Hotel project for 10-50 rooms. Design Features

The construction of a hotel complex or even a small hotel requires a separate approach to the planning of premises. It is important to consider not only the internal arrangement of the rooms, but also the corridors, the hall, and even the utility rooms. Therefore, the hotel project is drawn up, focusing first on the needs of future guests and taking into account the convenience of service staff.

hotel project

Hotel Types

It must be said that initially the designers did not focus on the number of stars or other insignia of hotels. First of all, you need to determine the total area and the estimated number of visitors. For example, mini-hotel projects should rationally use the free space, while large hotels can afford spacious rooms and even terraces.

Hotels with 10 rooms

Buildings of this type are considered the most compact and are often created with their own specific service. Some hotel projects with 10 rooms often do not have separate bathrooms in the rooms, but suggest their location in the form of a unit for several users. They also minimize the space for registering visitors.

mini hotel projects

If the rooms themselves are equipped with a toilet and shower, then during their design, special attention should be paid to communication systems. They should not take up much space, it is best to bring them to two separate risers. It is also worth thinking about organizing a separate shutdown of at least several sections.

Some projects of hotels with 10 rooms are in the form of an ordinary house, but with an extensive system of rooms. Such a solution justifies itself on the part of both saving space and comfort for customers. The result is a cozy home-style hotel, where people meet in the morning in the common dining room, and in the evening can chat in the living room.

hotel projects for 10 rooms

20 room hotels

When creating a hotel project with 20 rooms, it is important to understand that for such a number of visitors it is already necessary to have attendants. Given this, you should immediately take care of the allocation of premises for his rest, storage of personal belongings and meals. You also need to create a room for a warehouse and other similar premises.

Most often, such hotels are made either in the form of a house on several floors or they have rooms under one roof, but on the entire area. Usually the owners of such hotels try to save space and prefer the first version. However, if there is a conversation about roadside establishments, then such a project of a hotel with 20 rooms implies the presence of a large parking lot, which can be surrounded by separate buildings.

50 room and more hotels

These designs belong to full-fledged hotel complexes and, in addition to ordinary rooms, have a number of additional facilities and facilities. Such buildings are erected on several floors, trying to arrange everything necessary for maintenance in the basement or at the basement level. Typical projects of hotels with 50 rooms, usually on the ground floor, have a spacious lounge, left-luggage offices, places for relaxation and a host of other areas necessary for receiving guests.

hotel project with 20 rooms

Also, such hotels often have their own restaurant, designed not only for guests. It is located on the ground floor and is equipped with an additional separate entrance. In fact, the plan of the restaurant itself is a separate project, and they develop it, focusing on the ready-made space reserved for the manufacture of the main building.

Almost all such complexes provide a number of additional services, which include laundry, massage, gym and much more. Therefore, when creating hotel projects for 50 rooms, this moment must be taken into account, especially if the room needs communications.

Hotel Design Principles

Typical placement of rooms assumes the presence of a long corridor along which the rooms are located. Such a hotel project is considered the most common, and it is used almost throughout the world. The fact is that it is thanks to him that you can save maximum space and create amenities for future visitors and maintenance staff. However, there are other principles of the arrangement of rooms, suggesting a special design or level of comfort.


Most often these are mini-hotel projects. They are made in the form of two-story buildings with terraces on both levels. These structures serve as a normal open corridor. Moreover, this placement of rooms involves the creation of a separate administrative structure with a small store. Canteens or restaurants are usually not provided in such cases.

hotel projects with 50 rooms


Very often , hotel projects , hotels suggest the availability of several rooms for wealthy customers. They are located on a separate floor and can have their own administrator desk and even a separate guard and a servant. At the same time, given the dimensions of these rooms, there can only be two.

Some hotel owners, when designing these floors, insist on creating a separate entrance from the parking lot. It is very convenient if the hotel is visited by pop stars or politicians. If this is not possible, it is proposed to make a special elevator with closed access.


Such a hotel project is rare. However, if it is possible to make such a structural change, then this is worth using. The fact is that in this area it is very convenient to create luxury rooms for wealthy clients or rent them out for banquets and holidays.

Given this specificity, it is very important to properly organize access for visitors to this floor. Therefore, such projects often include the presence of freight and passenger elevators. However, do not forget about the fire safety rules and take into account the possibility of emergency evacuation.

Room furnishings

Usually a hotel room project is created depending on the desired level of comfort. However, if we talk about the average conditions for living in standard hotels, then you should pay attention to the mandatory criteria inherent in these areas.

hotel room design


  • First of all, the room must have a bathroom. Almost all hotel construction projects take this into account and take care in advance of summing up all the necessary communications.
  • The area of ​​the bathroom is determined based on the dimensions of the entire room allocated for the organization of the room. Given this, many hotel owners are trying to save money and plan to install a shower, which greatly saves space. This is especially important if the redevelopment of an old building is planned, and not construction from the foundation.
  • A typical layout requires at least one window. However, it is worth remembering that it is not recommended to install a bed under it, which means that there should be enough free space in the room. This is often taken into account even at the design stage, shifting the window as close to one of the walls as possible when there is one bed or installing it in the center taking into account two berths.
  • In general, the layout of such rooms is very individual and depends on the personal preferences of the owners. At the same time, there are certain directories issued by well-known publications that offer to adhere to certain principles in this area. It is believed that the uniformity of standard rooms does not cause discomfort or inconvenience to people who are on a regular trip and using such services.

hotel projects


When creating a hotel project, it is very important to consider the arrangement of furniture and household appliances in the rooms. This is required in order to properly summarize the necessary communication and understand what dimensions of the room are needed.

The standard furnishings in the room require at least a bed, a chair, a table and clothes hangers. At the same time, many hotel owners install a refrigerator, minibar, wardrobe and even a TV. Such filling the number requires proper placement and additional space.

Recommendations of specialists

  • Before proceeding with the development of the project, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the fire safety regulations of a particular region and the requirements of the sanitary service. They can be very different from each other, not only in different countries, but also in regions, which is associated with climate change. At the same time, these recommendations and rules must be strictly observed during development, so that the building can be commissioned.
  • If the hotel plans to receive a certain number of stars, then it needs to have all the services that a particular category suggests. Therefore, before sitting down to the blueprints, it is very important to study the requirements of specific publications and authoritative critics, in order to take into account, among other things, the shortcomings that were found even in well-known and respectable hotels.
  • If we are talking about a small hotel or replanning an ordinary house into a hotel, then in this case it is very important to save free space, but at the same time not to create cramped conditions for future residents. As a result, the level of comfort will affect the cost of living and the income of the entire enterprise. The most responsible owners of such buildings attract even economists and marketers to the development of the project.
  • It is important to remember that some types of such buildings are subject to mandatory registration and approval in the relevant services. Therefore, it is very important to know all the requirements in advance and make coordination at the development stage.


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