Objects of cultural heritage of Moscow: list, protection and restoration. Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage

In the central part of the East European Plain between the Oka and the Volga, there is the wonderful city of Moscow - the capital of our vast Motherland. This megalopolis has a lot of interesting places and objects of cultural heritage. Tens of thousands of tourists visit Moscow annually, many of whom come only for their sake. What are these places?

Moscow cultural heritage sites

History of Moscow

An interesting fact is that so far historians have not established the exact date of formation of the future capital. At one time, scientists suggested that the construction of Moscow dates back to the 9th century and was founded by Prince Oleg, but there is no documentary evidence of this version.

Therefore, it is conventionally believed that the city was founded in the XII century by Yuri Dolgoruky (the son of Vladimir Monomakh).

Erected in 1147, Moscow (the city was first mentioned in the old Russian chronicles) began its rapid development. The reason was the favorable geographical location of the combined settlements, in which the Finno-Ugric tribes lived, and after some time, representatives of the East Slavic tribal union (Vyatichi).

During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the settlement received the status of a city and became the capital of the Russian state.

In 1682, Tsar of All Russia, and later Emperor of Russia, became Peter I, who legitimized the capital of the empire built on the banks of the Neva Petersburg.

Thus, from 1712 and for 206 years, Moscow was an ordinary city. And from 1918 to the present time - the capital.

origin of name

Before listing the objects of cultural heritage of Moscow, it’s worth a few words to say about the origin of the name of the city. One of the assumptions says that the word came from the language of the Finno-Ugric tribe: “mask” (bear), “ava” (mother). This opinion is based on the fact that in ancient times many bears inhabited the territory.

The most reliable theory is that the word "Moscow" came from the ancient language of the Komi peoples: "moska" (cow), "wa" (river). This option is confirmed by the fact that the natural conditions of the area contributed to the development of cattle breeding and, probably, a herd of cows was always grazed on the banks of the river.

Megapolis nowadays

Now Moscow is a world famous metropolis with a population of more than 12 million people and covering an area of ​​2560 square meters. km

Local residents are proud of historical monuments: 566 monuments and 415 buildings related to the history of Russia.

In addition, the city has more than 60 museums, 105 theaters of various directions and many other unique objects.

The oldest part of the city occupies 27 hectares and amazes with the beauty of towers, cathedrals and palaces that attract tourists from many countries of the world.

register of cultural heritage of Moscow

Monuments of history and culture

The leadership of the Russian Federation pays great attention to the cultural heritage of Moscow.

On June 30, 2012, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev approved their list. It included objects of significant historical value.

The list of objects of cultural heritage of Moscow was formed with the participation of artists, historians, representatives of restoration services and the public. It consists of separate buildings, structures, palace and park ensembles, monasteries, temples, and is listed in all guides for guests of the capital.

Among tourists, visits to the ensemble of the Moscow Kremlin, St. Basil’s Cathedral, Novodevichy Convent, Arbat, Ostankino Tower, the estate Tsaritsyno, Kuskovo are popular.


This is not just the most famous landmark of the Russian capital, but the object of cultural heritage of Moscow and the oldest building that has survived to our time.

In the XII century, on the banks of the Neglinnaya River, at the direction of Yuri Dolgorukov, the construction of a defensive structure began, which later became one of the emblems of the capital.

Around the Kremlin, erected from logs, the future city began to grow. The first wooden buildings, according to historical documents, were the Church of St. Nicholas, the temple of Daniel the Stylite (Christian ascetic, a saint in the face of the saints).

All these structures were not preserved due to repeated fires.

In 1326, Moscow Prince Ivan Kalita began to build a stone fort. The first temple on its territory was the Assumption Cathedral.

The Kremlin has been rebuilt several times. Its territory expanded due to the construction of new structures. By the end of the XVI century, the complex takes on an almost modern look.

By the way, the Kremlin, like Red Square, is included in the list of UNESCO cultural heritage sites. There are three such significant places in Moscow - the Ascension Church in Kolomenskoye and the Ensemble of the Novodevichy Convent.

St. Basil's Cathedral

The main square of Moscow is decorated with a structure that attracts the attention of all tourists of the world - St. Basil's Cathedral. The construction began in 1555 by order of Ivan the Terrible.

At that time, there were many people in Moscow who the church ranked as saints.

Among the wandering hermits, the holy fool Vasily, who was respected by the tsar’s nobility and Ivan the Terrible himself, was especially revered.

Blessed Vasily died in 1552. Six years later, a church was erected over his grave. It is believed that this building gave the name to the temple, built in honor of the victory over the Kazan Khanate.

