Signs of good weather. Signs of better weather

Unfortunately, the weather forecast from the weather bureau is not always accurate. However, in order to predict what the future holds for us, it is not at all necessary to be a weather forecaster. Even in ancient times, our ancestors could have foreseen rain, thunder or drought, focusing on the prompts of the world around us. So, the signs of good weather are determined by the sun, the behavior of animals and many other factors, with the accuracy that special instruments will envy. Let's recall a number of popular signs, with which you can make your own forecast for tomorrow.

What sunsets and sunrises tell us about

The prediction of good and inclement weather is often carried out by sunset or ascent of the main heavenly body. So, watching a clear sunrise with the bright rays of the early sun in bright colors, you can be sure that in the coming days you will have great, warm weather without precipitation. The same conditions promise the sunset of the solar disk without clouds, only the forecast will be calculated the next day. If in the evening hours, before sunset and some time after it, the sky takes on a reddish hue, you should know: the night will be very fine, hot and almost windless.

signs of good weather

About the meaning of clouds and clouds

Signs of good weather are often reflected in the arrangement of clouds in the sky. So, everyone knows that the low black clouds will certainly burst with rain and a terrible thunderstorm. But small cumulus clouds located at a height promise only good weather. If by the evening they disappear altogether, then tomorrow you should wait for the heat. This statement is true primarily for the summer season. Light cirrus clouds are also a harbinger of a great day, but a layered gray veil, as a rule, is a sign of prolonged inclement weather.

signs of good and bad weather

How to predict the onset of heat

You came to relatives in the village, and outside the window - heavy rains, the weather is gray and very dreary? Well, this situation is quite common in the summer in the middle lane. Do not despair, just try to find signs of better weather outside the window, it's not at all difficult.

To begin with, just look at the sky: a continuous veil of clouds means endless inclement weather, however, if the clouds began to crumble into parts, become more transparent, it is quite possible that the sun will soon come out. An increase in pressure and a change in wind direction are also often a harbinger of imminent warming.

Be sure to pay attention to the behavior of animals. So, the birds begin to sing some time before the rain stops. Spiders that reopen the hunting season, as well as bees gathered to feast on the nectar of flowers, can become harbingers of heat.

signs of better weather

Signs promising the preservation of excellent weather

There are also peculiar signs of maintaining good weather. So, if the sky is clear in the morning, during the day the clouds are rare and stand at a considerable height, and dissolve closer to sunset, then the heat and lack of rain will reign for a long time.

If you are trying to guess the weather forecast for the coming days in the coastal area, pay attention to the fact that cumulus clouds in such areas swirl only above land, if they appear above the sea surface, warm days can be replaced by bad weather.

In addition, the following signs also indicate that the coming days will please you with warmth:

  1. Pale pink dawn.
  2. Bright moon and stars, lack of clouds at night.
  3. Abundant night dew or fog early in the morning, disappearing without a trace after sunrise.
  4. Bird singing in the forest and frogs croaking in the swamps.
  5. High activity of insects.
  6. Abundant flowering of plants, their buds are wide open, but smell moderate.

signs and signs of good weather

How to identify imminent cold

In fact, it is important to know not only the signs of better weather, but also the signs of its deterioration, this will allow you to plan a weekend in nature, hiking, picnics or fishing. Thus, a sharp decrease in pressure over several consecutive days is a sure sign of the coming cooling and the onset of the rainy season. Solid layered clouds appear in the sky, located at a small height from the ground, a strong wind can rise and calm down.

In rural areas, you may notice an increase in the activity of frogs and toads. These freshwater croaks loudly, selected from water bodies on land. In addition, rapid movement begins in rivers and ponds. Fish can jump out of the water, splash around, hunt, swim on the surface. As for plants, their smell becomes clearer, although the buds begin to close.

prediction of good and inclement weather

The predictions of our smaller brothers

Signs of good and bad weather are determined not only by environmental factors. If you observe the behavior of animals, you can find many interesting patterns. So, if hens, ducks and geese, as well as cattle return from pasture towards the house after school hours, it will rain soon.

The evidence of the approaching rainfall can be moles, which begin to actively dig the earth and throw its excess to the surface. But midges and mosquitoes, which mercilessly bother you at sunset, on the contrary, promise pleasant warmth and dry days, before bad weather insects try to appear much less often.

The signs that the cat is hiding on the stove to the coming frosts, and the pain in the place of a healed fracture in a person to weather changes, mainly for the worse, that is, to heavy and prolonged rain, became classic.

signs of good weather

Signs of lingering cold

Now that we have found out the most characteristic signs of good weather, it's time to talk about what a long bad weather portends us. First of all, these prerequisites include:

  1. Steady low pressure (at least two days in a row).
  2. The presence in the sky of continuous layered clouds, a gray veil that has no breaks.
  3. Poor visibility of any celestial bodies (whether it is the moon, stars or the sun).
  4. Representatives of the fauna world lead a passive lifestyle, flower buds are tightly closed.

Interesting signs about good and bad weather

Finally, we present the most interesting signs of good and bad weather. Some of them are known to many, while the other is almost forgotten. So, let's recall some interesting signs:

  1. If frosts set in the east wind, they will last at least a few days.
  2. The harbinger of a winter cold is frequent and light snow.
  3. Water in the sea takes on a dark color - which means that soon a storm or storm will break out.
  4. During rain, smoke rises or spreads over the ground - it is likely that bad weather will drag on for several days in a row.
  5. Two rainbows in the sky mean that in a couple of days it will begin to rain heavily, but the colorful arc at sunset, on the contrary, will tell you about the excellent weather for the coming day.
  6. If in winter the stars sparkle in the sky especially brightly, expect the most severe colds.

signs of good weather in the summer and at other times of the year

Other signs of natural phenomena

There are not only signs of good weather or signs of bad weather, some observations can be classified as neutral. So, swift flights of birds in various directions portend a strong wind. The harbinger of this same weather phenomenon is the red dawn. If the dew lies on the grass for a long time and does not dry out, it means that quite a severe thunderstorm will soon begin. Full calm, lack of wind, excellent audibility of sounds even at a considerable distance can serve as evidence of such a storm.

There are some signs and signs of good weather in the winter. Thus, persistent frosts promise stratified clouds, overlaid the sky in the evening. But the clouds, resembling stripes, serve as heralds of an imminent increase in temperature and the beginning of snowfall. A symbol of the same weather phenomena is the heavenly formations of blue color, heavy snow often comes from such clouds.

A few words in conclusion

Signs of good weather in the summer and at other times of the year allow us to navigate perfectly and not depend on forecasts of the weather service. Such predictions have been tested by our ancestors for many centuries, and their accuracy sometimes makes us wonder. Pay attention to the world around us, representatives of flora and fauna, the sky, clouds, sunrises and sunsets, as well as a bright rainbow. Every living creature and natural phenomenon is ready to tell what the next day is preparing for us in terms of weather conditions. The main thing is to be able to understand such clues and correctly interpret their meaning.


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