on. Turning to the clerks in court, he claimed his rights to Kistenevka and the adjacent village and birch grove. The meeting in court of former comrades is one of the most tense moments in the story. It was at the moment of the announcement of the court decision that Andrei Gavrilovich went crazy, and instead of triumphing Troekurov, he felt burning shame, regret and repentance. The desire to avenge his father - that’s what made Vladimir Dubrovsky become a robber when he learned about the reasons for the old man’s mental suffering.

Bad visit

The nanny of the young heir, Yegorovna, wrote about everything that happened at home, to Petersburg, to her pupil. She begged Vladimir to come soon - to support the priest and take care of them, the unfortunate peasants whom the judges were going to transfer under the rule of the hated Troekurov. Dubrovsky Jr. immediately returned to his homeland. The meeting of father and son is described by Pushkin as sincerely loyal and loving each other people. Ironically, on the same day and hour, Troyekurov, extremely sorry for everything he had done, went to Kistenevka to ask his friend for forgiveness, offer to forget all the misunderstandings, return the documents to the estate and live as before. Seeing a carriage with his foe through the window, old Dubrovsky became very agitated and died in the arms of his son. The death of his father, the only native person, the desire to take revenge on the offenders forced Vladimir Dubrovsky to become a robber.

Fire and riot

the robber Vladimir Dubrovsky

The last straw in a fateful combination of circumstances was the arrival of a police officer with judges in Kistenevka. Vladimir faces them right after the funeral. Representatives of the authorities came to make an inventory of the property and to take possession of the estate of a new owner - Kirill Petrovich. The peasants rebelled, Dubrovsky hardly restrained them from a bloody clash with those who arrived. He had already decided what to do. When the judges settled in the house, arranged a feast on the mountain, and then fell asleep right in the dining room among food and drinks, the courtyards, by order of the young master, set fire to the house. He instantly burned. The servant closed the windows and doors so that no one could get out from the inside. Responsibility for arson and killings public opinion entrusted to the former owner of Kistenevka. And the robber Vladimir Dubrovsky, having put together a detachment of the most devoted peasants and yard people, began to raise fear at the neighboring estates, slowly getting close to his main enemy - Troekurov. Under the guise of a Frenchman Deforge, a young man enters the house of Cyril Petrovich. But love for his daughter, Masha, changes vengeful plans. After many dangerous adventures with a broken heart, Vladimir goes abroad.


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