We create origami from the modules peacock yourself

Preparation : When performing origami from the peacock modules, first familiarize yourself with the Chinese technique of creating paper models that resemble elements of a conventional designer. Prepare rectangles from colored paper; for this, the long side of an A4 sheet can be divided into eight different parts, and the short part of the sheet can be divided into only four parts. Having drawn the sheet into rectangles with a simple pencil and a ruler, you can then cut it into lines. As a result, you get rectangles of 37 × 53 millimeters in size, from which you need to assemble as many modules as possible. To make a modular origami peacock look very unusual, use colored paper of several contrasting colors to make the craft.

Creating modules : When collecting origami from peacock modules, you first need to add colored rectangles to triangular modules. The rectangle is bent in half so that its center is outlined, then the edges are bent towards the center, after which the module should be turned over and its edges raised up. At the top, you get a big triangle, and the lower corners are wrapped through it, and as a result you get a module with two pockets and two corners.

Assembly of modules : Creating origami from peacock modules begins with the assembly of paper modules among themselves, and such elements for unusual crafts are attached without glue, and the corner of one triangle is inserted into the pocket of another part of the product. Although it is easiest to assemble a paper peacock according to a ready-made scheme, you can use your own imagination by changing the shape of the bird's tail, or using the most unusual ornament. When collecting an origami peacock, start from the base of the tail of the bird, for which you will need to use 28 paper modules. The tail should resemble a huge crown, and when assembling it, it is advisable to use modules of three or four shades - white, greenish, yellow and bright pink.

You will be able to complete the simplest origami from the peacock modules if the bird’s tail is not a complete fan-shaped structure, but assembled from several strips of paper modules assembled together. And if you have already mastered the technique of creating origami from the "Chinese" triangles, you can make a more interesting paper peacock.

Since the beauty of the craft depends on the brightness and shape of the tail of the “paradise” bird, start assembling this element by creating an arched part from white triangles. From the base, you need to lay a couple more rows of paper parts, and then three triangular elements are assembled separately, which externally simulate the color of the feathers for the peacock tail, and such parts are carefully inserted into the assembled base of the tail and carefully fixed.

30 color modules will go to the assembly of the body of the bird, for this the triangles are laid out in six rows in a circle, and then on the eleven modules the paper bird’s breast is collected. In order for the peacock's chest to be neat and gradually move to the neck, in each subsequent row it is necessary to use one color module less than that used in the previous row.

The peacock neck consists of twelve rows of Chinese triangles, and in each row you can use only three parts - one green and two yellow triangles. When the neck of the bird of paradise is assembled, it is enough to attach a peacock's beak from a small red modular element. The tail is attached to an almost finished paper craft in the last turn, if desired, it can be attached with glue, but correctly assembled origami will hold perfectly without any fastening materials.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6828/

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