The religious complex, which has remained unchanged to this day, is a temple structure of eight churches, symbolizing the eight days of the battle for Kazan.

UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Moscow

Novodevichy Convent

Another building included in the register of cultural heritage of Moscow. This ensemble complex is located near Luzhniki (Sportivnaya metro station).

There is a legend that says that during the Mongol-Tatar enslavement of Russia, at this place beautiful Russian girls were selected for the Golden Horde. This belief explains the name of the current female Orthodox monastery.

The construction of the temple complex dates back to the middle of the XVI century (1524) at the direction of the Sovereign of All Russia Vasily III (father of Ivan the Terrible). Its construction was timed to the return of Smolensk to the Moscow principality.

The temple is inextricably linked with the history of Russia: at one time there was a legendary person in custody - boyar Morozov, in addition, according to the instructions of Peter I, Tsarevna Sophia spent 15 years (under the name of Susanna), who did not want to voluntarily give power to her brother.

Now tourists have the opportunity to attend church services, inspect the temple interior and spend time in the silence of the monastery park.

Tourists visiting the Novodevichy necropolis, located on the territory of the temple, is allowed only as part of the tour, where you can see the graves of famous people. As already mentioned, this is the third UNESCO cultural heritage site in Moscow.

Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage

Old Arbat

This famous place for walking is also included in the register of cultural heritage of Moscow.

In the city center is the most famous pedestrian street with a length of about 1.5 km - Old Arbat.

Historical documents indicate that in the XVI-XVII centuries on the site of a modern street there was a Kolymyazhnaya settlement (craft village) for the manufacture of carts and carts - arba.

A more convincing version is that the word came from the short form “hunchback”, which characterizes the terrain: the curved part of the road.

In the XVIII century, the Arbat was mainly inhabited by artisans and merchants.

In the middle of the XIX century, the noble nobility began to settle here, and the street gradually began to represent a quiet and calm part of the city, where stone and wooden mansions were built, surrounded by gardens.

At different times, Sergey Rakhmaninov, Alexander Scriabin, Leo Tolstoy, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin and many other famous people of Russia lived here.

Now Old Arbat is a pedestrian zone. Many souvenir shops among museums of different directions, street artists, musicians, singers create an indelible impression on tourists.

List of cultural heritage of Moscow

Ostankino tower

It is considered a modern unique building. Ostankino
the television tower, despite its relatively young history, is included in the register by the department of state protection of cultural heritage.

The chief designer and author of the project was a scientist in the field of building structures Nikolai Nikitin. He also invented the very shape of the future tower - in the form of an inverted lily with a thick stem.

In 1963 (the beginning of construction), the building was considered the highest in the world.
Now this tower is considered one of the tallest structures in the central part of Europe.

The television tower, built over four years, began broadcasting television programs on November 7, 1967.

Tourists are given the opportunity to inspect the Ostankino structure as part of the tour, where the guide will tell you that the height of the structure is 540 meters and the total weight along with the foundation is 51,400 tons.

City guests can take the elevator to the observation deck, located at an altitude of 340 meters, as well as visit the Seventh Heaven restaurant. A feature of this three-story drinking establishment is rotation around its axis at a speed of one revolution in 45 minutes.

restoration of cultural heritage in Moscow

Mansion "Tsaritsyno"

The Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites included 21 mansions in the list of historically significant places.

The most visited is the Tsaritsyno palace and park complex (Tsaritsyno metro station).

Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage

The palace was built in the XVIII century and was intended as a suburban residence of Catherine II. After the complete restoration of the cultural heritage site in Moscow (completed in 2007), this building is used as the Tsaritsyno History Museum.

On the territory of the palace are the Tsaritsyno Pond and the landscape park, a walk through which will give pleasure to tourists of any age.

Mansion "Kuskovo"

One of the favorite vacation spots of Muscovites and guests of the capital is the estate of Kuskovo. The address of the cultural heritage site of Moscow is Yunosti Street (Novogireevo metro station).

For 400 years, the palace building belonged to the Sheremetevs (representatives of the ancient boyar clan).

After the restoration, two museums were opened in the building : the Ceramics Museum and the Kuskovo Estate Museum. Tourists will be interested to take a walk in the French park, which is considered the most picturesque and oldest park in the capital of the Russian Federation.

You can talk for a long time about the historically significant places of this wonderful city. The Department for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites of Moscow compiled an impressive list of them. But above were listed those that really need to be visited at least once in life by every person who is interested in the history of our country.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6830/

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