What does yarrow look like? Yarrow: description and photo of the plant

This plant is known to almost everyone since childhood. At first glance, it might seem that the yarrow is of true Russian origin. But this is not so. Yarrow did not immediately gain popularity in Russia. He was called in different ways: a sock, a sneezer, a blood-spot. Each new popular nickname reflected the healing properties of yarrow. This plant has gained widespread use in folk medicine, floriculture and decorative arts.

The Yarrow Legend

what the yarrow looks like

There are many legends about yarrow. Even small children knew them, not yet knowing what a yarrow plant looks like. One legend says that a certain carpenter Joseph often wounded his hands while working. It was this circumstance that made the man turn to the medicinal properties of yarrow. With the help of this plant, the carpenter quickly healed his wounds and safely returned to work. From the lips of Joseph and other people learned about the miraculous grass. In those places, residents are still called the yarrow "the grass of St. Joseph."

What does yarrow grass look like?

what does yarrow grass look like

This is a representative of a perennial plant. Yarrow belongs to the family Asteraceae or Astrovidae. An adult bush reaches a height of 25 to 60 centimeters. It has a straight stem, sometimes slightly ribbed. The stem at the top curls slightly. The leaves of the plant are twice pinnately dissected into many small parts. They are located alternately, have a lanceent or linear shape. It is because of the leaves that the yarrow acquired its name.

Yarrow Inflorescences

what does yarrow grass look like
Yarrow has small flowers. Usually they are white or pink. All of them are collected in inflorescences-baskets, due to which a common large inflorescence appears on the tops of the shoots. In the basket there are reed flowers from the edge - female, middle ones - tubular, of both sexes.

Yarrow blooms all summer, pollinating with insects. He is especially loved by bees, considering it an excellent honey plant. Biologists count over 100 species of yarrow. It grows in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Yarrow is most common in the mountains, meadows, on the outskirts of the fields, at the edges of the forest zone and in the steppes.

Medicinal properties of yarrow

what the yarrow plant looks like
So, you already know what a yarrow looks like. The photo eloquently suggests that this is a lovely field plant. But as mentioned above, it also has medicinal properties.

Yarrow description will be incomplete if not to mention the taste of this plant. It is bitter, but rather fragrant. Due to this, yarrow juice is used in the absence of appetite.

It is good to take the infusion of a medicinal plant for gastritis with low acidity. In addition, the juice is applied to fresh bleeding wounds. The flowers of the plant are brewed as tea and drunk with gynecological diseases. With cystitis and stomach cramps, a decoction of yarrow leaves is prepared.

The medicinal properties of the plant allow it to be used in the treatment of flu and colds. Yarrow has a beneficial effect on all body systems. In cardiovascular diseases, its diuretic properties are appreciated to lower blood pressure.

In diseases of the respiratory system, yarrow raw materials are used as a diaphoretic. With bleeding of various etiologies, with diseases of the urinary tract, burns, yarrow medicines are irreplaceable helpers.

yarrow description

Amateur gardeners are happy to recognize yarrow gardening. The plant is actively used for group plantings and looks elegantly cut. Connoisseurs of beauty often form winter bouquets of yarrow.

There are different types of yarrow. You already know what the yarrow looks like. There are undersized varieties of this plant. They are ideal for lawn decoration. After all, these colorful babies are very tenacious and tolerate temperature extremes.

However, this variety is most prone to excessive self-sowing. If this is not stopped, then soon the yarrow will recapture the impressive part of your site. Therefore, it is recommended to remove old inflorescences in a timely manner.


Yarrow "pearl" is able to give your garden a luxurious elegant look. What does yarrow look like? This is also a low bush, decorated with terry white flowers. If you look at the bush from afar, then it can be mistaken for a very fluffy cloud.

In addition to a seductive appearance, this yarrow is unpretentious. It grows equally well in a sunny and shady place. Gardeners use it both in single plantings, and in group.

All yarrow species have an unusual property - to extract sulfur from the soil and distribute it between neighboring plants. Therefore, all the flowers growing next to the yarrow will delight the eye with their fragrance.

Cherry Queen

yarrow plant description

Another popular variety is the Cherry Queen. Visually, it looks like an ordinary yarrow, but slightly higher, and the flowers are more saturated in colors. Decorators have successfully used the popular yarrow to create a variety of lawns.

The bright flowers of the β€œcherry queen” blend beautifully with blue and purple plants. Yarrow clusters look great against the background of emerald foliage in harmony with neighboring flowers.


yarrow plant description

Recently, the variety "red velveteen" is especially in demand. If the question arose about what the yarrow looks like, the photo shows the answer: in the form of numerous flowers of a juicy color.

The flowers of the plant may be light pink or white. This species does not look like ordinary yarrow. "Red velveteen" is moody, he prefers only sunny areas. But this species retains its decorative effect throughout the summer - until mid-autumn. This makes it a real decoration for any garden plot.

Even if there is a cold ahead, and you had a desire to leave the memory of a yarrow, ikebana is an excellent way out in this situation! You can show all the riot of fantasy and make a composition by combining yarrow with other garden and field plants. Some gardeners mix several types of yarrow and get a chic autumn ikebana.

So, you learned that the cultivated yarrow varieties are used as ornamental plants. Recall that their progenitor is an ordinary yarrow. A description of its healing properties was given earlier.

In addition to the fact that the infusion of yarrow herb is able to lower blood pressure, it is used as an anti-inflammatory, wound healing agent. Despite the fact that it is desirable to collect wild yarrow for therapeutic and prophylactic use, many grow it at home. Single sections should be selected for planting.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

What you need to know when harvesting this grass for the winter? Yarrow (the description of the plant makes this clear) is used completely - stems, leaves, flowers. A favorable time to collect medicinal herbs is from June to August.

Take pruning shears or long scissors. Carefully cut the soft tops of the shoots (about 15 centimeters) with flowers. Cut the finished raw materials into pieces and lay them on linen cloth in a shady place. As soon as the stems are dry and break with a crunch, transfer the raw materials to a glass jar for further storage.

Yarrow Care


Yarrow (and its other varieties) is undemanding to growing conditions. It is best to use well-lit areas to plant this plant. But if this is not possible, then even in the shade the yarrow will not feel discomfort.

The plant easily adapts to various soils, but it is best if it is a calcareous, sufficiently moist soil. In dry weather, yarrow should be watered regularly. 4 years after planting, the plant can be planted.

Yarrow propagation method - seeds, cuttings and division. The most common and convenient is dividing the bush. This procedure is recommended every 2 years.

The most favorable seasons are spring and autumn. In summer, you can do propagation by cuttings. First, a small part should be separated from the yarrow bush, placed in the ground and watered. Reproduction by seeds is more difficult.

The most acceptable way is to sow yarrow at home in a suitable container, and plant already grown flowers on the flowerbed. If you sow the plant directly on the flower bed, then the young yarrow can be confused with weed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F6838/

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