The theme of love in the works of Bunin Ivan Alekseevich

The problem of deep human feelings is very important for a writer, especially for one who subtly feels and vividly experiences. Therefore, the theme of love in the works of Bunin plays a significant role. She devoted many pages of his creations to her. The true feeling and eternal beauty of nature is often consonant and equivalent in the writer's works. The theme of love in the works of Bunin goes next to the theme of death. Strong feelings are not only joyful, they often disappoint a person, cause torment and torment, which can lead to deep depression and even death.

The theme of love in Bunin’s work

The theme of love in Bunin's work is often associated with the theme of betrayal, because death for a writer is not only a physical condition, but also a psychological category. He who betrayed his own or others' strong feelings died forever for them, although he continues to eke out his miserable physical existence. Life without love is fresh and uninteresting. But not everyone is able to test it, as not everyone passes the test with it.

An example of how the theme of love is expressed in the works of Bunin, can serve as the story "Sunstroke" (1925).

It was a sunstroke that resembled in its strength the feeling that gripped the lieutenant and the little tanned woman on the deck of the ship. He suddenly invited her to go to the nearest marina. They went ashore together.

To describe the passionate feelings experienced by the heroes at the meeting, the author uses the following epithets: “impulsively”, “idle”; verbs: "rushed", "suffocated." The narrator explains that their feelings were also strong because the heroes had never experienced anything like this in their lives. That is, feelings are endowed with exclusivity and uniqueness.

love problem

A joint morning at the hotel is as follows: sunny, hot, happy. This happiness is set off by the ringing of bells, revived by a bright bazaar on the hotel square with various smells: hay, tar, the complex smelling of a Russian county town. Portrait of a heroine: small, a stranger, like a seventeen-year-old girl (you can roughly indicate the age of the heroine - about thirty). She is not inclined to embarrassment, is cheerful, simple and reasonable.

She tells the lieutenant about the eclipse, the impact. The hero does not yet understand her words, the “blow” on him has not yet shown its effect. He escorts her and still returns “carefree and easy” to the hotel, as the author says, but something is already changing in his mood.

For a gradual increase in anxiety, the description of the number was used: empty, not that strange, a cup of tea she had not finished. The sense of loss is enhanced by the still-weathered smell of her English cologne. Verbs describe the growing excitement of the lieutenant: the heart clenched with tenderness, hurries to smoke, slams itself with a stack on the shafts of boots, walks back and forth around the room, a phrase about a strange adventure, tears in his eyes.

works of bunin

Feelings are growing, they need a way out. The hero needs to isolate himself from their source. He covers the unmade bed with a screen, closes the windows so as not to hear now the bazaar noise that at first he liked so much. And suddenly, to death, he wanted to come to the city where she lives, but realizing that this was impossible, he felt pain, horror, despair and the complete uselessness of his life without her.

The problem of love is most clearly expressed in forty stories of the cycle about the dark alleys that make up the whole encyclopedia of feelings. They reflect their diversity, which occupies the writer. Of course, tragedy is more common on the pages of the cycle. But the author praises the harmony of love, the fusion, the inextricability of male and female principles. As a true poet, the author is constantly looking for her, but, unfortunately, does not always find it.

Bunin 's works on love reveal to us his non-trivial approach to their description. He listens to the sounds of love, peers into its images, guesses the silhouettes, trying to recreate the fullness and gamut of the complex nuances of the relationship between a man and a woman.


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